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Indian Activist speaks about rampant caste bias among the Indian diaspora in the United States.

I have some Brahmin friends, and they don't shake hands or even reply to Namastay to my lower caste Hindu friends.
Kia haramipan hai yeh?

and now these extremists are treating muslims like dalits, there was even a member here who said that muslim are all dalit converts. Its amazing how hindutvas have capitalized on these very hindutva fanatics who onces roamed this very forum.

and now these extremists are treating muslims like dalits, there was even a member here who said that muslim are all dalit converts. Its amazing how hindutvas have capitalized on these very hindutva fanatics who onces roamed this very forum.

My family is rajput. And we are Muslim.
there was caste system before but i think that the british infact exploited it for worse, if you see genetic studies they include sa separate category ''brahmins''. Vedas were interpreted as superior ''aryan race'' enslaving the indigenous race of ''dasyu'' which they think are the untouchables and closely related to dravidas of south india. The skin tone thingy was also exploited hence, the dasyu were all black skin toned with flat noses.

I dont think that the modern caste system was as severe as after british colonization. They also gave birth to modern hindutva movement as well based on creatng religious divide and hatred.

Then you cant be a communist,
A consumate word,

But why ?

If you had pondered a bit and had read that link ( marxists.org ) you would have realized that Communism, among other things, calls for the vanishing of State-based governance ( "Withering away of the State" ), which means the people then arrange to rule themselves. And Gaddafi and his Libyans had developed the Direct Democracy Socialism theory called Jamahiriya aka Third Universal Theory which has the people ruling themselves ( refer that document ) which is what Communism desires.

Further, read my proposal for a communist economic system where I think I have simplified some things compared to other previous theorists.

This is so stupid I can't even get passed the 3 minute mark as I'm shaking my head too much.

I haven't watched that vid but welcome to India's reality behind those "Incredible India" tourism campaigns. :)

Which is why I propagate True Communism as the sole way to eradicate the socio-economic oppressions and injustices in India.

So what? You've had Muslim presidents also. It only proves that brahminists don't have to be Brahmins.

Good point.

A guy who can't handle dirty politics should keep away from politics..
Lot of ups and downs would be there and suicide is not answer for problems.

Some months after his suicide I attended a protest meeting for him at my city's town hall. There were speakers from the socialist / communist groups and progressive people from even the traditional parties. They all spoke up for him. So I agree with you that he should have not lost heart and committed suicide but instead worked with progressive movements ( with whom sadly he felt betrayed ).

About him, as with farmers, students, inter-caste / inter-religion couples, other oppressed groups who commit suicide because of the oppressive socio-economic situation of India, I have empathy for them and you may know I post about them a lot, but I will also ask them to organize and eradicate the oppression and recreate into a New India.

In Rohit Vemula case there might be harassment for some reasons but he is not dalit.

Rohith's mother was Dalit and he identified with the sufferings that she and his sister had to endure. And the deprivations that he had to endure for being the son of a Dalit and for living in a velivada ( a Telugu-land Dalit ghetto ).

Further, when his mother and brother converted to Buddhism after his suicide they said that he was always a Buddhist at heart but perhaps never got himself to make the effort to convert. Also, his last rites were performed according to Buddhist tradition. I quote this article :
Raja Vemula said, “My brother Rohith was a Buddhist at heart although he did not convert. He took his own life as he was discriminated because he was a Dalit. We performed his last rites according to Buddhist traditions, honouring his love for Buddhism.”

“Rohith used to talk of Buddhism a lot. He had also written a letter to the Vice Chancellor about how Dalits are discriminated against on the campus. My mother feels that we should honour Rohith by embracing Buddhism,” he said.

“We are against the caste system in Hinduism and have, therefore, decided to embrace Buddhism which does not have such an oppressive system of castes,” Rohith’s brother said.
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and you can tell dwijas
and adwijas from the red string naara tied around the wrist. Of course the shudras are ineligible. They can't wear a sacred thread on their wrists because of the way they are born. Not because of what they do.
show me the source were the jaati( caste )of the shudras is mentioned ,
to support your claims of shudra cant wear a red string naara,
In India every year the Dalits(all caste) except mahars(converted to buddhists) wear or replace the red string naada on the occasion of Diwali.
stop peddling false narrative about our great Sanatan Dharm perching from Islamic republic of Pakistan
They can't wear a sacred thread on their wrists because of the way they are born. Not because of what they do.
No one is born shudra ,
Varnas based on Guna (attributes) and karma(deeds) birth is NOT mentioned
Maharishi Valmiki was born a shudra later he became to be the Great Maharishi and author of Ramayan.
other examples Sant chokamela , Sant ravidas , lahuji maharaj.
Interesting.How would he know the Vedas if he is in danger of getting his tongue cut off. After all Eklavya had to give a guru-dakshina of his thumb to Guru Drona so that the knowledge of archery and handling a bow remained with the dwijas .
hahahaha , checkmate , thats HALF STORY, :dirol:
People mostly tend to falsely catch this story to display the atrocities of varna system, whereas it was opposite context , when you compare the eklavya to the prince, who was a simple peasant, dronacharya didn't want to instill the wrath of king on himself.

