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Indian Activist speaks about rampant caste bias among the Indian diaspora in the United States.

Correct! 👍
suyog chavan won't accept references to scriptures. Ambedkar has made specific references to the scriptures in every one of his writings and that was dismissed for lack of understanding . When I mentioned the case of Shambhuka and the perils of adwijas trying to learn the scriptures he was silent, I could give other references such as the Ramnami sect who tattoo the name of Lord Ram all over their bodies including their tongues so that if their bodies are thrashed or their tongues cut off those who would be doing so would be abusing the name of Lord Ram.
This report mentions how the Ramnamis were denied the use of temples and drinking water:

Correct! 👍
suyog chavan won't accept references to scriptures. Ambedkar has made specific references to the scriptures in every one of his writings and that was dismissed for lack of understanding . When I mentioned the case of Shambhuka and the perils of adwijas trying to learn the scriptures he was silent, I could give other references such as the Ramnami sect who tattoo the name of Lord Ram all over their bodies including their tongues so that if their bodies are thrashed or their tongues cut off those who would be doing so would be abusing the name of Lord Ram.
This report mentions how the Ramnamis were denied the use of temples and drinking water:

What has this got to do with Religion, shrewd upper caste(so called) people (not all) had been given befitting answer by the Ramnamis , Don't justify this with all population,
All Muslims are terrorists :dirol:
Just Like All upper caste pupils are casteist
aint it ?? :azn:😁

show me single ancient scripture which says dont allow shudra into temples,
Don't quote sources other than original scripture or so called International historians and reviewers.
Stay away from Commie historians (distorians) If you can :azn:😁
All Muslims are terrorists :dirol:
:-)Don't Ambedkar and Golwalkar both say this ?
And you admire Golwalkar so obviously you agree. But let's
stick to the topic of caste. Our moderators can start a thread if there are not a dozen already where you can curse Muslims just as Ambedkar and Golwalkar did.

show me single ancient scripture which says dont allow shudra into temples,
Don't quote sources other than original scripture or so called International historians and reviewers.
Stay away from Commie historians (distorians) If you can :azn:😁
Should I stay away from Ambedkar?
Would you classify Ambedkar as a commie historian?
Waiting for answers to my earlier questions on the status of Sanatanis converted from Islam.
Will the children of the Ghar Wapasi Hindus be allowed a status in temples?
Could you comment on the status of a minor politician in India who claims to be a devout Sanatani and is of Parsi-Kashmiri Brahmin- Italian origin?
:-)Don't Ambedkar and Golwalkar both say this ?
And you admire Golwalkar so obviously you agree. But let's
stick to the topic of caste. Our moderators can start a thread if there are not a dozen already where you can curse Muslims like Ambedkar and Golwalkar.
show me single ancient scripture which says dont allow shudra into temples,
Seems you definitely didn't read Ambedkar's works , let alone Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar's work.
No I dont agree, problem with Pakistanis is they aggregate everyone under one roof,
Should I stay away from Ambedkar?
Would you classify Ambedkar as a commie historian?
Why don't you present the evidence from ancient scriptures then, be it through Ambedkar .
Nevertheless should be written in scriptures. :azn:
Waiting for answers to my earlier questions on the status of Sanatanis converted from Islam.
Will the children of the Ghar Wapasi Hindus be allowed a status in temples?
Could you comment on the status of a minor politician in India who claims to be a devout Sanatani and is of Parsi-Kashmiri Brahmin- Italian origin?
To be genuine there is no concept of conversion in Hinduism or Sanatan dharm, You need to be born hindu.
Most people from Indian subcontinent were converted during Islamic invasions, So their ancestors are considered Hindu.
Conversion is insecurities of the Abhramic religions , brought up into Indian subcontinent.
Didn't exist earlier. :azn:
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Seems you definitely didn't read Ambedkar's works , let alone Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar's work.
No I dont agree, problem with Pakistanis is they aggregate everyone under one roof,
Ambedkar on Islam:
(Note: This is one of his milder rants. He basically states that no Muslim can be loyal to India because of his faith, which is basically what Golwalkar says].

