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Indian Activist speaks about rampant caste bias among the Indian diaspora in the United States.

They pose the biggest threat to Pakistan ever.
You mean the one's with the same last name from a western province in Bharat? The one's who run the "Indian" grocery stores, $25 motels, and petrol pumps?
For your information there is no such concept as caste in sanatan dharm, the entity was intended as,
The classification based on the work the community performed, earlier British mangled this concept and, exploited the Hindus, and now the communists are counting on this for their gain,
Dalits are devote Hindus maybe more than the so called upper caste, Modi cannot win 353 (majority) seats without the Harijans (so called lower caste).
so your Pakistani narrative of Dalits are oppressed by so called upper caste is absolute bogus claim .

this is from aittareya brahmana rigveda

shudras are to serve the three higher castes and be beaten and expelled according to the pleasures of their masters.. how do you understand this?


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Bangladesh. I should have saved you that trouble. Your once in a 1000 year victory which was the occupation a territory that had seceded 24 years before from your Akhand Bharat; and was occupied for just 60 days and then retreated ( Retreat from Dhaka 1972).😝😝😝
The "enemy" with now secure and integrated geography revived to become a nuclear and missile power that stands with a cocked fist as your strategic border states are racked with insurgency and terrorism. A terrorism that caused the assassination of the same "durga mata" Prime Minister and your chief of army staff hero of the 71 war A. S. Vaidya. Then there was Major General Shubheg Singh hero of the 71 war killed by
Lt. Col. Israr Khan of the 10th Guards at the Golden Temple in 1984.😩😩
Here is a list of your "victories ":
'A lesson in History:
Battle of Aror 712 CE
Raja Dahir killed by Bin Qasim
Battle of Peshawar 1001 CE
Raja Jaipal defeated and killed by Mahmud Ghazni.
Second Battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Mohammed Ghori kills Prithviraj Chauhan
Bakhtiyar Khilji conquers Bihar 1195–1203 CE ; A dozen more all through upto the 16th century.
Battle of Khanwaha, Battle of Panipat ( 2) , Battle of Haldighati,
Battle of Panipat ( 3)1761 Sadashiv Rao Bhau's head is displayed to Ahmed Shah Abdali.
1947 Retreat from Baluchistan, Punjab, Sindh, Khybar-Pakhtoon Khwa and East Bengal
India loses one third of its original territory to Muslims creating two strategic territories.
One territory on the " chicken's neck effectively throttles India's control over its six NE states. India loses the strategic port of Chittagong. India is cut off from its traditional trade routes to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Retreat from Kashmir(1947-1949).
One third of Kashmir whose Hindu king had officially acceded to India lost to Pakistan. UN intervenes.
Retreat from Aksai Chin ( 1962).
38,000 sq.km lost.
4,700 troops surrender and captured by China .
India defeated at Bom De La , Se La, Thag La . Tawang occupied by the PLA.
Battle of Chawinda 1965.
India fails to retake Kashmir from Pakistan. The holy city of Dwarka Dham shelled by the Pakistani Navy. Gujarat chief minister and family killed when their plane which intruded into Pakistani Air Space is shot down.
Retreat from Dhaka ( 1972).
India fails to retake Kashmir back from Pakistan.
1987-1989 IPKF operations in Sri Lanka . Battle of Nallur Khandaswamy Temple ( 1987)
The LTTE whips your rear and comes back and kills your ex-Prime Minister ( 1991).
Retreat from Tiger Hill ( 1999)
Kargil war. India fails to retake Kashmir from Pakistan.
Mig 21, Mig 27, Mil 8 , Canberra, and one small plane shot down by Pakistani air defenses. Fl.Lt. Ahuja killed, Flight Lt. Nachiketa captured and taken prisoner.
Retreat from Kandahar ( 2000 (Hijack ). Terrorists freed in exchange for Indian Airlines B737 jet and passengers, Crack Indian commandos flown in fail to fight the Taliban and rescue the hostages. L. K. Advani, India's Dy. Prime Minister is personally present in Kandahar and personally escorts the terrorists to freedom.
Retreat from Balakot ( 2019)
Indian Air Force strike force fails to achieve its air strike objectives, and does not carry out a follow up strike, or a reconnaissance flight to confirm target acquisition like Israel and the. Symbolic retaliation stand off weapons strikes the next day by Pakistan, which India tries to intercept. Loses one Mig 21 in addition to one helicopter lost to friendly fire.
Retreat from Pangong Tso and Depsang. India loses an additional 1000 sq. km to China.
( 2020 ).

