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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Is it over yet or are there still 'gunmen' who are yet to be ''neutralized'? Does home minstry and nsa have any frigging clue?
5 terrorists down sir, 1 last holed up.. expected to be over soon..
Pinhead, see that fellows flag. And come back if your thick skull hasn't understood the link.

A_sad Miah, I know member is French. However, the subject of the thread is "Pathankot Terrorist Attack", not F-35 or French Fighters.:cuckoo:

I hope this gets into your thick skull & you no longer Troll & post offtopic posts in thread.:crazy:
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The same way IA has been fighting in Kashmir for more than you guys so our army will run circles around the Pakistanis in a war
Sitting around occupying civilians isn't the same as chasing terrorists in the toughest terrain in South Asia.

The cleanup after this attack is sure to raise numerous questions about the preparedness of your security agencies. I bet ISI is laughing its *** off behind the scenes because this is beyond embarrassing at this point.
Is it over yet or are there still 'gunmen' who are yet to be ''neutralized'? Does home minstry and nsa have any frigging clue?

IB was already having intelligence outputs.

1 left then

Atleast the operation won't go into the 36th hour

It resulted in more deployment of BSF along the International border.
On a serious note,loss of life is regrettable.
The fallen soldiers sacrificed their lives for their country.
I can laugh at what you've mentioned Mr. Khalistan Expert. :lol:

Its surprising to see in this thread how much intel and secret info common Indians have as they know forsure who did the attack and who didn't . Such divine abilities will sure help india in future to counter such attacks.

But its good to know you have accepted growing Sikh demand for a separate land as most Indians deny existence of a substantial movements for Khalistan and maosit land.

On topic: I hope all the Terrorist are soon neutralised and thier Pics are made available. :)
Common ..!
How come the Home Secretary not mention ISI in his statement ?
I was waiting for that..such a disappointment..
We need more stories please..with some hot n spicy bollywood touch.

Such attacks are being carried out only after the involvement of enemy intelligence agencies.

Training, arming, providing technology and funds. This questions are needed to be investigated and already NIA is there in Pathankot.

On a serious note,loss of life is regrettable.
The fallen soldiers sacrificed their lives for their country.

Yes its sad but the Indian soldiers who have laid down thier lives have made thier families and the country proud.

Govt of India checked all options. Modi visited Lahore. Now its payback time Mr Doval! Unleash it. They only understand force.
Sitting around occupying civilians isn't the same as chasing terrorists in the toughest terrain in South Asia.

The cleanup after this attack is sure to raise numerous questions about the preparedness of your security agencies. I bet ISI is laughing its *** off behind the scenes because this is beyond embarrassing at this point.

so is it not the right time to take Kashmir with such a ultimate force you guys have ? do that until then we will laugh at our *** about ISI not able to fulfill your dream
For the record those guys were neutralized within hours not days.

Nope! Technically your operation is still going on. Remember, one managed to escape.
Like the attack on Sri Lankan players, were all gunmen escaped.
New Delhi: Unhappy over the fresh bonhomie between Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi, Pakistan Army Chief Raheel Sharif in collaboration with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligences (ISI) hatched the deadly Pathankot attack, said sources.

It has further emerged that the plot to attack the Pathankot Air Force base was hatched in Rawalpindi.

Citing sources, Zee TV said that the aim of the attack is to derail the peace process initiated by PM Modi and vitiate the current bilateral relations.

It is also to increase tension between the two
nations so that the upcoming foreign secretary-level talks get cancelled, sources said.
Sources said that Pakistan Army had instructed the JeM militants to carry out attacks outside Jammu and Kashmir.

It was also planned that in the event of the attack, JeM would take the blame.

The objective of the attack was to render maximum blow to the Indian security forces.

The Pathankot attack on Saturday left seven Indian security personnel dead. A combing operation launched by the Indian security forces in the area is still on.
Revealed: Unhappy over Sharif-Modi bonhomie, Pak Army, ISI plotted Pathankot attack! | Zee News

I guess its a mind opener for Indians on PDF atleast to see how stupid and sensational their media is and how they are being brainwashed 24/7/365.

Indias biggest enemy is her media and illiterate masses are very easy to make to believe in such non sense .

Nope! Technically your operation is still going on

Well then TECHNICALLY your ops in Kashmir are going on as well even after decades of oppression still your forces are getting hit every now and then .
Pics wont be made public i guess.

When its related to National security issues then Government have to be careful.

Remember 26/11 attacks, how our media was giving live updates about the whole Military operation which in reality helped the terrorists.

Pictures and all the evidence will be given by the Indian Government to the Pakistan Government about the details of the attackers then after that only Indian Media will show that to the public.

Koun dost hain aur koun dushman hain Indian nation kay Indian Establishment, Military, Intelligence agencies are aware.
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