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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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He didn't had courage to reply to posts once his propaganda was busted. Now, as one or 2 stupid presstitutes have picked same pic, trying to save his face. #ignore. :p:
true that.

Then why it has been shared by Indian news channels?
Does that change the fact that it's a fake picture? It only proves they are morons who will peddle whatever they can get their hands on during such attacks.
what about the pillow? I wonder where did they hide all that ammo?

Hijacked a car and reached the facility stealth / undetected all the way. Even after all intercepted calls vehicle reported missing, no body noticed the car reaching though did not forget to bring pillow.
Security personnel during their operation against the militants who attacked the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot on Saturday.


Security personnel guard near the Indian Air Force base that was attacked by the militants in Pathankot on Saturday.

An NSG commando was killed in mopping up operations against terrorists at an IAF base in Pathankot in Punjab.

Lt Col Niranjan, a member of the NSG's Bomb Disposal Squad, was killed while he was defusing the grenade at the scene of the terror attack as part of the combing operations that continued through the night.

Defence sources said Niranjan, a resident of Kerala, was killed while trying to retrieve the grenade from the body of a dead terrorist.

“Pained to know about demise of Lt. Col. Niranjan of NSG, nation salutes his sacrifice,” Home Minister Rajnath Singh said.
true that.

Does that change the fact that it's a fake picture? It only proves they are morons who will peddle whatever they can get their hands on during such attacks.
Can we get original pictures.
India Terrorist Attack: 4 Terrorists Killed, 2 Holed Up As Operations Continue, Says Home Ministry
  • pathankot.jpg

    Indian army soldiers take up position on the perimeter of an airforce base in Pathankot on Jan. 3, 2016, during an operation to 'sanitise' the base following an attack by gunmen.PHOTO: NARINDER NANU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
  • indianairforcebasepathankotjan2016.jpg

    Indian security personnel stand guard next to a barricade outside the Indian Air Force base at Pathankot in Punjab, India, Jan. 2, 2016.PHOTO: REUTERS/MUKESH GUPTA
  • pathankot.jpg

    Indian army soldiers take up position on the perimeter of an airforce base in Pathankot on Jan. 3, 2016, during an operation to 'sanitise' the base following an attack by gunmen.PHOTO: NARINDER NANU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
  • indianairforcebasepathankotjan2016.jpg

    Indian security personnel stand guard next to a barricade outside the Indian Air Force base at Pathankot in Punjab, India, Jan. 2, 2016.PHOTO: REUTERS/MUKESH GUPTA
UPDATE: 6:45 a.m. EST -- Rajiv Mehrishi, home secretary to India's Ministry of Home Affairs, said in a press briefing that counterterrorism operations to neutralize the terrorists were still ongoing and confirmed the death of only four terrorists who had been killed Saturday. He also said the remaining terrorists, at least two, had been confined to a small area and there was no risk of them escaping. Tactical details were not revealed, since operations were still ongoing. Mehrishi confirmed that seven security personnel had been killed, and revealed another 12 had been injured, one of them seriously.

Meanwhile, sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs told Reuters that six terrorists had been killed. An administrative unit was blown up to neutralize the sixth terrorist, reported Reuters.

UPDATE: 5:30 a.m. EST -- One of the two remaining terrorists inside the Pathankot Air Force Base has been killed by security forces, local newspaper the Hindu reported, citing sources in the army. It is suspected that at least one more terrorist could be still alive. The report also said that two militants from Jaish-e-Mohammed were also suspected to have made their way to New Delhi.

UPDATE: 4:00 a.m. EST -- Local television channels cited police saying that two gunmen were still holding up at the Pathankot Air Force Base in Punjab, India. However, a home ministry official,reportedly did not confirm reports that gunmen were still at large, despite fresh blasts and gunfire were heard on Sunday morning.

Original Story:

Three soldiers, who were injured in Saturday’s terrorist attacks on the Pathankot Air Force Base in Punjab, India, later died in hospital, according to local news reports. Along with the four terrorists killed in Saturday's counterterrorism operations, the total number of dead now stands at 11.

While authorities suspect the attack was carried out by Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group with its base in Pakistan, there has been no claim of responsibility for the terrorist attacks so far, Reutersreported.
Hijacked a car and reached the facility stealth / undetected all the way. Even after all intercepted calls vehicle reported missing, no body noticed the car reaching though did not forget to bring pillow.
and they called their Mother too - probably looking for last lullaby
This shows the mentality of the Terrorists -- They are completely brainwashed with the dream of going into heaven with 72 ***** in the name of Jihad. I think the time have comed when India have to stop been defensive and start been aggressive on all front. The Indian govt. should utilize all fronts aggressively whether Covert, when military, whether diplomacy, and whether economically and raise the price of the Jihad war the enemy is fighting.