The only Hindutva rotten stinking state to ever exist goes into the history books forever with no one to mourn except perhaps Nepal.
"Vande Bharat"
Out of the 55 Muslim states in the world one state goes into martyrdom for the survival of the rest. It is remembered like Khwarzim and the Seljuks of Konya that were martyred by the Mongols.
To rid the world of the new Mongol menace, this will be an acceptable sacrifice. Our ally China will salute our bravery for having rid them of a minor potential threat.
Pakistani delusions at its cork,
Not entertaining your delusions, buffon :dirol:
All this labor for nothing , isn't it,??
Still no Ghazwa e Hind , :haha: :omghaha::dirol:
this is from aittareya brahmana rigveda

shudras are to serve the three higher castes and be beaten and expelled according to the pleasures of their masters.. how do you understand this?
Now, Why don't we Start with the proper, reliable and oldest translation of the Aitareya Brahmana Rig Ved with full context.
Mentioned above text is from Panchika 7 , Adhyay 5 , THE PROPER FOOD OF THE KING
Screenshot (34).png
Screenshot (35).png

This is the full context of the Adhyay 5 of 7th Panchika,
Here the word Shudra is maxim for individuals unfit for King rather than any caste of the person, King must not have relations with such individual beings (repuataion wise), stated not any caste rather the profession is stressed fit for king and his kingdom,
And the food mentioned above i,e. Soma(potion from plant) , Curd, Water is epigram to the mating ( or king having a child) towards the rightful being,
Distorting our sacred text out of context is enterprise for a few, Communist distorians (historians) , :dirol:
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Pakistani delusions at its cork,
Not entertaining your delusions, buffon :dirol:
All this labor for nothing , isn't it,??
Still no Ghazwa e Hind ,
:yahoo: Moron.Since you believe in trashy prophecies here is one for you to put up where the sun doesn't shine :
This is what I tell the fundamentalist lunatics , both the RSS Hindutva zealots and self-proclaimed "jihadi" hot-heads.:wave:

Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won at the second battle of Tarain in 1192 .
According to the prophecy:
"...and you shall lay waste the land of Hind and capture the kings who shall be brought before thee in chains. You shall establish the rule of the faith"
Note that the word is Hind which is derived from the Arabic word for the area around the Sindh river " "Sindhu"'or modern day Sindh in Pakistan. The area of "Hind" meant all of what is modern Pakistan and Afghanistan today.
It can be argued that Ghazwa e Hind started when Raja Dahir was killed by Mohammed Bin Qasim at the Battle of Aror in 712, and then again in Peshawar 1001 when Raja Jaypal was killed by Mahmood Ghazni. But these conflicts did not establish effective Muslim rule which happened only after the second battle of Tarain when Prithvi Raj was killed and after which the long line of Delhi Sultans began their rule starting with Qutubuddin Aibak the "slave " king.
Islam in modern day Pakistan spread after the Sufi mystics could operate freely under military protection from upper caste overlords who hated the conversions.
These areas have remained Muslim majority despite a relatively brief intermittent period of Sikh and Maratha rule in the late 18th and early 19th century.
As per the prophecy " the faith" or "Din" has been established in the region for the foreseeable future.

Obviously Hindutva zealots like you don't like this but there is not much you can do except fantasize about your missile defense and hope to win a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
We are hear to stay Mr.,Sanghchalakji right on your doorsteps.
this is from aittareya brahmana rigveda

shudras are to serve the three higher castes and be beaten and expelled according to the pleasures of their masters.. how do you understand this?

Don't engage this chaddidhari lunatic. This chaddidhari is using this discussion on caste to propagate the Sanatana Dharma on this site. Discussion limited to the Sanatani texts is exactly what the Hindutva zealots want.
An Ambedkar bhakt and Golwalkar bhakt are the same.
This person is using this thread as an opportunity to espouse Golwalkar's filth. Caste is of secondary importance to Pakistan.
A Dalit Indian Army soldier like the Mahar Babu Chandulal Chauhan whom we captured after the famous chest thumping Indian "surgical strike" in 2016 is just another enemy for us .
Please don't feel sorry for Dalits. The new Dalits empowered by the quota and reservations are even more vicious towards the Indian Muslim minority in India than their upper caste counterparts.
Dalits in the rest of India happily participate in the vicious massacre of Indian Muslims in the annual pogroms. They rape Indian Muslim women with abandon as they tout the fake "dishonor" and rape of their own women at the hands of the upper castes,
In my view the upper caste were justified in keeping them under the boot and Muslim rulers made a grave error in standing up for them against their Brahmin Rajput overlords.
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:yahoo: Moron.Since you believe in trashy prophecies here is one for you to put up where the sun doesn't shine :
This is what I tell the fundamentalist lunatics , both the RSS Hindutva zealots and self-proclaimed "jihadi" hot-heads.:wave:

Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won at the second battle of Tarain in 1192 .
According to the prophecy:
"...and you shall lay waste the land of Hind and capture the kings who shall be brought before thee in chains. You shall establish the rule of the faith"
Note that the word is Hind which is derived from the Arabic word for the area around the Sindh river " "Sindhu"'or modern day Sindh in Pakistan. The area of "Hind" meant all of what is modern Pakistan and Afghanistan today.
It can be argued that Ghazwa e Hind started when Raja Dahir was killed by Mohammed Bin Qasim at the Battle of Aror in 712, and then again in Peshawar 1001 when Raja Jaypal was killed by Mahmood Ghazni. But these conflicts did not establish effective Muslim rule which happened only after the second battle of Tarain when Prithvi Raj was killed and after which the long line of Delhi Sultans began their rule starting with Qutubuddin Aibak the "slave " king.
Islam in modern day Pakistan spread after the Sufi mystics could operate freely under military protection from upper caste overlords who hated the conversions.
These areas have remained Muslim majority despite a relatively brief intermittent period of Sikh and Maratha rule in the late 18th and early 19th century.
As per the prophecy " the faith" or "Din" has been established in the region for the foreseeable future.

Obviously Hindutva zealots like you don't like this but there is not much you can do except fantasize about your missile defense and hope to win a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
We are hear to stay Mr.,Sanghchalakji right on your doorsteps.
Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won at the second battle of Tarain in 1192 .
According to the prophecy:
Won ??? :azn: :rofl:
Kid Lets know the meaning of Ghazwa e hind, in the first place,:dirol:

Ghazwa-e-Hind, translated to “Holy War Against India” is a term mentioned in several Hadith, authoritative books of Islamic jurisprudence, to establish Shariah law and pure form of Islam in the Indian subcontinent.
Irony ,We don't see shariah law over India , Dumbard,:haha:
"...and you shall lay waste the land of Hind and capture the kings who shall be brought before thee in chains. You shall establish the rule of the faith"
Rather see kafur BJP and Modi is ruling India, :azn: 😁

"You shall establish the rule of the faith"

Didn't the rule of faith went straight to drains due to kafur, Marathas and British,:omghaha::rofl:
Note that the word is Hind which is derived from the Arabic word for the area around the Sindh river " "Sindhu"'or modern day Sindh in Pakistan. The area of "Hind" meant all of what is modern Pakistan and Afghanistan today.
It can be argued that Ghazwa e Hind started when Raja Dahir was killed by Mohammed Bin Qasim at the Battle of Aror in 712, and then again in Peshawar 1001 when Raja Jaypal was killed by Mahmood Ghazni. But these conflicts did not establish effective Muslim rule which happened only after the second battle of Tarain when Prithvi Raj was killed and after which the long line of Delhi Sultans began their rule starting with Qutubuddin Aibak the "slave " king.
People tend to change the narrative in line with flawed facts when they don't possess proper base to back it, :azn: :dirol:
here, mr Crackpot changed the meaning of Hind to suite his narrative , :omghaha:

Inferiority symptoms set out,:laughcry:
Obviously Hindutva zealots like you don't like this but there is not much you can do except fantasize about your missile defense and hope to win a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
We are hear to stay Mr.,Sanghchalakji right on your doorsteps.
Atleast we have an anti- ballistic missile defence programe, which might end the 3 decades old bluff and expose insecurities of your kind,with technology getting amplified day by day, :dirol: 😁
Lets see then mr Pseudo Commiejihadi.:dirol:
In my view the upper caste were justified in keeping them under the boot and Muslim rulers made a grave error in standing up for them against their Brahmin Rajput overlords.
When on the earth did last time a Muslim sultan stood up for (so called) Dalits against any of the Rajput brahmin overlords ??,
Distorting history to your favour is all you know and all you have done , No (so called) Dalit Hindus never sought help or supported invader Muslim sultans and nawabs against Hindu kings, :dirol:
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Won ??? :azn: :rofl:
Kid Lets know the meaning of Ghazwa e hind, in the first place,:dirol:

Ghazwa-e-Hind, translated to “Holy War Against India” is a term mentioned in several Hadith, authoritative books of Islamic jurisprudence, to establish Shariah law and pure form of Islam in the Indian subcontinent.
Irony ,We don't see shariah law over India , Dumbard,:haha:
(Since this thread has degenerated into name calling by you, lets join in with a gusto until the moderators step in)

Hey Crackpot,:wave: The region was ruled by Delhi Sultans from the 11th Century to the 15th Century and then by the Mughals from 15th century onwards till the early 18th century. The rule was in alliance with Hindu Rajputs in Hindu majority areas. The rulers were more interested in their harems and lifestyle than in spreading Islam or implementing Shariah law (whatever that means).

