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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Care to share what are those Pakistan powers?? when will you guys stop living in illusions?? I would like to know what influence does Pak has on India??

The same influences that made your 56 incher bend on his knees and made surprise visits to Pak.
If india wants to be in competition with China she needs quick and near access to Iran, af'tan and Central asia and no chabahar can give that compared to a few hundred Km ride through Pakistan.

Goods dispatched from Delhi can reach Kabul in less than 12 hours while chabahar will make it 12 days along with transportation costs 10 times higher making final price non competitive this giving China upper hand.

What else made Modi abandon his Pak hatred policy ?
I hope he didn't remember all of a sudden those days when he and Pak Pm Sharif were chuddy buddies in their childhood.
Media are you seriouse ? the media reports..you find them credible enough ?
I am not declaring the attack a flase flag but would like to ask about Gurdaspur same media crying Pakistan ISI hand now what, after few days Indian Govt mums over the attack. why tell me even GPS and other materials recovered why not action taken against the culprits why...there is something Indian Govt is hidding...

Dude, you quoted the media first, not I, to prove that the attack was a staged one.
The first part I would ignore. Just type 'why Pakistan is' in Google and you will understand what I meant.
The second part, I sincerely wish you are right, and I pray that the peace process does not get derailed, despite of all the jingoisms, but past experience proves otherwise.

Google goes on online searches based on graphing for region and demographic. Which is your result will be different to a result from nepal or China or Japan. Please learn a bit about search engines and their targeted optimization.

As for the peace process, two men trying to fight hawks on both sides is impossible unless both are popular and willing to brave any opposition to make it happen. I dont see it in either side.
Oh the Indian media, oh so accurate, oh so free of yellow journalism.

We have seen where? Online?
98% of Indians and Pakistanis online vent the the frustration of their daily lives like you. They either watch **** or they come to talk on matters like this.. both using the similar amount of brain cells.

As for the Indian Media, considering their absolute lack of journalistic ethics, I would trust my neighbourhood squirrel with a bag of peanuts than them.
Dear Oscar,

check my id i have been too long in this defense forum ever posting or trolling so dont show ur supiroity to me since this is ur forum
i actually do have some thing positive to contribute....

there is no possible way that two gunmen armed with ak 47s after being isolated to an area, are able to hold off a coordinated assault by far superior numbers including spec ops....

there is no way they can do much causality as well.....

there are only two viable scenarios..

1- they are holding some one precious hostage or are in area of sensitive installations hence every one is holding back.
2- they are neither isolated nor cordoned... and no body knows where they are still....

the officially painted scenario that two gunmen are engaging thousands of forces and are holding off, reflects very badly on forces....

2nd scenario doesnot reflect very well on the security forces as well
well what is a fact we don't know and may not know either...however i am more inclined towards point 1 than 2...having said that there was pin-pointed intelligence....so anyways this is a bad handling...
i actually do have some thing positive to contribute....

there is no possible way that two gunmen armed with ak 47s after being isolated to an area, are able to hold off a coordinated assault by far superior numbers including spec ops....

there is no way they can do much causality as well.....

there are only two viable scenarios..

1- they are holding some one precious hostage or are in area of sensitive installations hence every one is holding back.
2- they are neither isolated nor cordoned... and no body knows where they are still....

the officially painted scenario that two gunmen are engaging thousands of forces and are holding off, reflects very badly on forces....

2nd scenario doesnot reflect very well on the security forces as well

And if there is a third scenario, the security forces want to catch at least one of them alive?
And if there is a third scenario, the security forces want to catch at least one of them alive?
Depends on which elements of the security forces are we referring to?
Lets assume the likeliest scenario that these were elements supported by an anti-India group in Pakistan which may or may not have certain independent or disgruntled ISI handlers involved. What they have achieved is essentially exposed a gaping hole in India's security.. the best case scenario is capture to show where and who it was but what if it is found that these men were able to subvert elements in Indian agencies to achieve this. Would that agency not do its best to avoid massive investigation and embarrassment?
Sorry to see hypocrite comments.. few of these makes me feel sad about responsibility.. Don know when Indian media will act responsibly... look at these two comments.. Acting like a morally responsible angel now.. sad she became angel very late..
@Levina @JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Parul

barkha duttVerified account ‏@BDUTT 4h4 hours ago
There are many questions to be asked about #Pathankot- but "when will your neutralize terrorists" SHOULD NOT be one.Let Fauj do its job

barkha duttVerified account ‏@BDUTT 5h5 hours ago

Asking hard questions about #Pathankot is not to dishonour our Fauj.On the contrary NOT TO is disrespect to martyrs
I do not trust NDTV and their journos anymore. They lost their credibility long back.
It's a shame that our army/security personnel are always on the defensive against these pigs. They lack the 8alls to retalliate.
How these commandos die so easily even when they were expecting pigs is another issue...lack of training/ inadequate equipment/ sheer stupidity/ bad commanders?
Death toll in Indian airbase attack rises to 7 troops, 4 gunmen

PATHANKOT: The number of troops killed in an attack on an Indian air force base rose to seven on Sunday, after four soldiers succumbed to injuries sustained in the hourslong gunbattle near the border with Pakistan and another died after being wounded in an explosion, officials said.

Four suspected militants were killed in the fighting on Saturday.

Gunfire and blasts were heard a second consecutive day on Sunday, and Indian TV channels reported two gunmen were still at large in the sprawling facility.

News channels cited police in northwestern Punjab as saying the two gunmen were still holed up in the Pathankot air base, more than a day after the pre-dawn raid in which four attackers and two Indian military personnel were killed.

A home ministry official said several blasts had been heard in the facility but could not confirm reports that gunmen were still at large.

Air force spokeswoman Rochelle D'Silva said that combing operations to secure the Pathankot air force base were continuing late Sunday morning. Officials gave no other details about the situation at the base.

Earlier in the day, at least one grenade blast was heard from inside the base, but officials declined to comment.

D'Silva gave no details about the death of an elite commando Sunday morning, except to say that he was seriously wounded in an explosion. News reports said the commando was killed while defusing explosives.

A gold medal-winning Indian shooter was among the troops killed. Subedar Fateh Singh won gold and silver medals in the first Commonwealth Shooting Championships held in 1995, the National Rifle Association of India said.

The attack by gunmen disguised as soldiers came a week after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an unscheduled visit to Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in an effort to revive talks between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

Officials said the attack on the military base, just 25 km (15 miles) from the border with Pakistan, bore the hallmarks of previous suspected assaults by Pakistan-based militant groups, underscoring the fragility of recent efforts to revive bilateral talks between the often uneasy neighbours.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Pakistan condemned the attack and said it wanted to continue to build on the goodwill created by the impromptu meeting between Modi and Sharif last month.

Two security personnel were wounded in a blast on Sunday, a police official in Pathankot said, as troops scoured the base.

Dozens of armed forces stood guard outside the base.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh had said on Saturday five militants had been “neutralised”, but there were no reports yet of the body of the fifth attacker being found.

In New Delhi, two trains were delayed early on Sunday after officials received information about a possible bomb threat on a train running between the capital and Lucknow to the southeast, railways spokesman Neeraj Sharma said.

Trains were deemed safe and were running on schedule by mid-morning, Sharma said.

Sitting around occupying civilians isn't the same as chasing terrorists in the toughest terrain in South Asia.

The cleanup after this attack is sure to raise numerous questions about the preparedness of your security agencies. I bet ISI is laughing its *** off behind the scenes because this is beyond embarrassing at this point.

is that the reason u run to US ..??
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