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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Has the operation ended. Or are the terrorists still banging the Indian forces.
Depends on which elements of the security forces are we referring to?
Lets assume the likeliest scenario that these were elements supported by an anti-India group in Pakistan which may or may not have certain independent or disgruntled ISI handlers involved. What they have achieved is essentially exposed a gaping hole in India's security.. the best case scenario is capture to show where and who it was but what if it is found that these men were able to subvert elements in Indian agencies to achieve this. Would that agency not do its best to avoid massive investigation and embarrassment?

As per them, gunman is cornered and also he is heavily armed and forces wanted to capture him alive. So as the attackers stormed the base, was definitely to do maximum damage rather to have vegetable & roti and talk to mama and with heavy weaponry, still couldn't damage the crafts etc. Too many contradictory statements.
Pretty appreciated here as well. Even in the military circles.


Would someone like Hafiz Saeed whose whole lifestyle and income is based on anti-India rhetoric and activities appreciate it?
Simple logic, Whatever emanates from Pakistan's soil is Pakistan's responsibility. If you cant handle it, its your fault.
Why should India give room to that excuse on the cost of its army personnels / civilians lives?
I disagree, it was not appreciated in military circles. Pakistan's NSA was not involved in the recent meeting between both Prime Ministers, reason been given about timing issues.
Now lets be realistic, those terrorists had gps devices, possessed highly sophisticated weapons, heavily armed and were fully prepared for guerrilla warfare, you need special training for that. Rest i'd leave it to you..
This time I'm happy that that the Indians are being given a run for the money. After these fortunate events the Indian armed forces can put their foot where their mouth is.

I m afraid things r silent but the area still not declared as cleared just yet
Doing something without a shred of evidence in hand is not a wise thing to do. It will lead you to regret your decision afterwards.
Indian Intelligence already knows it and they will have evidence in the due course of further investigation but those evidence and dossiers will be discarded by Pakistan and will be insufficient as always.
Indian Intelligence already knows it and they will have evidence in the due course of further investigation but those evidence and dossiers will be discarded by Pakistan and will be insufficient as always.

Typical media hyped mindset ain't it. Had any of your intelligence agency had any evidence, it wouldve turned into breaking news by now.
Indian Intelligence already knows it and they will have evidence in the due course of further investigation but those evidence and dossiers will be discarded by Pakistan and will be insufficient as always.
Very true ! Raw agents are currently shopping in Pakistan and making the necessary arrangements.
The same influences that made your 56 incher bend on his knees and made surprise visits to Pak.
This is a juvenile assesment...why don't you start with Modi's oath ceremony??...actually it is characters like you that India and Pakistan are hostile even after 65 years of separation...so my advice grow up....It is a great move by Modi much like Oath ceremony but then what's the point of explaining here...anyways i was asking what is your power and it seems your answer is your geography...so let me reply to that part...

If india wants to be in competition with China she needs quick and near access to Iran, af'tan and Central asia and no chabahar can give that compared to a few hundred Km ride through Pakistan.
Another childish reasoning...There is no way India can flip Pakistan-China relations in her favor..even a stupid will not say that...and Chabahar is not being invested because it is a failure....A chabahar is an alternative and much thoughtful...

Goods dispatched from Delhi can reach Kabul in less than 12 hours while chabahar will make it 12 days along with transportation costs 10 times higher making final price non competitive this giving China upper hand.
Ever heard a concept "economies of scale"?? Not sure from where you are getting your inputs but your statistcs are exageration...anyways land route is cheapest no doubt about that...however is that available?? or is it not marred with usual volatility??

What else made Modi abandon his Pak hatred policy ?I hope he didn't remember all of a sudden those days when he and Pak Pm Sharif were chuddy buddies in their childhood.
was there one??...once again he started his oath ceremony on a very different note, no?? People might confuse that being a tea vendor he learned his geography lesson only after he joined PM office however he is a well educated and well traveled person....just check our initiatives viz-a-viz connectivity for trade and commerce on our eastern flank..and you will see where India is heading....
So far the reaction of these idiots has been .

PAKISTAN centric . So much for Pakistan phobia.
Typical media hyped mindset ain't it. Had any of your intelligence agency had any evidence, it wouldve turned into breaking news by now.
Intelligence inputs are claiming that Jaish-e-Mohammad are behind this attack which is a terror oufit based in Pakistan. But these outputs are insufficient to call them as real evidence which we will have once the investigation is concluded.

Very true ! Raw agents are currently shopping in Pakistan and making the necessary arrangements.
RAW doesn't shops for evidence may be ISI does as it already shops for young lads to make them strategic assets.
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