Rather see kafur BJP and Modi is ruling India,
You got your wish Murkhadhyaksh
:azn: 😁 Cheers to that with g-mutra.

Didn't rule of faith went straight to drains due to kafur, Marathas and British,
No it didn't Mr. Murkhteshwar There never was a rule of the faith as such other than the fact that the population of Pakistan became majority Muslim, and remained such under Sikhs, Marathas and British. Bangladesh and Pakistan remain majority Muslim. As far as "shariah laws" go the term is so vague under different Muslim schools of thought that there is no agreement on what it is as of today. The British tried what the Marathas and Sikhs failed to do with little success. The British constituted and left behind odious "Personal Laws" including the Blasphemy law that continues to plague Pakistani society today despite global reforms. Bangladesh has done much better on this score.
People tend to change the narrative in line with facts when they don't possess proper base to back it, :azn: :dirol:
here, mr Crackpot changed the meaning of Hind to suite his narrative
Hind and al-Hind, a Persian and Arabic name for the Indian subcontinent
Inferiority symptoms,:laughcry:
As a genuine Murkhapati
that is the narrative that you
Mainstream Muslim scholars have long since trashed the concept of Ghazwa e Hind either from the point of view that it has already happened or the origins of the hadith are unverifiable. If you have the patience listen to Yasir Qadhi a Havard University scholar in his excellent discourse ( in English) on this topic available on Youtube.
If there is any inferiority complex it is in Andhbhakts like you.
To sum up:
- There is no Ghazwa e Hind now or in the future.
- There is a Dharam Yudh for the destruction of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Muslims in progress for the creation of a Muslimmukt ( Muslim free) Akhand Bharat .
A bit of history for your education:
Muslims have suffered heavy and crippling military defeats in the past far more intense and devastating than any thing Hindus have ever inflicted on them. The lasting damage the Mongols inflicted on Muslims destroyed our technical , literary and academic base, and reduced us to thinking only of war and defense. They conquered and depopulated 80% of the Muslim majority territories globally resulting in a population imbalance that persists today in Central Asia. The defeats and massacres inflicted by the Crusaders , Spaniards, French, Russians, Romanians down the ages have wreaked further devastation far more than Golwalkar or Ambedkar or the likes of an ill educated person like your self can ever imagine.
You view every thing in Bharat Mata Akhand Bharat context, and are still seeking revenge for Sadashiv Rao Bhau's head, and sitting with folded hands around Godse's kalash.
When Muslims look back, of all the enemies we have fought, our record against the Hindus have been pretty good.
We ruled for 900 years and broke off bits of the territory, established our own nations and now are showing a cocked nuclear fist against a Hindutva military misadventure.
We are also in alliance with an emerging super power that has wrested further territory from India with no regrets.
Not bad. We could never replicate
this success elsewhere. Apart from Allaudin Khilji's devastating punishment of the Mongols in Punjab there were only sporadic military successes. The real success against the Mongols was ideological, and was the Islamic conversion of the Mongol military diaspora who had settled in the "Muslim free " territories they had conquered. They emerged with Taimur as a strong military force in defense of Muslims and Islam.

Dream on for your Dharam Yudh and Akhand Bharat. :victory: :taz::bounce:
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(Since this thread has degenerated into name calling by you, lets join in with a gusto until the moderators step in)

Hey Crackpot,:wave: The region was ruled by Delhi Sultans from the 11th Century to the 15th Century and then by the Mughals from 15th century onwards till the early 18th century. The rule was in alliance with Hindu Rajputs in Hindu majority areas. The rulers were more interested in their harems and lifestyle than in spreading Islam or implementing Shariah law (whatever that means).
"Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won at the second battle of Tarain in 1192 .
According to the prophecy:
"...and you shall lay waste the land of Hind and capture the kings who shall be brought before thee in chains. You shall establish the rule of the faith"

Didn't you claim this in your previous thread, Atleast stand your claim, doofus :omghaha:
You claimed "Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won" , how Pakistani of you to reverse the stance,:dirol:😁
(Since this thread has degenerated into name calling by you, lets join in with a gusto until the moderators step in)

Hey Crackpot,:wave: The region was ruled by Delhi Sultans from the 11th Century to the 15th Century and then by the Mughals from 15th century onwards till the early 18th century. The rule was in alliance with Hindu Rajputs in Hindu majority areas. The rulers were more interested in their harems and lifestyle than in spreading Islam or implementing Shariah law (whatever that means).

