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Indian Activist speaks about rampant caste bias among the Indian diaspora in the United States.

Why was Bali murdered in his fight with his brother? Because Vanar Jati have no rights?
lol ,
never heard of a caste(jaati) named Vanar ?? 😂 😂
But all Hindus understand Arabic and fully understand the word "kaafir" ?
So why don't you teach Hindi to the Muslims globally, especially when you are standing in queues for job visas at the consulates of Muslim countries.

Why dont you stop calling non muslims kafur,
And give up all the inventions and gadgets made by the kafurs.:dirol:
I thought it was bad when an Indian co-worker of mine was picking out a wife and had this color chart thing with 20 shades of brown and was holding the girls' pictures up to it debating their particular shade number.

Him: Hey do you think she's this shade..
Me: Get way from me..I don't want any part in this. No way. Ask somebody else.

Why dont you stop calling non muslims kafur,
And give up all the inventions and gadgets made by the kafurs.:dirol:

You should read about the Islamic Golden Age inspiring the European Renaissance and thus the later Industrial Revolution. :)
Nothing is contradictory in it ,??? that is what I was trying to convey you , You unknowingly accepted It :haha:
By varn dronacharya was born brahmin But by karm he was kshatriya,
Don't escort abhramic lens of conversion in sanatan dharm.
I was referring to process of adoption of the rich and poor .
Karna was adopted even though he was born before his mother married.But he was of noble origin being the son of Indra.
Please answer why Shambuka had to meet his fate ?
Please answer why Bali had to meet HIS fate?
Am waiting.
I have Dr. Ambedkar's explanation but would like to hear your side.
Karn hi varn hai ?
Karna was adopted even though he was born before his mother married.But he was of noble origin being the son of Indra.
Radha and Adiratha parents of the karn didnt know the caste of the karan still they adopted a baby boy floating in a river doesn't it contradict with your varna bias ,
Please name an Islamic scientist during the industrial revolution in EUROPE
The industrial revolution was itself the product of the retention of scientific knowledge by Muslims despite the loss of 90% of this intellectual property at the hands of the Mongols.
But there is a revival:
Please name an Islamic scientist during the industrial revolution in EUROPE

Muslims were driven out of Europe in 1492 so no Muslim scientist / engineer was present in Europe during the Industrial Revolution.

But in other places, what about Tipu Sultan's experiments and developments in rocketry, horticulture and economics ?
Please answer why Shambuka had to meet his fate ?
Hail the communist historians(distorians)
Lord Ram's killing of Shambuka or even the existence of the character Shambuka is highly disputed. The story is treated as a later interpolation to Valmiki's Ramayan, being created at a later period in opposition to Brahmins .
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The couple, who met at university and have been married since 2002, are both children of Turkish migrants who moved to Germany in the late 1960s. But the scientist bristled at the suggestion that he or his partner could become role models for a generation of Germans with migrant backgrounds.

“I am not sure I really want that. I think we need a global vision that gives everyone an equal chance. Intelligence is equally distributed across all ethnicities, that’s what all the studies show. As a society we have to ask ourselves how we can give everyone a chance to contribute to society. I am an accidental example of someone with a migration background. I could have equally been German or Spanish.”
Wise words.
Muslims were driven out of Europe in 1492 so no Muslim scientist / engineer was present in Europe during the Industrial Revolution.