Guru Drona did not accept him as a student because he had promised Arjun to make him the greatest warrior on earth and that nobody on the planet could defeat him in respect of archery skills.

But when he saw Eklavya’s archery skills which he learnt from Guru Drona by not actually being his student rather by making his statue and practicing (Eklavya did so because he knew that he will not be allowed to take lessons from a Rajguru(teacher of royal family) , he became anxious about the promise which he made to Arjun so he asked Eklavya to give his right thumb as gurudakshina to Drona so that he could not practice archery anymore and Drona could keep his promise. Although, Drona himself felt bad about the incident.
Why couldn't Eklavya be a Brahmin?
Because he didn't know the Vedas or because he didn't have good deeds. And Karan ? Why couldn't he be a Brahmin?

Why couldnt dronacharya be a kshatriya?
Guru dronacharaya despite of being a brahmin, who were not allowed to participate in war,
fought in the battlefield of Mahabharat,
REASON- karm hi varna hai .( your karma is your varna).
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show me the source were the jaati( caste )of the shudras is mentioned ,
to support your claims of shudra cant wear a red string naara,
In India every year the Dalits(all caste) except mahars(converted to buddhists) wear or replace the red string naada on the occasion of Diwali.

Yeah...Forget about the naara , ask the Dalits who go to Varanasi and want a cremation in the holy Ganges . The Brahmins there won't even perform their last rights.
Even bathing in the holy river is prohibited a showpiece event notwithstanding . Dalits can have a media event at the Kumbh mela where the Home Minister jumps into the water with them but are banned elsewhere:

stop peddling false narrative about our great Sanatan Dharm perching from Islamic republic of Pakistan

Pakistanis don't take the credit for false narratives for your "great Sanatana Dharma" .

All the credit for any narrative goes to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who wrote your constitution. We assume Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is a genuine source for the analysis of the caste system within the Santana Dharma, because he is not a left wing secular Western liberal scholar but a genuine Muslim, Islam and Pakistan hater.
It is precisely because Ambedkar hates Muslims and Islam that his views on Brahmins are credible in their own right which is why I am referring Pakistanis to go to
ambedkar.org and read Dr. Ambedkar's famous book " Riddles in Hinduism ".
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Which invader is a mleche ?
Are they barbarians ?
What is the meaning of the words,
musla, landya, katua, sullah,
Are the people described thus mleches also?
I already told you its a slang ,
and slangs aren't pleasant to hear which you expect to.
Mleccha is a slang for all invaders including Kushans and Greeks.
musla, landya, katua, sullah,- modern day slang for Muslims in India whereas the melaccha were much ancient slang for invaders.
I have some Brahmin friends, and they don't shake hands or even reply to Namastay to my lower caste Hindu friends.
Kia haramipan hai yeh?
I have some muslim friends, and they don't shake hands or even reply to salam to my ahmadiya and sufi friends.
Kia haramipan hai yeh?
:laughcry: :dirol::big_boss:
Really?😂 If these are the Doms Then what is profession of the Turias ? Are the, Turias the the ones who carry corpses, remove nightsoil from open pit latrines ,attend to the funeral pyres on the cremation grounds?
Would you be surprised if a dom becomes a doctor, engineer or an astronaut today, I wouldnt because no one is born shudra .
Whom would you blame today????
Doms are not forced to do that work, they have been doing this work from their ancestral linage, and they weren't forced to do so even then . Not Castiesm but poverty and lack of education is problem among poor communities in India ,
And they too know it very well, is the reason they are devote Sanatani even after the dirty work,
make your brain work on this, rather than foregoing communist and left liberal hoax
Yeah...Forget about the naara , ask the Dalits who go to Varanasi and want a cremation in the holy Ganges . The Brahmins there won't even perform their last rights.
Even bathing in the holy river is prohibited a showpiece event notwithstanding . Dalits can have a media event at the Kumbh mela where the Home Minister jumps into the water with them but are banned elsewhere:
First and foremost no-one is a Dalit in modern India, if you want, you can fall for communist conspiracy meted with left liberals' and seculars,
No so called Dalit is banned from holy bath is river ganga, as I told you open up brains, why are they still Hindu if they have to go through this , why??
Because that's not the reality, mate

There are several pet phrases that Sanghis throw around, as if they are somehow insulting. Muslims are generally bewildered with such insinuations.

