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Indian agenda of cutting Pakistan to size

I think less than decade ago i heard your IA chief announcing cold start.

---------- Post added at 10:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

Sure today Pakistan is in a shape and size where you wanted it to be!

You can never digest a Pakistan with growth rate of 10% and that was the time when you were making all those war statements.

the Pakistan is in bad situation due to mistakes of Pakistani policy makers and not India
Lets assume for a while that this is a plan and it exists..
then its a very well oiled one as the state of Pakistan is in a state of ongoing collapse.. a collapse that is slowed down for a while by some institutions that uphold the law and truth.. but only for a while.

But then lets be very very honest.. no well oiled plan can work unless the cogs its supposed to work on turn exactly as they are supposed to.
And both Pakistan's policy makers.. and its people..are the cogs hell bent on ensuring that the efforts of all those UP,Punjabi,Pathan,Baloch,Sindhi and Bengali Musims who worked so hard and sacrificed so much to create this state..come to naught..
Blaming others for your own complacence is the mark of fools.
Sure ..they laid the trap.. but you are the one who walks into it..Again..and Again.. and AGAIN.

here's a Hyperbole on the topic..
Now what would a split nukeless Pakistan offer India?? A free path to Afghanistan and the CARS.. and a way to encircle China so that it and its new found fiance the US can control the region?
No more a credible free Muslim threat to an Indian state.. Bangladesh is already hellbent on becoming a vassal state thanks to the AL..so why not more smaller Muslim "regions" that pose no real threat?
Access to the rumored natural resources of Balochistan.??
The fruits are endless...so what if you have to deal with a few terror groups and lose ten or so people now and then...

brought to you by hyperbole pvt ltd
I grew up hating India because I grew up in Lahore and there were massacres of 1947, so much bloodshed and anger. But as I started touring India, I got such love and friendship there that all this disappeared.- Imran Khan
In his article "The future of Pakistan" published by Brookings Institution American South Asia expert Stephen P. Cohen notes

"When it comes to its relations with its most important neighbor, India, and its most important international ally, the United States, its overarching narrative is that of victimhood. Pakistan’s perception of itself as the victim of Hindu domination has led to the mother of all “trust deficits,” a deficit that can never be eliminated because it stems from the deeply held belief that Indians are dominating, insincere, and untrustworthy. In this view, there is nothing that Pakistan can do to normalize the relationship because Indians/Hindus are essentially untrustworthy and have proven that to be true time and time again. My view is that if trust is a component of the problem, it is an eternal one."
Can you please elaborate?

The strategy was originated by Gen Zia, to cut India down to pieces and keep them engaged.
Thus the punjab, asam and communist movement.
however due to our corrupt and inept governments hence forth, today they are applying the same to us.
The strategy was originated by Gen Zia, to cut India down to pieces and keep them engaged.
Thus the punjab, asam and communist movement.
however due to our corrupt and inept governments hence forth, today they are applying the same to us.

Assam is too far man and Zia only did the punjab thing and it failed bigitme.
Well the world knows who got beaten!...In the history of world, after second world war only Pakistan army posses the very distinguished privilege of surrendering and drooping their weapon by a staggering 79,700 army men!!!

And in-fact Pakistan even issued stamp requesting for release of 90,000 Pakistani POW in India, below is that stamp's scanned copy...


We had no reason to fight for those who had lined up behind that traitor Mujib , we gave them a bloody nose and left

That figure of 90,000 is a cooked up figure and that stamp was issued by the then PPP government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto which had the same stupid anti-Army mind-set as the current PPP government.

The then PPP government saw that conflict as opportunity to put down the Army just as the current one is trying to do so, different times, different faces, same agendas (including that of India )

Here have look at Indians surrendering to China is 62 also

Indian soldiers surrendered then fed by the Chinese / Sino-India War 1962 - YouTube

look at this shameful indian grinning his teeth after surrendering .. lol

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That figure of 90,000 is a cooked up figure and that stamp was issued by the then PPP government of Zulkikar Ali Bhutto which had the same stupid anti-Army mind-set as the current PPP government.

