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Your Top commanders indirectly saying that we cant afford that type of a thing in Pakistan.... Pakistan is vigilant, strong and highly defencive... Then the thing becomes very clear then no need any debates..

Indian members are just trolling and posting useless photos .... Yarr i have alott!! You have only one or two so keep on posting them 100 times it wont make difference ..... Basically we won two wars against you and you won only one!! And which you won wasnt directly ... Actually you and Bengal, Un and America were all against us so thats why.... I challenge all Indians to really look inside their hearts and find were you really the winners in 1971? Werent you helping Bengal?? Didnt you lost Two and Two direct battles against Pak? Go ask yourselves now..

Don't accuse RAW, we are going to surrender with 90000 soldiers. :D
Jab kuch na bache juggtein maaro ... What else are you left with :)
you fought three wars with us.... lost half of your land..... close to 90k of your troops surrendered........ largest after second world war..... inflict something similar to us and talk..... till then live with our 90k trolling.....case :closed:
Half of the land ya quarter??? Sach btao ? Aur ye bhi btao ke did we ever wish to have those lands??? And ur lands, tanks fighter jets were more destroyed

Its good in making fun of yourself.

BTW, now u accepting 65 was done by Pak?
Pak nae balke India hee.... Because panga was taken by India as usual and a brilliant response ws given by pak as usual

Its good in making fun of yourself.

BTW, now u accepting 65 was done by Pak?
And making fun of yourself to nae hai .... Go ask ur grandpa/dad in military if u dont believe how we pissed you in 65
Or there is always a better way: Stop supporting terrorism in the region, so that everyone could live in peace.

Not that I expect anything of sorts from indian extremist clowns sitting in the govt, but it is always worth a try.
Here's an idea - stop supporting terrorism in the world.
Everyone who explodes or shoots with an Ak 47- whether in Mumbai or in Canada or in US or in UK turns out to be a Pakistani or have links with Pakistan.

When Pakistan stops doing that, we'll talk about peace, till then... :)
Everyone who explodes or shoots with an Ak 47- whether in Mumbai or in Canada or in US or in UK turns out to be a Pakistani or have links with Pakistan.
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By all means - google it.
The British PM's statement is a quote.
An out-of-context quote of a statement he made right before signing a £6 million pact to help Pakistan combat terror.
Here's what he really said:
"Three quarters of the most serious plots investigated by the British authorities have links to al-Qaida in Pakistan. Our aim must be to work together to do everything in our power to cut off terrorism,'"he told a press conference in Islamabad.''

That was 8 years ago. Al Qaeda is long gone.
An out-of-context quote of a statement he made right before signing a £6 million pact to help Pakistan combat terror.
Here's what he really said:
"Three quarters of the most serious plots investigated by the British authorities have links to al-Qaida in Pakistan. Our aim must be to work together to do everything in our power to cut off terrorism,'"he told a press conference in Islamabad.''

That was 8 years ago. Al Qaeda is long gone.
The point remains entirely standing.

The terrorism links whether with al qaeda or any other islamic alphabetical soup are within Pakistan.
Is it entirely coincidental that Osama bin laden was also found in Pakistan. Is it entirely coincidental that the terrorists in the Mumbai massacre were Pakistanis.

The world recognizes that the fountain of spreading terrorism in this region and the world is Pakistan. The statement of the PM of Britain is a testament to that.

David Cameron: Pakistan is promoting the ‘export of terror’ - Telegraph

Terrorism row: David Cameron refuses to back down on Pakistan terrorism remarks - Telegraph

Al Qaeda may or may not be gone, but the mentality that supports the spreading of terrorism and jihad in Pakistan and Pakistanis is still present and thriving.
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Is it entirely coincidental that Osama bin laden was also found in Pakistan.
The world recognizes that the fountain of spreading terrorism in this region and the world is Pakistan.
The ''world's'' ''recognition'' is limited to its political interests. When its interests become against India, you'll hear the exact same thing about India. This is the same ''world'' that ''recognized'' WMDs in Iraq.
Al Qaeda may be gone, but the mentality that supports the spreading of terrorism and jihad in Pakistan and Pakistanis is still present and thriving.
Oh it's present alright. But not thriving at all. Unless you call decomposition 'thriving'.

If you want something to worry about, worry about the Naxalites, Maoists, Nagaland, Bodoland and whatnot in your own backyard. We're cleaning up ours well enough.

The ''world's'' ''recognition'' is limited to its political interests. When its interests become against India, you'll hear the exact same thing about India. This is the same ''world'' that ''recognized'' WMDs in Iraq.

Oh it's present alright. But not thriving at all. Unless you call decomposition 'thriving'.

If you want something to worry about, worry about the Naxalites, Maoists, Nagaland, Bodoland and whatnot in your own backyard. We're cleaning up ours well enough.
We have to worry about Pakistan, because Pakistan is unable to contain its jihadistic tendencies within its borders.

The Maoists or Naga rebels, do damage to India, they don't go to third countries and kill civilians there or explode in market places.

The Pakistanis do.
If the Pakistanis were not doing their jihad everywhere - from India to Afghanistan to UK/Europe and instead remained within their borders, no one would have bothered Pakistan.
The Maoists or Naga rebels, do damage to India, they don't go to third countries
Maoists have been attacking neighboring countries too.

We have to worry about Pakistan, because Pakistan is unable to contain its jihadistic tendencies within its borders.
You might be confusing Pakistan with Occupied Kashmir and terrorism with Kashmiri freedom fighters.

As for ''Jihad'' and ''Jihadistic tendencies'', there is nothing wrong with Jihad since Jihad is a spiritual concept completely unrelated to terrorism.

If the Pakistanis were not doing their jihad everywhere - from India to Afghanistan to UK/Europe and instead remained within their borders, no one would have bothered Pakistan.
Bull. It's never that way. North Korea, for example, hasn't done any ''Jihad'' outside of Korea. Yet the whole world bothers them. It's politics, don't take it at face value.
Maoists have been attacking neighboring countries too.
Yeah, that is like saying Communists have been attacking in Europe. Just because the term is generic of a class of people doesn't mean its the same groups.

Our Maoists are in Indian hinterland, not border areas. Our particular group has been exclusively focused on India. They don't wish to take Bangladesh, they wish to bring ''peoples revolution" in India.

You might be confusing Pakistan with Occupied Kashmir and terrorism with Kashmiri freedom fighters.
No, unless you think simple markets in UP or hotels in Mumbai are in Jammu & Kashmir.
So, no, I am not confusing anything, though we as a country do class any person coming over from Pakistan to die in Kashmir as a terrorist - and we get truckloads of them.
As for ''Jihad'' and ''Jihadistic tendencies'', there is nothing wrong with Jihad since Jihad is a spiritual concept completely unrelated to terrorism.
You can call 'day' as 'night' for all I care.
I and the civilized world see the terrorists who say they are Muslim, have been for generations and say they are on jihad and say they are dying for Islam... explode in markets and kill people.

You can call it gardening for all we care.
Bull. It's never that way. North Korea, for example, hasn't done any ''Jihad'' outside of Korea. Yet the whole world bothers them. It's politics, don't take it at face value.
Because North Korea regularly threatens war on South Korea.

Do you see someone giving a crap about Myanmar or Sri Lanka?
Why? Because the killers in those countries aren't jumping borders to kill citizens of other countries.

Do you know what happened to LTTE when they crossed the border and killed the Indian PM ?
India became against LTTE and helped Lanka kill them. Why did India not do it before? Because the problem did not affect us.
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