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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Depends on which elements of the security forces are we referring to?
Lets assume the likeliest scenario that these were elements supported by an anti-India group in Pakistan which may or may not have certain independent or disgruntled ISI handlers involved. What they have achieved is essentially exposed a gaping hole in India's security.. the best case scenario is capture to show where and who it was but what if it is found that these men were able to subvert elements in Indian agencies to achieve this. Would that agency not do its best to avoid massive investigation and embarrassment?

As usual you raise penetrating points. In such scenarios however it is useful to apply Occam's Razor The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

The efficacy of this attack makes it clear that the terrorists came well prepared not only in terms of training and hardware but also in terms of intelligence such as detailed layout, response times, Indian Response Tactics etc.

As for the rest we can speculate endlessly about why is it taking so much time to give an all clear however it is unlikely we would get a detailed and accurate answer regarding this from GoI. We can expect a whitewashed version of the events transpired. However it would be safe to assume the that Indian forces desperately want to capture atleast one of the chaps involved alive as they have very obviously exposed gaping holes in Indian Security Apparatus leading to what can now be accurately called a fiasco.

As for subversion, Espionage and some kind of a handshake deal b/w hawks to derail the process - well we will never know.

The other thing I am sure of that is not an sanctioned operation from either side - such things usually have certain kind of cleanliness oor sharpness associated with them. There is never so much confusion over prolonged period and the desired message is usually put across quite quickly as in Mumbai Attacks, Peshawar Attacks, 9/11 etc - the actual operation could take some time but the destruction or objective is quickly known.
As for the peace process, two men trying to fight hawks on both sides is impossible unless both are popular and willing to brave any opposition to make it happen. I dont see it in either side.
Guess you are not aware, the impromptu meeting/hug which took place between Nawaz and Modi few days back was appreciated by both the opposition as well as the so called hardliners, RSS on this side. Not sure about the other side... actually i know.
we must ensure Pakistani defense ppl pay the heaviest price for this coward misadventure!
Extremely abysmal performance by indian forces, 3 days into the attack , still couldnt clear it
We know you are not gonna play cricket with us anymore:rofl::cray:
there are various avenues with Indian security system to take revenge based on the severity of offence....sometimes, you wont know or realize, but you are actually punished for your sins !
First we have to put our own house in order.
How did the terrorists managed to slip in? Remember Punjab border is the favourate route for heroine smugglers from across the border and they do so with full support of the corrupt politicians and police. The terrorists also use that same route. That needs to be stooped.

BSF has caught many smugglers from Punjab sector.

Area around River Ravi is needed to be fenced.
I know and I am not very proud of it. But sometime you just had to do what you don't want to do.

Doing something without a shred of evidence in hand is not a wise thing to do. It will lead you to regret your decision afterwards.
Guess you are not aware, the impromptu meeting/hug which took place between Nawaz and Modi few days back was appreciated by both the opposition as well as the so called hardliners, RSS on this side. Not sure about the other side... actually i know.
Pretty appreciated here as well. Even in the military circles.


Would someone like Hafiz Saeed whose whole lifestyle and income is based on anti-India rhetoric and activities appreciate it?
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