You got your wish Murkhadhyaksh
:azn: 😁 Cheers to that with g-mutra.

No it didn't Mr. Murkhteshwar There never was a rule of the faith as such other than the fact that the population of Pakistan became majority Muslim, and remained such under Sikhs, Marathas and British. Bangladesh and Pakistan remain majority Muslim. As far as "shariah laws" go the term is so vague under different Muslim schools of thought that there is no agreement on what it is as of today. The British tried what the Marathas and Sikhs failed to do with little success. The British constituted and left behind odious "Personal Laws" including the Blasphemy law that continues to plague Pakistani society today despite global reforms. Bangladesh has done much better on this score.

As a genuine Murkhapati
that is the narrative that you
Mainstream Muslim scholars have long since trashed the concept of Ghazwa e Hind either from the point of view that it has already happened or the origins of the hadith are unverifiable. If you have the patience listen to Yasir Qadhi a Havard University scholar in his excellent discourse ( in English) on this topic available on Youtube.
If there is any inferiority complex it is in Andhbhakts like you.
To sum up:
- There is no Ghazwa e Hind now or in the future.
- There is a Dharam Yudh for the destruction of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Muslims in progress for the creation of a Muslimmukt ( Muslim free) Akhand Bharat .
A bit of history for your education:
Muslims have suffered heavy and crippling military defeats in the past far more intense and devastating than any thing Hindus have ever inflicted on them. The lasting damage the Mongols inflicted on Muslims destroyed our technical , literary and academic base, and reduced us to thinking only of war and defense. They conquered and depopulated 80% of the Muslim majority territories globally resulting in a population imbalance that persists today in Central Asia. The defeats and massacres inflicted by the Crusaders , Spaniards, French, Russians, Romanians down the ages have wreaked further devastation far more than Golwalkar or Ambedkar or the likes of an ill educated person like your self can ever imagine.
You view every thing in Bharat Mata Akhand Bharat context, and are still seeking revenge for Sadashiv Rao Bhau's head, and sitting with folded hands around Godse's kalash.
When Muslims look back, of all the enemies we have fought, our record against the Hindus have been pretty good.
We ruled for 900 years and broke off bits of the territory, established our own nations and now are showing a cocked nuclear fist against a Hindutva military misadventure.
We are also in alliance with an emerging super power that has wrested further territory from India with no regrets.
Not bad. We could never replicate
this success elsewhere. Apart from Allaudin Khilji's devastating punishment of the Mongols in Punjab there were only sporadic military successes. The real success against the Mongols was ideological, and was the Islamic conversion of the Mongol military diaspora who had settled in the "Muslim free " territories they had conquered. They emerged with Taimur as a strong military force in defense of Muslims and Islam.

