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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Intelligence inputs are claiming that Jaish-e-Mohammad are behind this attack which is a terror oufit based in Pakistan. But these outputs are insufficient to call them as real evidence which we will have once the investigation is concluded.

RAW doesn't shops for evidence may be ISI does as it already shops for young lads to make them strategic assets.
So your officials refrain from saying such things as the operation continues but your mighty media knows its jaish e Muhammad. As I expected, your mind is over infested with media hogwash.

Pray tell your IB to sneak through super secret media sources to get the most authentic insight on terror related activities from now on.

Damn these terrorists, someone tell them not to call their moms unless the job is done.

Damm Aman ki Asha is giving nice results.
Die Indians Die

Again ask your Ajit Doval especially your state who start first ever proxy war in this region and proudly accept this "Mukti Bani" after 40 years of denial mode!

No need of Die Indians die.. I've literlly great Indian friends but unlike those who all of a suddenly rather accept failure especially failed to understand own state policy, start bashing Pakistan every time...

One question, why you choose Modi ? Manmohan regime stand India on her feet but you choose modi. Modi entire campaign based on Anti-Pakistan agenda. Show me any single video of 2007 and 2013 Pakistan elections, show me any single footage of Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan or Zardari or anyone else Anti-India election campaign.. I bet you hardly see any but I will show you many Modi campaign videos in which he was bashing Pakistan so simple your country choose him because of his ANTI PAKISTAN slogan now bear the consequences because such people just for the sake of their slogan, just in the favor of their agenda they will do what ever they want just to impose... whether kill yours or any other country citizen...
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So far the reaction of these idiots has been .
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PAKISTAN centric . So much for Pakistan phobia.

What are these jokers going to do? Deluded bhartis Lmao.
I don't understand why it is taking too long to clear the Air base. Are Indian Authorities serving them with some pleasantries?
Uh Huh you are fooling no one son, its worse actually those 32+ rebellions have not killed as many innocent people as 2 armed rebellions in Pakistan.
We do have better security,. Do you see terrorists blow up in populated areas every now and then in India?
I'll tell you what you definitely are no genius, maybe you should think before you type so it doesn't make you look stupid later yeah? Airbases like in Afghanistan have been heavily fortified by the Americans more so than Indian AFBs and have been the target of attacks similar to this one. Do keep in touch with current events.

All excuses, regardless of the border regulation there have been heavy military activity in FATA the likes of which we have never seen in India.Back in 2004 PA had sent like 70-80000 soldiers to counter Al qaeda alongside US SFs, and had ur frontier corps for border security and still resulted in zarb-e azb which continues to even today.
It is the fault of your governance and of course ur security forces in not being able to control this inflow thru ur border with Afhganistan. The crux of the matter is such a large scale incident never happens in India. Fact.

I tried sticking to the topic but my comments got deleted. Apparently truth is just to bitter to swallow, who knew?

So here's the thing Pakistanis can believe a far fetched scheme about Indians attacking Indians to defame the "unadulterated" image of Pakistan but even the thought of the obvious reason is completely unacceptable, even if the last 60 years of their history says otherwise.
dude! I agreed that you have mumbo jumbo security... Why you don't stop crying and get a life??
Attack on Pathankot air force base

WHILE Pakistan-India ties are necessarily about a great deal more than terrorism, the latter is perhaps the one threat that can derail the relationship yet again.

It is too early to know the facts about what transpired at an Indian air force base in Pathankot but already some challenges — and opportunities for broadening and deepening anti-terrorism efforts — can be identified.

Firstly, the Pakistani government has done the right thing in quickly and unequivocally condemning the terror attack and offering its cooperation to India.

Having suffered grievously from militant violence and having resolved to fight militancy in all its forms, Pakistan should rightly offer its support to any state confronting terror threats. It is a welcome change that Pakistan now officially and directly condemns terrorist attacks regionally and internationally and offers its assistance where necessary.

The years of ambivalence appear to have been left behind.

Yet, the challenges are formidable. The hostile reaction by much of the Indian media to the alleged involvement of Pakistanis in the attack even before the barest facts could be established underlines just how difficult peacemaking will be.

Courageously, however, the Indian government has appeared to resist media and hawkish pressure and declined to go into attack mode against Pakistan. It is all too easy to reap political capital in the midst of a major terrorist attack by targeting perceived external enemies.

The preferable approach — one that hopefully the Indian government will continue to adopt in the days ahead — would be to quickly establish the facts. If no involvement of Pakistani nationals is found, the information should be shared with the Indian public.

If Pakistani nationals are found to be involved in the attack, the information should be shared with Pakistani authorities as quickly as possible — and reciprocal steps should be taken here. To thwart the political motives of terrorists, a sensible, cooperative approach by both governments should be key.

Inside Pakistan, there needs to be some reflection. Has Pakistan’s inability to deal adequately with India’s concerns about the 2008 Mumbai attacks caused cynicism about Pakistani intentions and led to Indians being automatically suspicious of Pakistan whenever a terrorist attack occurs in their country?

If so, does that not harm Pakistan’s own interests? There is still too much defensiveness about the terrorism threat on the Pakistani side — perhaps less so in the political government, but certainly in the military-led security establishment.

There is no conceivable gain that Pakistan can make through terrorism when it comes to key disputes and issues with India. Not only is that abundantly clear outside the state apparatus, a generation of senior officials, both military and civilian, have publicly and privately acknowledged and accepted that.

If that is indeed the case, then Pakistan ought to lead confidently on the regional terrorist threat. No one — at least no one credible — can accuse the Pakistani state of not wanting to or failing to fight the banned TTP today. The day must come when the same can be said for all terror threats, internally, regionally and internationally.

Published in Dawn, January 4th, 2016
Is the base now cleared if yes will India now start a war against Pakistan ^^ ?

They could always respond by attacking more Pakistani bases through proxy forces like in the past.
Rest in peace Soldiers. Its only due to your supreme sacrifices India could avert what could have become our own PNS MEHRAN. Salute to you. On the positive side, no stratic assets were lost in the attack.
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