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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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let them come in hordes, we have enough

Keep selling this crap to the sad blokes in your country...you will pay for this shit...Don't think you can get away with this.

let them come in hordes, we have enough

Keep selling this crap to the sad blokes in your country...you will pay for this shit...Don't think you can get away with this.
You were unable to handle 6 it took your thousands of highly trained special forces 2 TWO days to neutralize them I wonder how many years you will need to handle hordes.

Come on earth and live in a real world that is better for the likes of you.
No offence but i must admit that our forces action is way too quick though it could be because our troops face such situations more common than indian forces does.
That is exactly the reason.

In the same line of thinking, it wouldn't be outlandish to think that our army will run circles around the Indians in a war because we have been involved in warfare for the last decade and have churned out battle hardened soldiers.
A_sad Miah, have some shame. What does this has to do with IAF going for F -35. :cuckoo:

I request you to please start a new thread and share your Professional Analysis in that thread. :cuckoo:

Pinhead, see that fellows flag. And come back if your thick skull hasn't understood the link.
Well its not over yet....another night....test match will continue tomorow.....

Unless.it rains....
Pathankot terror attack: Union Home Secretary briefs media, says 7 officers martyred, operations underway | Zee News

New Delhi: Briefing the media in the wake of the deadly terror attack at an IAF base in Pathankot in Punjab, Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi on Sunday said that early intelligence inputs have helped to contain the situation and the ongoing combing operations will continue till the area is “fully secured”.

The home secretary has further said that so far four terrorists were neutralized and there there could be two or more terrorists still present in the area. The operation will end only when the entire area is “fully sanitized.

Describing the terror attack, Mehrishi said that the terrorists dressed in army fatigue waylaid the car of Gurdaspur SP and after which they dumped the occupants of the car at different places.

A terror alert was immediately sounded when the driver of the car was found dead with a slit throat a few hours later. The terrorists were later tracked down with the help of various surveillance methods.

He said that there could be two or more terrorists still hiding in the area and the efforts are on to track them down.

Seven security personnel, including officers from IAF and NSG, were so far killed during the operation, he added.
Sorry to see hypocrite comments.. few of these makes me feel sad about responsibility.. Don know when Indian media will act responsibly... look at these two comments.. Acting like a morally responsible angel now.. sad she became angel very late..
@Levina @JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Parul

barkha duttVerified account ‏@BDUTT 4h4 hours ago
There are many questions to be asked about #Pathankot- but "when will your neutralize terrorists" SHOULD NOT be one.Let Fauj do its job

barkha duttVerified account ‏@BDUTT 5h5 hours ago

Asking hard questions about #Pathankot is not to dishonour our Fauj.On the contrary NOT TO is disrespect to martyrs
and it is not the same story in Pakistan ....right??

Pakistani media is much better than Indian media, it doesn't blame anyone until the investigations are complete whereas in India anything bad happens straight away the blame gets shifted on Pakistan which is why India uses Pakistani ghost to hide own incompetence.
Lieutenant-Colonel Niranjan Kumar

Garud Commando Gursevak Singh.

Subedar Fateh Singh, 51, retired as Subedar Major (honorary) captain from Dogra regiment in 2009. After retirement, he joined the Defence Security Corps as subedar and was initially posted at Army War College, Mhow. He was posted at Pathankot about two years ago.

The others martyred include Havildar Kulwant Singh and Honorary Captain Fateh Singh - both residents of Gurdaspur - and jawans Jagdish Singh and Sanjiv Kumar. Havildar Jagdish followed a terrorist, snatched the man's weapon after a scuffle and shot him with it, said senior Air Force Officer J S Dhamoon.

The funerals will be held on Monday.
Is it over yet or are there still 'gunmen' who are yet to be ''neutralized'? Does home minstry and nsa have any frigging clue?
Yeah it can happen under two circumstances only.

1) False flag op by RAW to achieve something they have always dreamed of and failed and that's is to isolate Pakistan and make world believe their propaganda that Pak is involved in terror ops in their land.

It also makes one understands why this operation is lingering on for nearly two days as this way they will get more media time across world if it was done and finished in few hours then people around the globe would have forgotten quickly.