Dream on for your Dharam Yudh and Akhand Bharat. :victory: :taz::bounce:
(Since this thread has degenerated into name calling by you, lets join in with a gusto until the moderators step in)
Not used to Entertaining and baffling with a dilettante dufoos, :dirol: :haha: :azn:
You got your wish Murkhadhyaksh
:azn: 😁 Cheers to that with g-mutra.
You really lack basic knowledge, kid :omghaha: :haha:
No it didn't Mr. Murkhteshwar There never was a rule of the faith as such other than the fact that the population of Pakistan became majority Muslim, and remained such under Sikhs, Marathas and British. Bangladesh and Pakistan remain majority Muslim. As far as "shariah laws" go the term is so vague under different Muslim schools of thought that there is no agreement on what it is as of today. The British tried what the Marathas and Sikhs failed to do with little success. The British constituted and left behind odious "Personal Laws" including the Blasphemy law that continues to plague Pakistani society today despite global reforms. Bangladesh has done much better on this score.
You taking frequent U-turns from your stand and claims are awful :laughcry: :haha:
As a genuine Murkhapati
that is the narrative that you
Mainstream Muslim scholars have long since trashed the concept of Ghazwa e Hind either from the point of view that it has already happened or the origins of the hadith are unverifiable. If you have the patience listen to Yasir Qadhi a Havard University scholar in his excellent discourse ( in English) on this topic available on Youtube.
If there is any inferiority complex it is in Andhbhakts like you.
To sum up:
- There is no Ghazwa e Hind now or in the future.
- There is a Dharam Yudh for the destruction of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Muslims in progress for the creation of a Muslimmukt ( Muslim free) Akhand Bharat .
Sincerely need to quran first,
“Hazrat Abu Hurairah (r.a) says, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w) promised us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. If I get a chance to participate in it, I would spend all my energy & wealth for it. If I get killed, I would be considered among the greatest martyrs. And if I come back alive, then I would be a freed Abu-Hurairah”
No facts, false claims are the basis of your argument :dirol:
A bit of history for your education:
Muslims have suffered heavy and crippling military defeats in the past far more intense and devastating than any thing Hindus have ever inflicted on them. The lasting damage the Mongols inflicted on Muslims destroyed our technical , literary and academic base, and reduced us to thinking only of war and defense. They conquered and depopulated 80% of the Muslim majority territories globally resulting in a population imbalance that persists today in Central Asia. The defeats and massacres inflicted by the Crusaders , Spaniards, French, Russians, Romanians down the ages have wreaked further devastation far more than Golwalkar or Ambedkar or the likes of an ill educated person like your self can ever imagine.
You view every thing in Bharat Mata Akhand Bharat context, and are still seeking revenge for Sadashiv Rao Bhau's head, and sitting with folded hands around Godse's kalash.
When Muslims look back, of all the enemies we have fought, our record against the Hindus have been pretty good.
We ruled for 900 years and broke off bits of the territory, established our own nations and now are showing a cocked nuclear fist against a Hindutva military misadventure.
We are also in alliance with an emerging super power that has wrested further territory from India with no regrets.
Not bad. We could never replicate
this success elsewhere. Apart from Allaudin Khilji's devastating punishment of the Mongols in Punjab there were only sporadic military successes. The real success against the Mongols was ideological, and was the Islamic conversion of the Mongol military diaspora who had settled in the "Muslim free " territories they had conquered. They emerged with Taimur as a strong military force in defense of Muslims and Islam.

Dream on for your Dharam Yudh and Akhand Bharat. :victory: :taz::bounce:
lol :omghaha: :haha: 😁
Again false claims , based on mere emotions of yours ,
no source , no facts?
I Gave you genuine facts why don't you do the same rather than stating your wish impulses and fairytales over here,:dirol:
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"Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won at the second battle of Tarain in 1192 .
According to the prophecy:
".You claimed "Ghazwa- e-Hind has already been fought, and won" , how Pakistani of you to reverse the stanc.Not used to Entertaining and baffling with a dilettante dufoos,
:dance3: :wave: It is hard to educate a Murkha Vidhushak like you.
I was giving ONE viewpoint on Ghazwa e Hind which is a minority viewpoint; that the Ghazwa e Hind happened 900 years back and has been won. The majority viewpoint that I and a billion other Muslims subscribe to is that the hadith that you are google searching, copying and pasting is unverifiable and therefore not applicable.

You really lack basic knowledge, kid
Sincerely need to quran first,
....I Gave you genuine facts why don't you do the same rather than stating your wish impulses and fairytales over here.
:yahoo::taz: Hey dumbo ! 🐴🐰🐰There is a difference between the Quran and hadith. No where is Ghazwa e Hind mentioned in the Quran, But I guess your shakha master teaches you that.
The Quran is verifiable and unchanged. Not all hadith are verifiable and interpreted selectively by various scholars and schools of thought.
On the Ghazwa e Hind hadith the opinion of mainstream scholars is unanimous. It is unverifiable and therefore to be discounted.
For a hadith to be genuine it has to replicated or verified in three different versions with references.
The Ghazwa e Hind hadith fails on these counts. Which is why I referred you to Yasir Qadhi's discourse on this .
An additional piece of information:
A poetical epic on the future of India was written by Shah Naimatullah Wali a Sufi mystic around 900 CE . A kind of local version of Nostradamus and his predictions. Here he mentions a war in which the rulers of India will be defeated and brought in chains before the victors. The Ghazwa e Hind hadith is juxtaposed with the prophecies of Shah Naimatullah. Wali. This prophecy came true and that is what I was referring to.
Sane Pakistanis use the prophecy of Naimatullah Wali to tamp down the fundamentalist lunatic rhetoric of the unverifiable and unsubstantiated hadith of Ghazwa e Hind. Either way the Ghazwa e Hind theory is trashed. If it was genuine then it has already happened and if it is not genuine then we don't need to worry about it.
However that fact escaped the genetically thick skull Andhbhakts are born with.
Have some more "g-m" . It may clear your brain a bit.
Am wasting my time educating you,

