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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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She must have known, considering the fact , she didn't make a big fuss about it.

Or perhaps value of life so low in Pakistan, that mothers don't bat an eyelid, when their son's tell them, they are about to die in Jehaad.

you want to bring mothers in the discussion? that was very unfortunate comment from you
I know people in India are as respectful to mothers as Pakistanis.

my understanding from the initial Indian press release was that the terrorists were calling their handlers now the terrorists have started calling their relations? hope the call is recorded and traced back to someone to help with investigation.
Shiv AroorVerified account‏@ShivAroor
Hero IAF commando Corporal Gursevak Singh got married just 45 days ago. Will be cremated at his village tomorrow.

RIP and God give strength to his family .. Especially to the new wife..

Pathankot terror attack: Operation stops, no firing from forces and terrorists

Even as combing operations continue at the Pathankot airbase there has been no firing from the terrorists for a while now.

Security forces do not want to take on any more casualties and are waiting for a reaction from the terrorists' side

Source : News ticker CNN IBN
Indias biggest enemy is her media and illiterate masses are very easy to make to believe in such non sense .

Well then, going by the illiteracy rates, no wonder, some people in Pakistan are ready to give up their lives for 72 virgins.

Well then TECHNICALLY your ops in Kashmir are going on as well even after decades of oppression still your forces are getting hit every now and then .

Yes, there is no denying that. But we are talking about particular incidents here. And there is a difference between between killing terrorists in planned encounters and getting hit by them and then killing them.

Govt of India checked all options. Modi visited Lahore. Now its payback time Mr Doval! Unleash it. They only understand force.

First we have to put our own house in order.
How did the terrorists managed to slip in? Remember Punjab border is the favourate route for heroine smugglers from across the border and they do so with full support of the corrupt politicians and police. The terrorists also use that same route. That needs to be stooped.
Well then, going by the illiteracy rates, no wonder, some people in Pakistan are ready to give up their lives for 72 virgins.

Yes, there is no denying that. But we are talking about particular incidents here. And there is a difference between between killing terrorists in planned encounters and getting hit by them and then killing them.

Well they are not all illiterate but they are all brainwashed like most of Indians and RSS etc specifically.

Until it is known who conducted this attack Kashmiris , Khalistanis or Maoists its premature to comment.
What's the latest on the operation? There is so much confusion stemming out of this?

Are there attackers still inside the base? I thought they never made it inside the base? So where are they?
But I am glad to see Modi has learnt manners and has realized Pakistans powers and is thus not bad mouthing about Pakistan ( Or has not done yet since the attack )something he was used to take pride in recent past at every possible occasion.

He seems to have learnt the hard way that ushering baseless allegations against Pakistan will only harm India and nothing else and the losses outweighs any potential applause he may get at home.
yes no lapse....pretty much standard operating procedure.....

indians are no fans of one dayers or 20/20...

five day full test match....

(some terrorists may die of starvation in the end)
we prefer that then loosing our airforce assets...now if there is something valuable you can add then please continue or else leave the thread...there are many where you can vent your frustration...

But I am glad to see Modi has learnt manners and have realized Pakistans powers and is thus not bad mouthing about Pakistan ( Or has not done yet since the attack )something he was used to take pride in recent past.
He seems to have learnt the hard way that ushering baseless allegations against Pakistan will only harm India and nothing else and the losses outweighs any potential applause he may get at home.
Care to share what are those Pakistan powers?? when will you guys stop living in illusions?? I would like to know what influence does Pak has on India??
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