The word Kafir is one of them. Sanghis peddle this as evidence of some sort of giant pejorative and derogatory system equivalent to the racist caste system that they practice.

Much of Sanghi propaganda works among the same predictable lines. They don't deny their racist behavior or oppressive caste system. They simply concoct up something seemingly worse among others to deflect attention from their own societal ills.
LOL :haha:
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musla, landya, katua, sullah,- modern day slang for Muslims in India whereas the melaccha were much ancient slang for invaders.
Thanks for confirming the slang you use for Muslims. Could you confirm if these epithets are just for Muslims in India or ALL Muslims?
I have re-posted your comment on an Arab, and Turkish forum for their information. Some Indians on those forums are in vehement denial saying these epithets apply only to their 4th class fellow citizens who are Muslims and not Muslims in general,
So Eklavya was not allowed to practice archery ( which he learned by himself) because Arjun was destined to have been a prince .
How would Eklavya a tribal who needed the use of the bow for hunting be an impediment to Arjun being a prince? If Eklavya was a better archer than Arjun would it not have been better to include him as one of the five princes ( making it six) as a one of the warriors in defense of the "dharma "?
So where is merit here? Eklavya was rendered incompetent to use a bow by intrigue,
If the scriptures support undermining of merit then today a Dalit army officer can similarly be manipulated into incompetence . with similar justification for the promotion of a "prince" dwija general. Which is why there has not been a single Dalit GOC in the Indian Armed Forces.
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But why ?

If you had pondered a bit and had read that link ( marxists.org ) you would have realized that Communism, among other things, calls for the vanishing of State-based governance ( "Withering away of the State" ), which means the people then arrange to rule themselves. And Gaddafi and his Libyans had developed the Direct Democracy Socialism theory called Jamahiriya aka Third Universal Theory which has the people ruling themselves ( refer that document ) which is what Communism desires.

Further, read my proposal for a communist economic system where I think I have simplified some things compared to other previous theorists.
Sounds good on paper
In Reality millions die Due to communists regime,
millions become severely deprived due to the socialism,
There are some solid examples before us,
If you still don't learn from the mistake you are ignorant. :big_boss:
Thanks for confirming the slang you use for Muslims. Could you confirm if these epithets are just for Muslims in India or ALL Muslims?
If All Muslims could understand Hindi,:what:
But when he saw Eklavya’s archery skills which he learnt from Guru Drona by not actually being his student rather by making his statue and practicing (Eklavya did so because he knew that he will not be allowed to take lessons from a Rajguru(teacher of royal family) , he became anxious about the promise which he made to Arjun so he asked Eklavya to give his right thumb as gurudakshina to Drona so that he could not practice archery anymore and Drona could keep his promise. Although, Drona himself felt bad about the incident.
So the self taught Eklavya had to lose his thumb because Guru Drona had to favor somebody else. Great social justice .