Atleast we have an anti- ballistic missile defence programe, which might end the 3 decades old bluff and expose insecurities of your kind,with technology getting amplified day by day, :dirol: 😁
Lets see then mr Pseudo Commiejihadi
Your missile defense? :woot:
Lack of education:
A reminder....
Your Brahmin scientists earlier said " We have the "bomb", you don't " until they found out that wasn't the case.
Similarly the Hindutva Andhbhakts said:
- " We have the Sukhoi 30 with Beyond Visual Range air-to-air missile " until they found out that wasn't the case.
Your latest fantasy. "
" We have the anti-ballastic missile defense" Does Pakistan have one?
Find out by launching an attack not doing a search on google.
For your peanut brain:
Do countries with densely populated adjoining borders fight nuclear wars?
If a truck loaded with a 20 kiloton nuclear device is detonated at the border checkpoint in Wagah , apart from blowing your visitors gallery and turbans of your border guards into infinity it would wipe out populations as far as Jullunder just with contamination. Your anti ballistic weapons will not work for a truck bomb, suicide nuclear mini submarine or nuclear torpedo pitched into Mumbai harbor.
The geographical proximity of Pakistan to India is too critical.
Nuking Pakistan?
With the east blowing winds and jet stream even if Pakistan's retaliation is thwarted the contamination will swamp most of Northern India and Delhi.
India's original reason for nuclear weapons was to scare China where the barren mountain terrain and high peaks of the Himalayas would limit fall out.
If India nukes Pakistan, then having a toilet at home is an advantage. Squatting in the open with a little brass pot and bare behind gently caressed by a radio active wind is risky.
Pakistan has faced nuclear threats from an adversary that could logically nuke it with little danger of contamination. The Soviet Union twice threatened Pakistan, once in 1960 (after the U2 shoot down) and once in 1983 (?) . There was nothing we could have done then. Today one country that could nuke Pakistan with no contamination risk and would want to is obviously Israel. However Israel is not sure if its Arrow system is sufficient to defend against the response.
Israel has far more intelligence and understands that early warning radars work in cloudy weather.
I am beginning to believe that Somvanshis have lesser brains than the other genuine dwijas . My interaction with Saraswat and Bharadwaj Brahmins
have been far more educative than that with a Tirkunde.
My overall preference is for Chitpavan Brahmins and I am very friendly with one. He is frank and consistent and is Godse bhakt. Frankly I admire Godse too . At least he stood by his ideals as a Brahmin and offered the ultimate sacrifice eliminating the man who sought to disrupt the divine order by naming shudras as Harijans or children of Hari
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Of course!👍
The Muslims in Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa all converted because of the aulia or Sufi mystics like Sarmad, Shahbaz Qalandar, and many others. Runa Laila's famous song
"Lal mori pag rakhyio bala Jhule Lalan...Ali Shahbaz Qalandar " sums it up where the folk song honors a Sindhu Hindu saint Jhulelaal as well as Shahbaz Qalandar and Hazrat Ali.
There are few if any records of forced conversions that a conquering force would have recorded. One reliable record of a forced conversion is the conversion of Mongol prisoners taken after the battle by Alauddin Khilji. After the horrors these soldiers had wreaked in territory now in Pakistan in the name of their religion, it is hard to feel sorry for them. I guess Allaudin got tired of squashing them under his elephants and offered them an easier way out.
But those were different days.
Because of a resilient economy, an iron fisted secular political system, a robust defense apparatus with the advantages of a difficult terrain and an extremely intelligent foreign policy Bangladesh will survive the Hindutva onslaught,
Bangladesh has the supreme advantage of a non-tribal population ( Chakmas are insignificant) with single ethnic group, single language and culture.
This is a huge advantage and those countries that have this are almost impossible to defeat. China is a good example.
I only wish Bangladesh would take pride in its indigenous cultural heritage also instead of relying so much on their West Bengali cousins. It is distressing that Bangladesh's national anthem has been written by some one not exactly a native of the region.
Not that talent was not there.
Ashok Sen who belonged to Dhaka had written a beautiful song .
Hau Dharameter Dhir Hau karametir Bir

Thanks brother. :-)

Your thoughts and praise are appreciated.

Yes homogeneity is an asset.

West Bengal culture is accepted because they themselves have accepted our culture too (we are larger as a population group). Many ex-Bangladeshi Hindus have moved into India for better job prospects and they are our cultural ambassadors.

Bangladeshis as a population group have always been open and accepting of outside influence culturally, which is reflected by the many borrowed words in our language which came from Arab, Portuguese, Spanish and English traders.

