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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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we prefer that then loosing our airforce assets...now if there is something valuable you can add then please continue or else leave the thread...there are many where you can vent your frustration...

Let us decide that.
wish we also get dumb terrorists like this one who call before going on a mission so that we can prepare an ambush for them
The only thing missing in this phone call to his mother is his GPS coordinates.
you are vindicated

thats the shame of Indian media
On behalf of this picture Indian members were blaming me for creating propaganda by using pictures from Syrian war.
The Pakistani members are trying to explain that these attacks are all inside job to defame Pakistan. I mean, dude, Seriously!!! Does anyone need to do something to defame Pakistan?
The Pakistani members are trying to explain that these attacks are all inside job to defame Pakistan. I mean, dude, Seriously!!! Does anyone need to do something to defame Pakistan?
Yes they do if that is taken as an independent question, but the Indians on ANY online thread will rape and kill their own mothers before they can see a single positive about Pakistan. Regardless, the attacks do not seem to be sanctioned by either state's agencies.
The Pakistani members are trying to explain that these attacks are all inside job to defame Pakistan. I mean, dude, Seriously!!! Does anyone need to do something to defame Pakistan?
No but just think 40 hours gun battle armed with RPG not a single loss to aircrafts while if you check attacks on our side huge losses, even some media says the attackers were there since 1 Jan...think about it.
Care to share what are those Pakistan powers?? when will you guys stop living in illusions?? I would like to know what influence does Pak has on India??

If you are not aware, they are right now showing their power, both in Pathankot and Afghanistan.

No but just think 40 hours gun battle armed with RPG not a single loss to aircrafts while if you check attacks on our side huge losses, even some media says the attackers were there since 1 Jan...think about it.

Stop crying here in PDF and go and give better training to your security forces, that will help. The media also said the jehadis came from across the border and were in contact with their Rawalpindi handlers, you missed that part.
Yes they do if that is taken as an independent question, but the Indians on ANY online thread will rape and kill their own mothers before they can see a single positive about Pakistan. Regardless, the attacks do not seem to be sanctioned by either state's agencies.
dear senior moderate
we have seen many false bravado and false story from your side to believe
being a hard core Modi fan if he still continues dealing with Pakistan i wouldn't vote for hi, next time
Stop crying here in PDF and go and give better training to your security forces, that will help. The media also said the jehadis came from across the border and were in contact with their Rawalpindi handlers, you missed that part.

Oh the Indian media, oh so accurate, oh so free of yellow journalism.

dear senior moderate
we have seen many false bravado and false story from your side to believe
being a hard core Modi fan if he still continues dealing with Pakistan i wouldn't vote for hi, next time
We have seen where? Online?
98% of Indians and Pakistanis online vent the the frustration of their daily lives like you. They either watch **** or they come to talk on matters like this.. both using the similar amount of brain cells.

As for the Indian Media, considering their absolute lack of journalistic ethics, I would trust my neighbourhood squirrel with a bag of peanuts than them.
The Pakistani members are trying to explain that these attacks are all inside job to defame Pakistan. I mean, dude, Seriously!!! Does anyone need to do something to defame Pakistan?
bro they can go to any length to justify see here moderators and every or is justifying .
Yes they do if that is taken as an independent question, but the Indians on ANY online thread will rape and kill their own mothers before they can see a single positive about Pakistan. Regardless, the attacks do not seem to be sanctioned by either state's agencies.

The first part I would ignore. Just type 'why Pakistan is' in Google and you will understand what I meant.
The second part, I sincerely wish you are right, and I pray that the peace process does not get derailed, despite of all the jingoisms, but past experience proves otherwise.
If you are not aware, they are right now showing their power, both in Pathankot and Afghanistan.

Stop crying here in PDF and go and give better training to your security forces, that will help. The media also said the jehadis came from across the border and were in contact with their Rawalpindi handlers, you missed that part.
Media are you seriouse ? the media reports..you find them credible enough ?
I am not declaring the attack a flase flag but would like to ask about Gurdaspur same media crying Pakistan ISI hand now what, after few days Indian Govt mums over the attack. why tell me even GPS and other materials recovered why not action taken against the culprits why...there is something Indian Govt is hidding...
we prefer that then loosing our airforce assets...now if there is something valuable you can add then please continue or else leave the thread...there are many where you can vent your frustration...

Care to share what are those Pakistan powers?? when will you guys stop living in illusions?? I would like to know what influence does Pak has on India??

i actually do have some thing positive to contribute....

there is no possible way that two gunmen armed with ak 47s after being isolated to an area, are able to hold off a coordinated assault by far superior numbers including spec ops....

there is no way they can do much causality as well.....

there are only two viable scenarios..

1- they are holding some one precious hostage or are in area of sensitive installations hence every one is holding back.
2- they are neither isolated nor cordoned... and no body knows where they are still....

the officially painted scenario that two gunmen are engaging thousands of forces and are holding off, reflects very badly on forces....

2nd scenario doesnot reflect very well on the security forces as well
Let us decide that.
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