But in other places, what about Tipu Sultan's experiments and developments in rocketry, horticulture and economics ?
Your claims are disputed about tipu sultan, rockets were invented way before tipu sultan,
the only thing tipu did was replace the wooden stick with the iron rod onto the rocket
The industrial revolution was itself the product of the retention of scientific knowledge by Muslims despite the loss of 90% of this intellectual property at the hands of the Mongols.
But there is a revival:
Muslim countries also have fewer than 10 scientists, engineers and technicians per 1000 of the population, compared with the world average of 40, and 140 for the developed world. Between them they contribute only about 1% of the world's published scientific papers.
Weren't the kafurs his co scientists in the formation of covid vaccine,
isn't it anything which Muslims themselves have made or invented ALONE.
Radha and Adiratha parents of the karn didnt know the caste of the karan still they adopted a baby boy floating in a river doesn't it contradict with your varna bias ,
Exactly my point.🤪
If they HAD known the cast they would not have adopted the child.
Eklavya and Shambhuka's caste was known which is why your theory
karm hi varn hai falls flat.
Eklavya's karm did not save his humiliation and mutilation.
Shambhuka's knowledge of the Vedas did not save his life.
Bali could be murdered because human laws did not apply to lesser mortals.

In fact when the esteemed defense minister Jagjeevan Ram ( the hero of India's victory over Pakistan in1971) died , the office he occupied was washed down with Holy Ganga water for his Brahmin successor. Even his brilliant "karm" in the victory over the landyas did not prevent his humiliation after his death.
in fact when the esteemed defense minister Jagjeevan Ram ( the hero of India's victory over Pakistan in1971) died , the office he occupied was washed down with Holy Ganga water for his Brahmin successor. Even his brilliant "karm" in the victory over the landyas did not prevent his humiliation after his death.
the amount of fake history and propaganda you have gathered is immense,👏👏😹😹
Shambhuka's caste was known which is why your theory
Read Ramayan and learn from the logic given.Lord Ram was not hesitant to eat and stay with the Nishadha king Guha or with Vanaras or take food from Sabari.
Eklavya's karm did not save his humiliation and mutilation.
Doesn't relate to Karm in this context , or any castesim
It was more like rich vs poor's power.
Bali could be murdered because human laws did not apply to lesser mortals.
Who was lord hanuman then??
Why do hindus of today adhere lord hanuman ??, according to you he is a lesser mortal, isn't it??
where is the vanar caste now, lol 😂 :haha: 😹 :big_boss:
Why was Bali murdered in his fight with his brother? Because Vanar Jati have no rights?
Bali was killed because he became ahankari(egoist)

Bali ruled the kingdom of Kishkindha and his wife's name was Tara. Once Bali chased a demon who fled into a deep cave. Bali entered the cave in search of the demon, asking Sugriva to wait outside. When Vali didn’t return and upon hearing demonic shouts inside the cave and seeing blood coming out from the cave, Sugriv thought his brother has been killed. He came back to Kishkindha and assumed the kingship.

Bali returned and seeing Sugriva acting as king, he figured his brother had betrayed him. Though he humbly tried to explain to him, Bali didn’t listen. As a result, Sugriv was thrown from the kingdom, Bali forcibly took Sugriv’s wife, Ruma, and the brothers became bitter enemies.
Lord rama made sugriva bali s younger brother king after Bali wadh
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Your claims are disputed about tipu sultan, rockets were invented way before tipu sultan,
the only thing tipu did was replace the wooden stick with the iron rod onto the rocket

You are partially correct. I know that rockets were invented in China as signal mechanisms in war because after all fireworks and gunpowder were invented in China and are the source of Diwali fireworks in India but that is a discussion for another thread.

Found this :
Rockets had been used in warfare since the 13th century. The Chinese had used them to defend themselves against Mongol invaders, the Mughals frequently used them on the battlefield and the Europeans had started experimenting with them by the 15th century.

However, these rockets were built with flimsy materials like cardboard and were not very effective in inflicting damage on the enemy, similar to modern-day firecrackers. Thus, their use as a weapon had been discarded in favour of cannons and other forms of artillery.

It was the de facto ruler of 18th century Mysore, Hyder Ali, who developed the first prototypes of sturdier explosives-filled rockets. His innovation was further fine-tuned by his son Tipu who planned, designed and crafted cylindrical iron tubes that would allow for great compression of the filled gunpowder and consequently, greater range (nearly 2 km).

