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Yeah, that is like saying Communists have been attacking in Europe. Just because the term is generic of a class of people doesn't mean its the same groups.

Our Maoists are in Indian hinterland, not border areas. Our particular group has been exclusively focused on India. They don't wish to take Bangladesh, they wish to bring revolution in India.
Indian Maoists have been attacking neighboring countries too. Happy now, or do you want to type another paragraph on semantics?
I and the civilized world.
Oh look, the classic ''civilized world'' argument. Ironically, it's the same argument used by the British when they took over India - that Indians were ''uncivilized'' and needed to be ''civilized''. The irony is unbearable.

the terrorists who say they are Muslim and say they are on jihad and say they are dying for Islam... explode in markets and kill people.
So you trust people who explode themselves in markets but not the majority of Muslims. Because people who explode themselves are always sane and don't lie. :sarcastic:

Because North Korea regularly threatens war on South Korea.
And India regularly threatens war on Pakistan. Your point? Threatening war and engaging in terrorism are entirely different things.

Do you see someone giving a crap about Myanmar

Do you know what happened to LTTE when they crossed the border and killed the Indian PM ?
India became against LTTE and helped Lanka kill them. Why did India not do it before? Because the problem did not affect us.
Why did India not do it before? Because India was busy helping the LTTE.
Indian Maoists have been attacking neighboring countries too. Happy now, or do you want to type another paragraph on semantics?

Oh look, the classic ''civilized world'' argument. Ironically, it's the same argument used by the British when they took over India - that Indians were ''uncivilized'' and needed to be ''civilized''. The irony is unbearable.

So you trust people who explode themselves in markets but not the majority of Muslims. Because people who explode themselves are always sane and don't lie. :sarcastic:

And India regularly threatens war on Pakistan. Your point? Threatening war and engaging in terrorism are entirely different things.


Why did India not do it before? Because India was busy helping the LTTE.
We are going around in circles.
Indian maoists have not been attacking other countries, heck they have been receiving help from Chinese for decades.They have to be able to dominate in India before hitting neighbours, so far they are completely occupied internally.

Actually, yes, I do trust the exploding guys and assault weapon wielding ones more, because they know they are going to die, money is not a motivation to kill yourself. They truly believe they are fighting for Islam and they are going on a jihad.

And I have to practically wonder - every major religion on earth teaches spiritual struggle, why is it that the Hindus or Budhists or Christians are not exploding everywhere?

Localized insurgencies/brutalities I can understand - like the IRA in UK, or LTTE in SL or Maoists(atheist) in India, but certainly, Myanmar budhists are not exploding against Muslims in London or Hindus are not committing suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia nor are Christians in Pakistan going to markets and killing the 'non-believers'

So it has to be something specific to Islam because its spread over a very very wide geographical area and to very unrelated people- Austrians joining ISIS to Pakistani taliban.
Since I am not a Muslim nor an expert on Islam, I am not qualified to judge what it is, but it is certainly something.

Though we can agree to disagree, my point is that were Pakistanis not dying everywhere for Islam, the world would be bothering Pakistan exponentially less.
You seem to think that even if Pakistanis were not involved in all this, the world would still bother Pakistan.
We are going around in circles.
Yes, we are.
Indian maoists have not been attacking other countries, heck they have been receiving help from Chinese for decades.
Why don't you tell the ''civilized world'' and ''international community'' to take action against the Chinese? After all, India is very important to them.
Actually, yes, I do trust the exploding guys and assault weapon wielding ones more, because they know they are going to die, money is not a motivation to kill yourself. They truly believe they are fighting for Islam and they are going on a jihad.
They don't, actually. They beg for mercy when they are about to be executed, and most of them don't have the slightest idea about Islam. Those who do believe it and do suicide bombings are indoctrinated psychopaths. The issue is that terrorists seem to be very good at finding such psychopaths, because they prey on orphans and vulnerable people and indoctrinate them since childhood. It's a very complex issue and dismissing it by saying ''Jihad'' doesn't do justice to it.