The then PPP government saw that conflict as opportunity to put down the Army just as the current one is trying to do so, different times, different faces, same agendas (including that of India )

Here have look at Indians surrendering to China is 62 also

Indian soldiers surrendered then fed by the Chinese / Sino-India War 1962 - YouTube

look at this shameful indian grinning his teeth after surrendering .. lol


how can u say that the figure is inflated when ur own government accepted it???? on the basis of some stupid articles??

and why going off topic buddy???? too ashamed to face the reality?????
how can u say that the figure is inflated when ur own government accepted it???? on the basis of some stupid articles??

and why going off topic buddy???? too ashamed to face the reality?????

That figure is a politically motivated cooked up one; there is very little truth in it.
Yes the Army was ordered to stand down and stop the fighting since there was nothing left to fight but we made sure that those who betrayed Pakistan are given due treatment before we leave.
India for its part can only claim supporting terrorists in that conflict (just as it is doing so now) nothing more nothing less. That’s the reality and you need to face up to it
That figure is a politically motivated cooked up one; there is very little truth in it.
Yes the Army was ordered to stand down and stop the fighting since there was nothing left to fight but we made sure that those who betrayed Pakistan are given due treatment before we leave.
India for its part can only claim supporting terrorists in that conflict (just as it is doing so now) nothing more nothing less. That’s the reality and you need to face up to it

who the hell are u to claim that the figure was politically motivated......and we support any terrorists, we bombed east pakistan to terror......
who the hell are u to claim that the figure was politically motivated......and we support any terrorists, we bombed east pakistan to terror......

Who the hell am I to claim ? Well because I know the political setup and history of my country better than you and I know the mindset of PPP far better than you.

Once the indian army opend the front in east Pakistan , Pakistan Army did rear guad action on the western front and captured indian terrioty on the western front after kicking out the indic army from those places. The captured indian areas were used to negotiate the release of those of our men who were ordered stand down on the eastern front.

It’s a fact that the LOC has moved further eastwards after every india Pakistan conflict and it will not stop moving eastwards until all of Kashmir is free from Indian occupation

You are too wimpy thats why you supported terrorists in east Pakistan ( same as you are doing now ) , that is your claim to fame in that conflict nothing more than that.
Who the hell am I to claim ? Well because I know the political setup and history of my country better than you and I know the mindset of PPP far better than you.

You lost at many places in the western front and captured indian terrioty after kicking out the indic army was used to negotiate the release of those of our men who were ordered stand down on the eastern front.

It’s a fact that the LOC has moved further eastwards after every india Pakistan conflict and it will not stop moving eastwards until all of Kashmir is free from Indian occupation

You are too wimpy thats why you supported terrorists in east Pakistan ( same as you are doing now ) , that is your claim to fame in that conflict nothing more than that.

keep crying as much as u want, major part of kashmir still belongs to india bangladesh is independent, and u can't change it, as much as u want......
the article is from a pakistani news paper by a pakistani author about indias agenda,now why should i bother feeding the troll fest?
Who the hell am I to claim ? Well because I know the political setup and history of my country better than you and I know the mindset of PPP far better than you.

Once the indian army opend the front in east Pakistan , Pakistan Army did rear guad action on the western front and captured indian terrioty on the western front after kicking out the indic army from those places. The captured indian areas were used to negotiate the release of those of our men who were ordered stand down on the eastern front.

It’s a fact that the LOC has moved further eastwards after every india Pakistan conflict and it will not stop moving eastwards until all of Kashmir is free from Indian occupation

You are too wimpy thats why you supported terrorists in east Pakistan ( same as you are doing now ) , that is your claim to fame in that conflict nothing more than that.

so in other words you want to spread terrorism in India.
Point Noted.
keep crying as much as u want, major part of kashmir still belongs to india bangladesh is independent, and u can't change it, as much as u want......

area wise about 35% Kashmir is with Pakistan , 40% with india and 25% with China
we booted you out from the 35% of Kashmir which is now Azad Kashmir
bangladesh is not part of india , but Azad Kahmir is Part of Pakistan
like I said your only cliam to fame in the 71 conflict is the support for terrorist groups

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