This is more true today than ever before, as trade and cultural exposures to East and SE Asia are explored by Bangladeshis. Culturally the transformation has occurred as compared to twenty and even ten years ago. Bangladeshi society will (I predict) become sort of like SE Asian Muslim societies in Malaysia and Indonesia as GDP and industrial activity goes up.
Thanks brother. :-)

Your thoughts and praise are appreciated.

Yes homogeneity is an asset.

West Bengal culture is accepted because they themselves have accepted our culture too (we are larger as a population group). Many ex-Bangladeshi Hindus have moved into India for better job prospects and they are our cultural ambassadors.
👍Welcome !
We in Pakistan, watch in awe and admiration as Bangladesh grows and outstrips us all in GDP, and Human Social Development Indices.
Your secular nationalism and deep cultural pride is a great factor. You are ONE people, ONE nation with ONE identity. Except for Bhutan and
Maldives every South Asian country is riven with religious, tribal, ethnic, linguistic tensions. Even Nepal has a Madhesi (Hindi speaking Indian origin Hindus) problem. Some countries like Sri Lanka have overcome their religious ethnic problems but at a huge cost. Bangladesh has solved its Chakma problem at minimal cost, and expertly blunted the challenges to its stability both from religious fundamentalism and left wing extremism such as the Sarbohara movement. With a robust implementation of social development programs Bangladesh is developing a gender neutral workforce with empowerment of women in the manpower resource pool.
Bangladesh's geography is unique with an extensive network of waterways, rich fertile delta soil, and excellent ports, both riverine and ocean. Above all Bangladesh has no strategic importance to big power rivalries ( a curse my nation has to live with). Apart from your religiously surcharged neighbor whom you can easily handle, you have no existential threats or danger of aggression.
Bangladesh and its people are blessed with peace and stability,
Stability and an educated workforce attract investment, Billions of dollars of investment are pouring in to make Bangladesh a pharmaceutical and textile manufacturing hub as well as a fast emerging IT sector, Your country is the next emerging Asian tiger,

Bangladeshis as a population group have always been open and accepting of outside influence culturally, which is reflected by the many borrowed words in our language which came from Arab, Portuguese, Spanish and English traders.
Well said ! Absolutely true .
As your social economic development progresses, it is but natural that your society will integrate globally sharing its culture abroad through its diaspora while at the same time changing somewhat by absorbing elements of the cultures of other nations through which there is interaction of trade and commerce. This happens wherever there is economic progress. Singapore Malaysia, Dubai are examples as is Turkey, and South Korea, Of course the best example is China. National chauvinism beyond a certain point becomes counter productive.,

West Bengal culture is accepted because they themselves have accepted our culture too (we are larger as a population group).
I have a slightly different view point.
Will be delicate and restrained in differing with you here. There are two types of West Bengalis, The common peasant, boatman, honey gatherer in the bon is almost identical in culture to his ( or her) Bangladeshi counterpart and differs only in religion. These Bengali Dalits speak no other language, and bear no ill-will towards their counterparts across the border, and in fact wonder why the border is there at all. Then there is the other type; the Kolkata bhadralok . Upper class, affluent, highly educated, sophisticated, multi-lingual, and of course upper caste; they have a very different opinion of Bangladeshis, a linguistic and cultural affinity notwithstanding. Their communal Hindutva mindset translates into a contempt for Muslims both within India, and especially for the Muslims of Bangladesh. Not that their upper caste superiority complex spares their Dalit Indian Bengali fellow citizens either, but even their Hindu brethren in Bangladesh are dubbed with a contemptuous epithet that I shall not repeat here.
However I can't condemn the Bhadralok on their pride in preserving and developing Bengali culture, We have to give the devil its due,
I deeply apologize if I am offending, but on cultural development of Bengali language, literature, art and music West Bengal does stand ahead of Bangladesh. I may be ill informed but I have yet to see a Badal Sircar, Jhumpa Lahiri, Mrinal Sen, Satyajit Ray from Bangladesh, even though in the past you had Nazrul Islam ( died in Dhaka), Atul Sen, and Michael Madhusudan Dutt. For that matter the bhadralok have done extremely well in science and technology with scientists like S.N.Bose and others.
As a kid fond of DXing I used to tune into Calcutta ( old name ) Radio on short wave ( if anyone knows what that means.
I would hear the chant:
"Banglar Matir, Banglar Jol,
Banglar Vayu Banglar Phol,
Dhanne Ho Dhanne Ho,
Hey Bhagowan ! "

Here is the difference, Bangladeshis are looking to the future. The Bhadralok are looking constantly to the past.
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