Tipu then fastened them to swords or bamboo poles to provide stability, that woul, in turn, lead to better accuracy. Thus, the predecessor of the modern rocket was born. It had a greater range, better accuracy and a far-more destructive bang than any other rocket in use, making it the best in the world at that time.

During the Anglo-Mysore wars of the late 1700s, Mysorean rockets were used by Tipu to great effect.

Especially during the Battle of Pollilur (the Second Anglo-Mysore War in 1780), when a devastating barrage by Tipu’s rocket corps set fire to the East India Company’s ammunition dumps to hand the British army one of its worst ever defeats in India.

The shocked British infantry had never seen the likes of them before and quite literally didn’t know what hit them. Such was their fear and confusion that British soldiers would go on to describe the iron tubes of gunpowder mounted on swords of Tipu’s army as “flying plagues”

Utilizing the advantage provided by the superior quality of hammered iron available in Mysore, Tipu also established four taramandalpets (that translates to ‘star-cluster bazaars’) at Srirangapatna, Bangalore, Chitradurga and Bidanur (present-day Nagara in central Karnataka) to conduct research on rocket technology.

At this medieval tech parks, craftsmen-turned-rocketmen (called jourks) conducted experiments to improve the iron casting, accuracy and range of the rockets. Furthermore, they were taught basic calculations to help them fine-tune launch settings that would allow rockets of different sizes and weights to hit targets varying distances and elevations. For instance, wheeled carts were fitted with multiple rocket ramps so as to allow the rocket artillery brigades (called cushoons) to launch about a dozen missiles at a time.

In 1799, Wellesley (the Duke of Wellington) was on reconnoitering mission in an areca nut grove (near Srirangapatana) when he found himself under attack. Having never encountered Tipu’s rocket fire before, he was scared silly by the ferocious barrages and ran away from the scene.

Later, he was so abashed by his behavior that he promised himself that he would never show fear on the battlefield again. With time, he famously came to be known as a man who could not be rattled by anything. So, the Iron Duke’s spine of steel was actually forged in Srirangapatna!

Interestingly, APJ Abdul Kalam was fascinated by Srirangapatna’s historic connection with modern missiles. During his tenure as President, he was keen on preserving the Rocket Court ( the laboratory where Tipu tested his rockets) and developing it as a museum — an idea that found mention in his book ‘Wings of Fire‘. At his behest, DRDO scientist Sivathanu Pillai (who later headed Brahmos Aero Space) visited the ruins to study the site. However, work is yet to begin in this regard.

As for the Mysorean missiles, after the fall of Srirangapattana in 1799, the British army found 600 launchers, 700 serviceable rockets and 9,000 empty rockets at Tipu’s fort. Many of these were sent to the Royal Artillery Museum in Woolwich (where two specimens are still preserved), inspiring it to start a a military rocket research and development program in 1801.

It was here that William Congreve started studying them and did some fine reverse engineering to invent the Congreve rocket (it had collapsible frames for launching). In a quirk of fate, it was Iron Duke Wellesley who would go on to use these Congreve rockets systematically against Napoleon and defeat him at Waterloo in June 1815.

Today, there is not much left in Srirangapatna to stand testimony to one of the most interesting technological episodes in Indian history. The mark of Mysorean rockets on world military history, however, remains indelible. As aerospace scientist Professor Roddam Narasimha explained in one of his lectures,
“It was Tipu who first realized the full potential of rockets as weapons — both in his mind and on the field — and used them to create havoc in the East Indian Company lines. Thus, all the rockets in the world today can be traced to those used during the wars in Mysore.”​
Note the last quote. So I was correct.

And you may know of the below famous painting that also hangs at a NASA office :


So you should credit Tipu.

isn't it anything which Muslims themselves have made or invented ALONE.

Some years ago I was the first in India to write a basic computer operating system. I was inspired by the early Apple OSs and the newer QNX Neutrino microkernel-based OS.

And for some years now I have been designing India's first computer microprocessor which also has a novel and simplified design.
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