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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

Hindis continue to violate but their corrupt stupid propaganda lying machine media always puts the blame on Pakistan. Pakistan Army is patient in this matter, which is a good thing unlike what brainless hindi army they are showing their useless aggression & trying to show “oh we hindis are something..”.

Hindis are supporting terrorism in Pakistan specially in Balochistan they are fully funding the rented terrorists to carry out cowardly attacks on the people & the army so our enemies are known to us & their snake way of thinking.

Pakistan Army right now is seriously concerned about the internal matters which is related to politics they want to see this problem solved as soon as possible, when I say ASAP it does not mean 1 year or more, Pak Army wants this problem to solved in a month or two, surely they are pissed once again on the incompetent corrupt politician who were thinking they are smart & were trying to solve the issue with snake hinids in un professional way. If all this non sense continues then we will see 111 Brigade soon. I think these few days are very important from the revolution point of view because they are sitting in the Capital & the business & work life over there is currently almost ZERO. So Pak Army is also concerned & they are already pissed with the incompetent corrupt politicians & cowardly hindi behavior.
According to my sources , Gen Kyani is pissed , at how the current events are taking place , he is the kind of guy who doesn't get angry very easily , & ones has does you don't want to be on the wrong side, so if I was Indian soldiers I would watch my Heads, as something will roll very soon .

The Soldier did his duty , we are all proud of him , may his soul rest in peace , and his Sacrifice will not go in vain , that I can assure you of .

TELL General kayani to enroll in anger management classes that, might do him a world of good. Also tell him to check-in re-hab for his smoking habit, that clown of a general makes the entire world :rofl:

If its not the the IA that will kill him, but tobacco sure will
According to my sources , Gen Kyani is pissed , at how the current events are taking place , he is the kind of guy who doesn't get angry very easily , & ones has does you don't want to be on the wrong side, so if I was Indian soldiers I would watch my Heads, as something will roll very soon .

The Soldier did his duty , we are all proud of him , may his soul rest in peace , and his Sacrifice will not go in vain , that I can assure you of .

The attitude is justified but they need to turn that anger into something productive.

May be next time, the bullets won't find a soldier.
May be if the bullet finds the soldier next time,it won't harm him.
May be in future if the soldier is injured by a bullet,he'll not lose his life.
TELL General kayani to enroll in anger management classes that, might do him a world of good. Also tell him to check-in re-hab for his smoking habit, that clown of a general makes the entire world :rofl:

I would rather not engage into argument with Idiots , so have a good day.
According to my sources , Gen Kyani is pissed , at how the current events are taking place , he is the kind of guy who doesn't get angry very easily , & ones has does you don't want to be on the wrong side, so if I was Indian soldiers I would watch my Heads, as something will roll very soon .

Whatever.. Unlike Pakistanis, we dont consider Army Generals as demi Gods. Who cares if he is angry or not. :lol:
The attitude is justified but they need to turn that anger into something productive.

May be next time, the bullets doesn't find a soldier.
May be if the bullet finds the soldier next time,it's unable to harm him.
May be in future if the soldier is injured by a bullet,he doesn't lose his life.

Just give it few days , and you will see the results , Right now Army is busy in so many fronts that is no possible to give 100% attention to a single front , but after few days once the Storm is settled , a new Storm will build up & then you will see our Dear neighbors dying to get into a discussion to solve our issues . it has happened in past & it will happen again , just give it time . Those who laugh first end up being Laughed at in the end.

Whatever.. Unlike Pakistanis, we dont consider Army Generals as demi Gods. Who cares if he is angry or not. :lol:

Of Course you don't , & lets not get into Gods or it will turn ugly , you dont care about your generals & soldiers we already know that , we are not like you so please keep your BS to yourself.

Ohh & you should care , you should very much care , why ? you will find out soon enough.
Just give it few days , and you will see the results , Right now Army is busy in so many fronts that is no possible to give 100% attention to a single front , but after few days once the Storm is settled , a new Storm will build up & then you will see our Dear neighbors dying to get into a discussion to solve our issues . it has happened in past & it will happen again , just give it time . Those who laugh first end up being Laughed at in the end.

Yeah those who do not learn from history are Doomed to repeat it over and over again, so quit with these flamboyant threat's it not going to do your country any good.

we will be waiting for the any mischief by Pakistan and we will respond in the correct manner deemed necessary for the country labelled as the epic center of terror.
Of Course you don't , & lets not get into Gods or it will turn ugly , you dont care about your generals & soldiers we already know that , we are not like you so please keep your BS to yourself.

Ohh & you should care , you should very much care , why ? you will find out soon enough.

Learn to understand the difference between Gods and Demi Gods :facepalm:

and yeah! we should care.. :lol:

I remember him saying an year back that the next drone that comes into Pak will be shot down :rofl:

We are the "epic center" of terror :woot:


epi-center.. Not Epic Center :)
Yeah those who do not learn from history are Doomed to repeat it over and over again, so quit with these flamboyant threat's it not going to do your country any good.

we will be waiting for the any mischief by Pakistan and we will respond in the correct manner deemed necessary for the country labelled as the epic center of terror.

you my dear Friend have no idea what terror actually is , you fill find out soon enough though , so keep the fingers Crossed , i am sure your Superman Army will be able to handle anything we throw at them .
Learn to understand the difference between Gods and Demi Gods :facepalm:

and yeah! we should care.. :lol:

I remember him saying an year back that the next drone that comes into Pak will be shot down :rofl:

Want a Tissue ? !
you my dear Friend have no idea what terror actually is , you fill find out soon enough though , so keep the fingers Crossed , i am sure your Superman Army will be able to handle anything we throw at them .

we have handled all that your having throwing at us since partition and more, so i don't think there is going to anything new.
you my dear Friend have no idea what terror actually is , you fill find out soon enough though , so keep the fingers Crossed , i am sure your Superman Army will be able to handle anything we throw at them .

So, whatever you throw at us from your keyboard, we will throw it back at you via our keyboard, OK, Mr. Internet Warrior ?
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