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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Reports are coming that operation is still not complete. This is sad and dangerous.
ANI ‏@ANI_news 2m2 minutes ago
Operation still continuing, engagement on and operation will continue till airbase is cleared of any intruders,terrorists-JS Dhamoon

ANI ‏@ANI_news 2m2 minutes ago
Operation is still on and will continue till we are sure that there are no more intruders at Air Force station: JS Dhamoon AOC, Pathankot

ANI ‏@ANI_news 4m4 minutes ago
Seven people martyred, one Garud, five DSC jawans and one NSG-JS Dhamoon AOC, Pathankot


RIP to the martyrs
You are living in fool's paradise if you think the Indian Army has any say in India's foreign policy towards Pakistan. Had the Army been so powerful, there had never been shortfalls of Arms and Ammunitions. Unfortunately, the foreign policy of India vis a vis Pakistan is the sole ownership of Babus sitting in their AC rooms.

We had intelligence, yet we had so many casulties. The only difference I found between Modi and MMS is that the former atleast talks. See the history, whether its BJP or Congress, the foreign policy has remained the same.

I hate the presstitutes as much as you do yet that is actually not the point. Modi came to power talking about a tough stance towards Pak but what we are seeing is nothing different from MMS.
I agree on few points and disagree on few. Our military does have combined say in talks along with Intel agencies now. Yes babus still held power but they are in way better in check than what was in MMS era.
Is this how Indian security forces work? Since there was no firing, that means "all okay", lets wrap the mission and go home back. Marvellous!

Relevant question.. If combing was not stopped than why such a ambiguous statement.. If it was stopped was it bcz we estimated wrong.. or was it bcz it was too late and the encounter was already almost reaching 24 hours..

I am sure that angle has to be analysed why with the logic no firing meaning all clear types..
but that fire is not from a grenade attack.....some thing is burning....since its an airbase ...g
I am posting pics of some more grenade attacks.It looks similar to the one I posted earlier.


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@Great Sachin : Was that statement necessary? take a glass of water bro.. You are overflowing with anger and emotions
Relevant question.. If combing was not stopped than why such a ambiguous statement.. If it was stopped was it bcz we estimated wrong.. or was it bcz it was too late and the encounter was already almost reaching 24 hours..

I am sure that angle has to be analysed why with the logic no firing meaning all clear types..

its just unprofessional to tell your PM that all the gunmen where neutralised and then he makes the statement confirming it yet next day they are 2 more gunmen.

Something doesn't make sense, why did the IA wait until the morning to comb through each room. its standard procedure to immediately comb through each room and after gunmen take a building or a place hostage. the whole combing out procedure is don't within a few hours as you send extra number of personal inn once u are sure that the fight is over and u want the army to search the premises.
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I am posting pics of some more grenade attacks.It looks similar to the one I posted earlier.
View attachment 284592

View attachment 284591

omg.....grenade is small bomb you keep in your pocket and through with hand....you sure these picks are of grenade attacks??
1st one is probably from an IED
2nd pick looks more like an artillary strike...
The Fake picture from either Syira or Iraq was posted by you. Further, it's not from some Kashmir Newspaper. :lol:

Terrorist apologist use such Pics to spread their propaganda. You did it to & other fell for it. :sick:
Check This looser.

The picture posted by you is Fake - Pathetic attempt by you. :tdown:
Considering IA has nothing going on at the moment in terms off fighting an insurgency like Pakistani army has to deal with. 2 days to clear 6 guys looks very unprofessional !

Sadly your last statement makes me feel you are not so neutral as your two UK flags suggest.. If in case you do have some ancestry to either of our countries, pls do not feel ashamed to endorse it.. We subcontinent ppl should be proud that our parents belong to either of the countries..

BTW about ops being long - i agree with you.. need to review the whole ops to see what were the lacunae..
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