To counter that killing just the puppets, prones terrorists are not the solutions, but steps should be taken agressively to show the real planners, that where ever you sit , India can strike them, who so ever they are. If India wants to be super power, they should take the responsibility, show the action like the Super Power. The main culpits, the leaders living in the safe heavens, doing Propaganda, raising funds, motivating youths to Jihad should be killed in their homes ASAP, whether covertly or with the paid killers. There stucture of raising funds should be destroyed, and the country responsible should be exposed to the World, and declared a Terrorist State. The one responsible of creating a fake organisation like Jamat ud Dawa should be the one to be punished, and killed, because he is the one who is Running this Jihadi Factory in the name of social cause. Without the fear in those leaders, these types of terrorists attack could not be stopped for ever.
This shows your forces are lying about calls. They are blatantly lying
Look at the kind of reporting done in Indian media. Last minute call to his mother (Bollywood style) Maa meri fikar mut ker and than cut.

Well done everybody, Pakistan is blamed, case closed.

That is not media reporting, rather the call intercepted by the security agencies, when one terrorist called his mother, befor been killed.
If you guys had such a strong evidence why didn't share it with US as they put millions of dollar bounty if anyone can provide them with information that can withstand court test to induct hafiz saeed but its been years and not even a shred of evidence came from any side.

Plus after having such strong evidence why is your Pm making surprise LOVELY visits to Pakistan??
Because he knows 26/11 was a false flag just to put pressure on Pak and to weaken her by indian propaganda of spreading terror etc back them we were already having troubles at home too so it made indian hawks think they can get some concessions on Kashmir by such tactics but it all failed and today Pakistan is emerging as a stronger and united nation while india is under attack and falling apart.

All due to their suppressing and cruel policies in Kashmir.
Ha ha. Poor you. Still trying to tell everyone that 26/11 was false flag? Then why your own country men went on super defensive trying to pin it on NONSTATE ACTORS?

You talk about evidence? You mean a body like UN will simply call a person terrorist and keep a bounty without evidence? Don't know maybe that's how it happens in Pakistan but not in civilised organizations.

Regarding modi visiting Pak, that's the real reason Pak establishment is having fire in their pants. How can anyone talk to democratic leader in Pak? Pak is owned by the military and not the people. It's world known fact. You can again go into denial mode. Explain why is there a terrorist attack or Pak army operation everytime we have democratic govt in both nations taking?
Well, Pakistanis in this thread FAIL to realize that NOW India ACTUALLY sees the Difference.
The Difference in the Power and Command centre in Pakistan.

The Problem is 99% of Pakistanis DONT KNOW which Pakistan they are talking about ?
Is it the ISI or the Army or the Govt. or some "Non-State-Actors" acting on behalf of groups like LeT and JeM ?
My Pakistani freinds will agree that all the above are hostile towards India.

To all those WHo are desperately waiting the Indian Govt. to name "Pakistan", need to understand this. YOu are Facing Terror and Terrorism on your own soil, what if some elements with the same genes sneak across the border and target India ?

They would still be "From Pakistan" ( Yes, Im ok with giving Benifit of Doubt, as of now ) , but this MUST NOT be a Prestige issue after all YOU ARE AWARE that Terror elements DO EXIST on your Soil.. They regularlily target YOU and at times corss the border and target India.

What i cant understand is, how hard it is for Pakistan to say, he.. we are have the Op Zarb-e-Azb, kill our rats..on our soil if they run towards you.. lets trace them .. n kill them....for good..

The Problem is Going for an "Automatic Denial" ( OBLs / 26/11s , Headly / Lakhvi / H Saeed etc. etc. ) means, we are ALREADY suffering with a disease but if you get the same germs we WILL NEVER accept we COULD be the source" ..
Yeah because questioning why the hell would special forces wait until the day after to comb over operations area is crazy thinking, asking why when combing over they didn't use Thermal cameras or night vision cameras to spot the gunmen hiding.

we can raise these legitimate questions and learn from them or you indians can go into self denial and claim that u have one of the best armies in the world. yet they could take out 6 gunmen in 2 days

I really want Modi and Indian army to retaliate so Pakistan put them in their place. Indian army isn't up to it and thats the impression the whole world is getting after this attack
Are you related to the same terrorist group? Or else how do you know there are only 6? Can't there be more in nearby villages?
Hijacked a car and reached the facility stealth / undetected all the way. Even after all intercepted calls vehicle reported missing, no body noticed the car reaching though did not forget to bring pillow.

What i would like to know is if it's at all possible to make a call to Pakistan from an Indian mobile and an official one at that.....strangely there's no mention of finding Pakistani SIMs either.
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