Why couldnt dronacharya be a kshatriya?
Guru dronacharaya despite of being a brahmin, who were not allowed to participate in war,
fought in the battlefield of Mahabharat,
REASON- karm hi varna hai .( your karma is your varna).[/QUOTE]
Karm hi varna hai ?
What a contradiction!
So Drona couldn't be a kshatriya even though he fought like one.
Karm hi varna hai?
Tell that to Shambhuka when with all his "karm" he got shafted nonetheless for daring to change his varna
So Eklavya was not allowed to practice archery ( which he learned by himself) because Arjun was destined to have been a prince .
How would Eklavya a tribal who needed the use of the bow for hunting be an impediment to Arjun being a prince? If Eklavya was a better archer than Arjun would it not have been better to include him as one of the five princes ( making it six) as a one of the warriors in defense of the "dharma "?
So where is merit here? Eklavya was rendered incompetent to use a bow by intrigue,
If the scriptures support undermining of merit then today a Dalit army officer can similarly be manipulated into incompetence . with similar justification for the promotion of a "prince" dwija general. Which is why there has not been a single Dalit GOC in the Indian Armed Forces.
In Todays world,
Rich Person= King
Son of rich person= Prince
Lets assume there is a finest math's teacher in the city ,
Rich person would always want his son to be the much better scholar than himself, or maybe best.
wouldn't he hire that best math's teacher in the town,
whereas the poor kid had to learn everything from the government run schools and probably himself,
but the poor kid is at par with the rich kid or maybe more intelligent,
According to you, that you stated above , you want the rich Person to adopt that poor kid because he is more intelligent than his kid without resources,
That's absurd,
Wouldn't the rich person try hard apply his best force towards his son to become the best,
Rather than adopting the poor kid,
Dharm or casteism has nothing to do with both the kids and even rich person, those are just the lack basic amenities and efficient amenities.
So Pandava king adopting Eklavkya over his own son Arjuna is absurd to think even in todays world.
So the self taught Eklavya had to lose his thumb because Guru Drona had to favor somebody else. Great social justice .
That's what I was trying to tell you, That was social injustice not a religious casteism or varn bias:laughcry:
In Todays world,
Rich Person= King
Son of rich person= Prince
Lets assume there is a finest math's teacher in the city ,
Rich person would always want his son to be the much better scholar than himself, or maybe best.
wouldn't he hire that best math's teacher in the town,
whereas the poor kid had to learn everything from the government run schools and probably himself,
but the poor kid is at par with the rich kid or maybe more intelligent,
According to you, that you stated above , you want the rich Person to adopt that poor kid because he is more intelligent than his kid without resources,
That's absurd,
Wouldn't the rich person try hard apply his best force towards his son to become the best,
Rather than adopting the poor kid,
Dharm or casteism has nothing to do with both the kids and even rich person, those are just the lack basic amenities and efficient amenities.
So Pandava king adopting Eklavkya over his own son Arjuna is absurd to think even in todays world.
Your rant makes no sense.
How was Lord Krishna "adopted" by backward caste Yaduvanshis?
Why couldn't the savarna jati adopt Eklavya?
Why was Karna adopted even though he was illegitimate?

Why was Bali murdered in his fight with his brother? Because Vanar Jati have no rights?
Socialism is a failed experiment by the communists regime

Yes, socialism / communism in various countries were experiments but they were necessary experiments, towards the progress of mankind.

There have been varying degrees of outcomes. In USSR after the initial inspiring revolution it became a militarized, party-led country which is not among the aims of True Communism. But in Libya from 1969 to 2011 there was great progress in socialist governance. Libya was prosperous in the capitalist sense and a welfare state in the socialist sense. As for the Libyan view on Communism, Gaddafi once asked "Has Communism truly arrived ?" even though with hindsight he would have realized that the Libyan political theory was what Communism derived.

causing millions of deaths around the world

Really ? And how many millions of farmers, peasants and other oppressed groups in India have been sometimes killed and mostly committed suicide because of the extremely capitalist socio-economic system here ?

I have said this dozens of times on PDF that just between 1995 and 2015 more than 300,000 farmers in India committed suicide. That number is the population of a medium-sized town.

And some Chinese members of PDF will tell you how Mao's revolution released people from socio-economic oppression, like women who earlier had to endure foot binding. And we have to mention Dalai Lama's family while in Tibet were feudals who oppressed peasants and carried out grave crimes like blindings of peasants. And his followers are the ones who eagerly form the Special Frontier Force in India ?

recent failure of communists - Venezuela

Then why has the Western bloc been sending mercenaries and commandos to subvert, sabotage and assassinate in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez's leadership began ?

The most recent case has been of two American former commandos who were caught by Venezuelan security. Read here.

Sounds good on paper
In Reality millions die Due to communists regime,
millions become severely deprived due to the socialism

Please read above.
What a contradiction!
So Drona couldn't be a kshatriya even though he fought like one.
Karm hi varna hai?
Tell that to Shambhuka when with all his "karm" he got shafted nonetheless for daring to change his varna
Nothing is contradictory in it ,??? that is what I was trying to convey you , You unknowingly accepted It :haha:
By varn dronacharya was born brahmin But by karm he was kshatriya,
Don't escort abhramic lens of conversion in sanatan dharm.
How was Lord Krishna "adopted" by backward caste Yaduvanshis?
LOL, :haha:
Lord Krishna wasn't adopted into yadu vansh, he himself was a Yaduvanshi.😁
I wonder were do you get these fake narratives from , lol😂
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