2) If it was done by Kashmiri freedom fighters then they had the help of some present or retired IAF members and planned it meticulously anyways if it was done by them its going to be a morale booster for them and their comrades as the real toll of this incident is much higher as some channels are reporting 11 indian forces men including one Lt Col is killed and we may witness a surge in deadly attacks on indian military installation across india and being a big force(atleast in numbers only) they have a lot to protect and kashmiries have a lot of targets to choose from

Indian media and their forces are hiding the real numbers for the obvious reason of avoiding embarrassment for being so incompetent .

what the actual cause would be we dont know yet but one thing is sure something is going on in Delhi and Modi after his failures at multiple fronts to contain Pakistan now wants to show his public his abilities and in desperation we may witness some flare on border or something even more serious so I guess its time to put our fighters and nukes along with Nasrs on alert.

Yeah it can happen under two circumstances only.

1) False flag op by RAW to achieve something they have always dreamed of and failed and that's is to isolate Pakistan and make world believe their propaganda that Pak is involved in terror ops in their land.

It also makes one understands why this operation is lingering on for nearly two days as this way they will get more media time across world if it was done and finished in few hours then people around the globe would have forgotten quickly.

2) If it was done by Kashmiri freedom fighters then they had the help of some present or retired IAF members and planned it meticulously anyways if it was done by them its going to be a morale booster for them and their comrades as the real toll of this incident is much higher as some channels are reporting 11 indian forces men including one Lt Col is killed and we may witness a surge in deadly attacks on indian military installation across india and being a big force(atleast in numbers only) they have a lot to protect and kashmiries have a lot of targets to choose from

Indian media and their forces are hiding the real numbers for the obvious reason of avoiding embarrassment for being so incompetent .

what the actual cause would be we dont know yet but one thing is sure something is going on in Delhi and Modi after his failures at multiple fronts to contain Pakistan now wants to show his public his abilities and in desperation we may witness some flare on border or something even more serious so I guess its time to put our fighters and nukes along with Nasrs on alert.

If I start to chain things, it's going to need hours but in the end, 8n habit of denial, no Indian would accept. However, Modi came into power upon Hatred for Pak, Muslims and flames for lower cast (Nichli Zaat) and to prove his hatred will go beyond sanity see his statements for 1971 Gujrat etc and in those pretexts, person having normal mental status, can understand well.

We are always against the terrorism and are victims so can feel the sorrow.

People of India need to understand the true facts, habits of their leaders, psychology of Govt. Persons in Delhi office but alas how to tell them. To avoid such embarrassyument, 1st of all pull the rope of biased media so they wouldn't start speculation and causing tense in viewers. Well all we can say that their own people are well capable and can see things just they need to understand these things so the problem could be solved.
RIP to the martyr

We wont forget your contribution...
You were unable to handle 6 it took your thousands of highly trained special forces 2 TWO days to neutralize them I wonder how many years you will need to handle hordes.

Come on earth and live in a real world that is better for the likes of you.

Even you guys were unable to handle 6 guys in PNS mehran and 20+ forces killed along with damage to assets and you guys let one escape . In india's case there is no damage to assets and casualty is less than yours and ya the time taken can be better explained once the details of the ops come out

That is exactly the reason.

In the same line of thinking, it wouldn't be outlandish to think that our army will run circles around the Indians in a war because we have been involved in warfare for the last decade and have churned out battle hardened soldiers.

The same way IA has been fighting in Kashmir for more than you guys so our army will run circles around the Pakistanis in a war
I'm a Sikh. I'm aware how strong Khalistan moment is in Punjab. Apparently, better then our neighbours.

I've mentioned many a times in this thread that this attack is not carried by Sikh Terrorist.

Poka! :wave:

Its surprising to see in this thread how much intel and secret info common Indians have as they know forsure who did the attack and who didn't . Such divine abilities will sure help india in future to counter such attacks.

But its good to know you have accepted growing Sikh demand for a separate land as most Indians deny existence of a substantial movements for Khalistan and maosit land.
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