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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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ANI ‏@ANI_news 25m25 minutes ago
At one hand I have lost him but on the other hand he has made us feel proud: Sister of NSG Lt Col Niranajan Kumar


ANI ‏@ANI_news 27m27 minutes ago
I look at him as Arjuna who fought for his 'karmabhoomi': Sister of NSG Lt Col Niranajan Kumar who lost his life in #Pathankot terror attack

ANI ‏@ANI_news 9m9 minutes ago
Varanasi: People pay tribute to soldiers who lost their lives in #Pathankot terror attack


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Could somebody tell me if the airbase had any security cameras???
I don't know. They usually have that kind of security measures.

so is it confirmed that these scums came from pakistan? have you found any green passports near them as yet? You talk of reply as if you have undeniable info on their whereabouts.
There will be a investigation and I am pretty sure culprits will be identified. The intelligence agencies issued a warning to the security agencies some time ago about some terrorist crossing the Punjab border and then the reports of kidnapping a Taxi and also about hijacking the car of a Punjab police officer were there. It won't be difficult to connect the links.
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Thank you @WAJsal.. You have done hard work for keeping this thread clean multiple times.. Appreciate your hard work ...

UPDATE from news channel tickers
  • PM Modi to chair a high-level meeting with the NSA, Foreign Secretary and other officials in wake of Pathankot terror attack
  • Without intelligence, Pathankot attack could have been worse, says Home Minister Rajnath Singh
this last bold part is bull sh1t as it is already worse....i can't understand how on this earth a highly protected base can be breached this easily with these many causalities even after pin pointed intelligence?? Are we talking about some third grade security establishments or IAF base here?? WTF is going on...?? can someone please throw some light on why this pathetic handling of whole saga...??
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this last bold part is bull sh1t as it is already worse....i can't understand how on this earth a highly protected base can be breached this easily with these many causalities even after pin pointed intelligence?? Are we talking about some third grade security establishments or IAF base here?? WTF is going on...?? can someone please throw some light on why this pathetic handling of whole saga...??
Wont lie to you Sir, i have a feeling it has exposed many operational lacunae to our ppl..

Deploying assets on time to strategy of nabbing at least one terrorists alive is counter productive..
i have a hunch, our assets did not go all out due to fear of cross collateral damage to a IAF base perhaps.. True we may have kept War planes in an out of ops area but i believe the challenge lies with the fact that we wanted minimal damage to the base
Or else we would have used much heavier guns and grenades and finish the ops.

If my hunch is correct then being a first time experience of a base attack i feel we may come out with new tactics.. One of which may be more IAF commando units like Garud or more numbers in Garud who may redraw new tactics for fighting in such base areas.. That may help us in future avoid such a situation where our fear of collateral damage inhibits our operational efficiency.

It would have been good if we could know the area of engagement has what type of stuff or what IAF holds there.. that may perhaps throw a light to the theory i am having.
No offence but i must admit that our forces action is way too quick though it could be because our troops face such situations more common than indian forces does.

I agree with that but when it happened for the first time PA suffered a lot interns of assets and Manpower and the time taken to clear the base After that you guys improved the response in the future attack . So lets wait for the operation to be over and then you will see the response getting better in future
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This thread is too long to go over in detail.

Give Modi, Doval and co a few weeks guys and lets see what response is and judge from that.

We cannot choose our neighbours.

We must respond to the good cop side of Pakistan and deal firmly with bad cop side....let us see how Modi does it.

Long term game plan is we got to keep growing the economy, its the only way to get the margins of technology at low cost to deal with the aggressor elements to our west.....we must become an Israel but thousands of times bigger.
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my apologies i don't India media on this operation, they don't know what is actually going on.
i agree sir.. has been trying to find a map which shows the inward movements.. only one found was from India today and TOI..

A good schematic showing how it happened would have helped us a lot... but then yes indian media... no words..

Welcome back... good to see you back..

Who ever planned this operation was really dumb. I mean Mig-21's? Seriously? :hitwall:
I think sir, idea was more to send a message that bases are not out of terrorist's reach rather than what assets they have..
Sadly even if they did no damage to assets, they have succeeded in at least inflicting casualties to our side..
We have to re draw new strategies to counter such moves and avoid casualties or at least keep it minimum.. This ops whole once completed needs a good detailed autopsy for learning and development.. We must find out where we made mistakes in our tactics of pursuit and iron out those flaws...
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