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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Don't worry Pakistan has done well in the last few decades to remove all doubt about "this crap".
GPS data and call recordings are foolish to you too?
Yes we are not going to send anything signalling back to us as for GPS even that can be tempered with or even placed their
No i wasnt being sarcastic.
I am assuming this attack was planned in a shot span of time. Usually such attacks are expected around 26th Jan, so its possible that they preponed their attack and ergo the lack in training.

Some media are claiming its actually revenge ops for Afzal Guru hanging.. but then again hanging happened a while back.. U normally get retaliatory attacks in a short time not so long.

there is a added threat of ISIS for 26th Jan when Prez Hollande is visiting.. Anyways 2 suspected JeM terrorists are believed to be in New Delhi and is in contact with a sleeper cell.. whether they go silent or does something only time will say.. But yes threat perception now till 26th jan will be high..
Some media are claiming its actually revenge ops for Afzal Guru hanging.. but then again hanging happened a while back.. U normally get retaliatory attacks in a short time not so long.

there is a added threat of ISIS for 26th Jan when Prez Hollande is visiting.. Anyways 2 suspected JeM terrorists are believed to be in New Delhi and is in contact with a sleeper cell.. whether they go silent or does something only time will say.. But yes threat perception now till 26th jan will be high..
I meant Modi's visit to Pakistan might have caused the urgency in the attack.
Firstly, let me condemn this attack outright. I wholehearted sympathize with the families of the Indian jawans who lost their lives.

In my view, some kind of response from the elements, who are against Pak-India rapprochement, was always on the cards as soon as news of the Modi's stopover to Lahore was announced. In a way it is preferable that terrorists attack military installations where soldiers can fight back, it would have been much worse if these subhuman scums would have targeted innocent civilians.

Such attacks serve no other purpose except to derail engagement between Indian & Pakistan. I hope that that Indian Think Tanks have people who are capable of calm and objective analysis and realize that breaking of high level talks will in fact achieve goal of the perpetrators of this dastardly attack.
Four days and the base is still not cleared, what are your forces doing anyway?
Sir, they can't go on blind shooting spree. The whole operation is taking place inside a residential area and any surgical cleaning operation will lead to serious collateral damage, unless done systematically.
Must be some kind of a record I presume.
Well if there are Zero casualties on civilian side (even at the cost of loosing brave men from security forces), it is a record we can be mighty proud off.
Well if there are Zero casualties on civilian side (even at the cost of loosing brave men from security forces), it is a record we can be mighty proud off.
I think attacking civilian is not their mission otherwise they have ample time to blast few residential blocks but again if they need this no need to go to heavily armed base on streets they easily target many civilians but they attack the base just to hold their as long as possible to highlight their cause. Even they can target Jets also but they did't do that.
I've been hearing about Khalistan sporadically from you for years now, please tell me exactly what is the status of MY holy nation then? I'm asking you, of course, because I don't see anyone else giving two $hits about this figment of some people's imagination, outside of PDF and you seem to be the most prominent supporter/insider.

"When all efforts to restore peace prove useless and no words avail, lawful is the flash of steel, it is right to draw the sword."-Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Source: Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen. | Page 152
Firstly, let me condemn this attack outright. I wholehearted sympathize with the families of the Indian jawans who lost their lives.

In my view, some kind of response from the elements, who are against Pak-India rapprochement, was always on the cards as soon as news of the Modi's stopover to Lahore was announced. In a way it is preferable that terrorists attack military installations where soldiers can fight back, it would have been much worse if these subhuman scums would have targeted innocent civilians.

Such attacks serve no other purpose except to derail engagement between Indian & Pakistan. I hope that that Indian Think Tanks have people who are capable of calm and objective analysis and realize that breaking of high level talks will in fact achieve goal of the perpetrators of this dastardly attack.

Sir talks would happen surely.. We cannot let scums win over India Pakistan peace initiatives...
it is very heartening that GOI and GOP were in constant touch especially the NSA Janjua and NSA Doval. It speaks volume about the trust factor they have in their respective sincerity for peace initiatives.
@Levina Seems Lt.Col.Niranjan Kumar is from Palakkad...
Pathankot martyr Lt Colonel Niranjan Kumar cremated with state honours
PTI/Twitter | January 05, 2016, 13.25 pm IST

Hundreds of people gathered at the home of Lt Colonel Niranjan Kumar in Kerala's Palakkad on Tuesday morning to bid farewell to the National Security Guard officer, who died on Sunday while defusing a grenade after terrorists attacked an air force base in Pathankot.

Amid slogans of 'Bharat mata ki jai', the mortal remains of Pathankot martyr Garud Commando Gursewak Singh were consigned to flames at his native town in the district on Monday with full military honours.

The martyr's family members were inconsolable as Hardeep, the elder brother of 25-year-old Gursewak, lit the funeral pyre. Rich tributes were paid to the martyr who was also accorded a gun salute.

Earlier as the final journey of the martyr, who got married in November last year, began for the cremation ground, Gursewak's mother Amrik Kaur fainted several times while his widow Jaspreet Kaur was inconsolable.

“Dad! I am on an operation,” were the last words of Lt. Colonel Niranjan Kumar to his father Shivarajan E.K., who called his 35-year-old son on Saturday afternoon.

Shivarajan was anxiously waiting for his son to return the call, hoping that the operations would get over soon. But, he was left heart broken when the news of his son’s death reached him on Sunday morning.

“I was not aware that my son was in the operation fighting terrorists. I called him on Saturday to discuss a few things related to the family when he just said - ‘Dad! I am on an operation’,” said Mr Shivarajan, proud father of Lt. Col. Kumar.

Lt. Colonel Niranjan Kumar, a member of the National Security Guard’s (NSG) Bomb Disposal Squad, was killed while he was trying to defuse a live grenade from the body of a dead terrorist at the Pathankot airbase.
Pathankot martyr Lt Colonel Niranjan Kumar cremated with state honours | Deccan Chronicle

Rest in Peace Brave Heart.
I have a suspicion that its an inside job.... hence the cover up and prolonged op
is the operation still ongoing? if so why on earth is it taking so long?
also what are the casualty's
I think attacking civilian is not their mission otherwise they have ample time to blast few residential blocks but again if they need this no need to go to heavily armed base on streets they easily target many civilians but they attack the base just to hold their as long as possible to highlight their cause. Even they can target Jets also but they did't do that.
The usual tactics are to attack any high value target and that automatically guarantees media attention. We have seen in Mumbai attacks when terrorists came spraying bullets in whatever came in their way, without bothering if thse who were killed were civilians or security forces.
I'm sorry to use the words but these days higher the casualties more is the interest it generates world wide. Goons have little agenda and i'm not sure these brain washed idiots have any kind of idea if killing is anyway of achieving any kind of political goal.
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