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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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is the operation still ongoing? if so why on earth is it taking so long?
also what are the casualty's
Well Combing ops is ON
terror teams were 2 with first team of 4 annihilated.. 2nd team 2 hostiles eliminated ydy.
There may be more members in Team 2 so ops combing whole pathankot is ON
7 Martyrs so far.. injured list is not updated beyond Saturday/Sunday but around 20 quoting media sources.
Yes you right but the lapses were mainly due to State machinery and police level security Op was accurate Even the intel war very pin pointed but the system failed on the ground

I would suspect there would be unhappiness / jealousy in Indian Armed Forces and various organs of the administration over the highly centralized / dictatorial manner that Modi-Amit Shah-Duval team operate. The armed forces do not take kindly to people causing disruption in the chain of command, and efforts to command formations/units over the heads of relevant commanders / HQs. We saw Field Marshal Duval in action in the highly exaggerated Burma "raid".With unverified and contested claims of James Bond like activities, Duval has projected himself as an Indian Batman. But this is India. The institutions that he tries to undermine are age-old.
Well Combing ops is ON
terror teams were 2 with first team of 4 annihilated.. 2nd team 2 hostiles eliminated ydy.
There may be more members in Team 2 so ops combing whole pathankot is ON
7 Martyrs so far.. injured list is not updated beyond Saturday/Sunday but around 20 quoting media sources.
thanks man its hard knowing the real figures as the media is giving out differant numbers and its hard to figure out who right and who's wrong.
Did they manage to get it clear now ? come on guys , its just 5 people you want to get hold off from last 4-5 days ..

already 7 indian ppl have died ... and still no control what so ever .. ?

if you cant we can sent few punjabi police walay .. they can handle them ..
The usual tactics are to attack any high value target and that automatically guarantees media attention. We have seen in Mumbai attacks when terrorists came spraying bullets in whatever came in their way, without bothering if thse who were killed were civilians or security forces.
I'm sorry to use the words but these days higher the casualties more is the interest it generates world wide. Goons have little agenda and i'm not sure these brain washed idiots have any kind of idea if killing is anyway of achieving any kind of political goal.

well i will quote a very classic example..
The western media perceives a very simple tactic for terrorists attacks.. If its white and killed many then its a mentally unstable person.. If its non white and islam
thanks man its hard knowing the real figures as the media is giving out differant numbers and its hard to figure out who right and who's wrong.

Yes media cannot be trusted for facts and figures..

We should know some position soon.. Defense Minister is suppose to address a Press Conference soon..

Now i don know with fresh explosions its happening or not.. He is in Pathankot with ACM.. So they should be able to give a proper update..
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Firstly, let me condemn this attack outright. I wholehearted sympathize with the families of the Indian jawans who lost their lives.

In my view, some kind of response from the elements, who are against Pak-India rapprochement, was always on the cards as soon as news of the Modi's stopover to Lahore was announced. In a way it is preferable that terrorists attack military installations where soldiers can fight back, it would have been much worse if these subhuman scums would have targeted innocent civilians.

Such attacks serve no other purpose except to derail engagement between Indian & Pakistan. I hope that that Indian Think Tanks have people who are capable of calm and objective analysis and realize that breaking of high level talks will in fact achieve goal of the perpetrators of this dastardly attack.

The external affairs minister Shushma Swaraj chaired a meeting with former Indian ambassadors to Pakistan in a bid to fine-tune the Pakistan strategy after the Pathankot incident. Interestingly, and this is somewhat rare, there was unanimous support for continuing the talks. However, it is now certain that instead of the broad-front discussion that was initially expected, terror will now absolutely dominate the proceedings, if the government is able to shrug off domestic pressure to allow the FS level talks to proceed in the first place.

The second, and more important, point to note is that there is a general consensus that the future of the dialogue process, and Indian reaction in general, will depend on Pakistani Establishment's actions towards the intelligence provided. Reticence by Pak establishment, whatever be the internal compulsions, will be seen as connivance. If that were to happen, there is a certain clarity of understanding within the GOI that retribution will have to be mounted, if only to (re-)establish the balance of terror. G. Parthasarthy, one of the most distinguished former ambassador to Pak, and a has gone on record suggesting that the cost of not undertaking a retribution far outweighs the price for doing so,
Did they manage to get it clear now ? come on guys , its just 5 people you want to get hold off from last 4-5 days ..

already 7 indian ppl have died ... and still no control what so ever .. ?

if you cant we can sent few punjabi police walay .. they can handle them ..

The defence minister and NSG chief will soon be at that base, which means the op is over. No terrorists were killed today, which indicates all of them were neutralized yesterday itself. The combing operations were going on all this while as to make sure no more terrorists were hiding. It seems the presence of 5th and possibly a 6th terrorist took the security forces by surprise.
Correct. I'm not aware of any updates on Khalistan uprising in Punjab even though some of my family is living in Ludiana and other parts of Punjab.

A_sad Miah has contacts with Khalistani generals who fought in East Pakistan Libration War. Hence, he's most updated on this subject. :lol:

Indira Gandhi's assassins eulogised recently and been declared Martyrs (I was present at Gurdwara when it happened), but our Professional doesn't have any information on it.

Has Terrorist been neutralised or not?

1.Brig (later Maj Gen) Shahbegh Singh was a real hero to us in 1971. We will revere his memory and that of Gen Arora.
2. Don't forget the Sikh chase for Gen Odyear, the Butcher of Jalianwalabagh.
3. And one Sikh youth was discovered hiding in the bush around Gandhi Samadhi waiting for Nehru-Gandhi family members he intended to assassinate. To dodge security check he had been in hiding for days without food and water for days. Therefore he was totally emaciated / disheveled when discovered.
4. Today Punjab, along with the Chicken Neck NE and the Korean DMZ are the most militarized spaces on earth. Indian security establishment know vary well Khalistan is waiting in the shadows.
Officers say all terrorists dead, unexploded blinds (grenades or shells) left, defusing causing intermittent explosion heard at the IAF base.
4. Today Punjab, along with the Chicken Neck NE and the Korean DMZ are the most militarized spaces on earth. Indian security establishment know vary well Khalistan is waiting in the shadows.

Missed J&K ?

NE chicken neck is the most militarized ?? Where has that come from !!

Khalistan lives in the ruined dreams of spent forces to the west of India. Dead as the Dodo.
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