And I have to practically wonder - every major religion on earth teaches spiritual struggle, why is it that the Hindus or Budhists are Christians are not exploding everywhere?
Because the world's geopolitical scenario has recently shifted to being centered around Muslim nations. The LTTE, which invented suicide belts, used left-wing ideologies for their purposes. The Christians were fighting in Crusades and massacring people in Inquisitions not so long ago. When the political situation changed to their advantage, their religious extremism was replaced with ideas of ''Democracy'' and ''Civilization''. Yet they used these ideas too for aggressive political purposes.

The Buddhists are currently perpetrating violence in Myanmar.

My point is that every religion or ideology can be twisted.
Localized insurgencies/brutalities I can understand - like the IRA in UK, or LTTE in SL or Maoists(atheist) in India, but certainly, Myanmar budhists are not exploding against Muslims in London or Hindus are not committing suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia
Religious extremism has more reach than political ideologies.
So it has to be something specific to Islam because its spread over a very very wide geographical area and to very unrelated people- Austrians joining ISIS to Pakistani taliban.
It's not specific to Islam. The concept of Jihad is emphatically and clearly described as ''doing something for the betterment of society or one's spiritual state''. Additionally, suicide and the killing of innocents is forbidden. These restrictions are very, very emphasized in all Islamic texts, a lot more so than Jihad.

If the situation was reversed, the same would happen with Christian extremists or Hindu extremists. Like I said, religious extremism is more potent than political ideologies.

Though we can agree to disagree, my point is that were Pakistanis not dying everywhere for Islam, the world would be bothering Pakistan exponentially less.
You seem to think that even if Pakistanis were not involved in all this, the world would still bother Pakistan.
Yes, that is your point and I disagree with it. But I'm not talking about some massive worldwide conspiracy against Pakistan specifically, or even Muslims. Just that the global political situation is such that it results in countries having to bother Pakistan. Hypothetically, had Pakistan not supported the US in its fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan, Pakistan would still be facing similar situations, if not worse.

Another point I disagree with is your usage of 'the world' to refer to the Western Bloc. It's not the world whose interests were and are aligned against Pakistan's. Just a few nations. China, for example, is a big part of the world, yet it maintains good relations with Pakistan.
quarter ya half kee farak padatha you lost the war n you believe your army's version on damages inflicted!!!!!:haha:

If you were so top on us in 1965 why did you run to Russia to enact a ceasefire...:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
I laugh on you saying we didnt win the war..... See bro India started war in 1965 to destroy whole Pak with a larger war .... But failed in its objectives.. And Quarter or Half .... Its a big difference man go study maths!! And obviously there will be something to end an endless continuos fighting > Ceasefire
They never went into Mynamar. Modi is an impotent Prime Minister just like his predecessor. They lack testicular fortitude to challenge the real men Pakistanis. We will show these nutless Mallus who is the real man.

I have noticed that the average Pakistani who lives outside Pakistan brays loudly.
Bhai they never went into Myanmar, read the washingtonpost article.
quarter ya half kee farak padatha you lost the war n you believe your army's version on damages inflicted!!!!!:haha:
And what more are you talking about the ceasefire that gave your soldiers relaxation moment other wise you would be completely pissed off :D

If you were so top on us in 1965 why did you run to Russia to enact a ceasefire...:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Still in 1970s. Good. Keep living there until you realize that this is 2015......and traitors are also not standing with you.
Stand correct.. as per your own Pak Army & ISI statement their are 35K + and growing RAW agents in Pakistan.

Smell coffee
to give respite to Indian army your army general ran to russians to ask a ceasefire??????
Kudos to Pakistani logic...... Unique in the whole world not an inch of logic:omghaha:
That thing happened on agreement of both... And the crying one would have asked for ceasefire which is INDIA!

For Indians: Its a clear but indirect msg from Indian Army chief accepting their defeat in the recent battle !!
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