". ... For Islam divides as inexorably as it binds. Islam is a close corporation and the distinction that it makes between Muslims and non-Muslims is a very real, very positive and very alienating distinction. The brotherhood of Islam is not the universal brotherhood of man. It is the brotherhood of Muslims for Muslims only. There is a fraternity, but its benefit is confined to those within that corporation. For those who are outside the corporation, there is nothing but contempt and enmity. The second defect of Islam is that it is a system of social self-government and is incompatible with local self-government because the allegiance of a Muslim does not rest on his domicile in the country which is his but on the faith to which he belongs. To the Muslim ibi bene ibi patria is unthinkable.
Wherever there is the rule of Islam, there is his own country. In other words, Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland and regard a Hindu as his kith and kin. That is probably the reason why Maulana Mahomed Ali, a great Indian but a true Muslim, preferred to be buried in Jerusalem rather than in India."
In other words Hindus and Muslims can never live together and all Muslims are traitors ( terrorists? ) . Which is exactly what Golwalkar says. Except that Golwalkar goes further and defines the rules for Muslims to live in India .
Good "open source " on Ambedkar:
suyog chavan said
To be genuine there is no concept of conversion in Hinduism or Sanatan dharm, You need to be born hindu.
Most people from Indian subcontinent were converted during Islamic invasions, So their ancestors are considered Hindu.
Conversion is insecurities of the Abhramic religions , brought up into Indian subcontinent.
Didn't exist earlier. :azn:
So one has to be born a Hindu.
Born a Hindu as living today or descendant of born Hindus ten generations back?
Since Muslims in the subcontinent converted to Islam after Muslim invasions ( first mosque in Kerala notwithstanding 😜) then would they be considered "born Hindus "?
So with Ghar wapasi and shuddhi karan would they be genuine Santanis ( Arya Samaji's) ?
Born Hindus? ( Link below)
If they undergo a Ghar Wapasi will they be classified as a Scheduled Tribe like the Nagas?
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Ambedkar on Islam:
(Note: This is one of his milder rants. He basically states that no Muslim can be loyal to India because of his faith, which is basically what Golwalkar says].

". ... For Islam divides as inexorably as it binds. Islam is a close corporation and the distinction that it makes between Muslims and non-Muslims is a very real, very positive and very alienating distinction. The brotherhood of Islam is not the universal brotherhood of man. It is the brotherhood of Muslims for Muslims only. There is a fraternity, but its benefit is confined to those within that corporation. For those who are outside the corporation, there is nothing but contempt and enmity. The second defect of Islam is that it is a system of social self-government and is incompatible with local self-government because the allegiance of a Muslim does not rest on his domicile in the country which is his but on the faith to which he belongs. To the Muslim ibi bene ibi patria is unthinkable.
Wherever there is the rule of Islam, there is his own country. In other words, Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland and regard a Hindu as his kith and kin. That is probably the reason why Maulana Mahomed Ali, a great Indian but a true Muslim, preferred to be buried in Jerusalem rather than in India."
In other words Hindus and Muslims can never live together and all Muslims are traitors ( terrorists? ) . Which is exactly what Golwalkar says. Except that Golwalkar goes further and defines the rules for Muslims to live in India .
Good "open source " on Ambedkar:
Didn't this statement by Ambedkar back then, turned out to be true, because Pakistan and Bangladesh were created on the basis of Islam (religion).??
Proof= Islamic Republic of Pakistan :dirol:
So one has to be born a Hindu.
Born a Hindu as living today or descendant of born Hindus ten generations back?
Since Muslims in the subcontinent converted to Islam after Muslim invasions ( first mosque in Kerala notwithstanding 😜) then would they be considered "born Hindus "?
So with Ghar wapasi and shuddhi karan would they be genuine Santanis ( Arya Samaji's) ?
Born Hindus? ( Link below)
If they undergo a Ghar Wapasi will they be classified as a Scheduled Tribe like the Nagas?
ISLAM - 7th century

SANATAN - Most scholars believe Hinduism started somewhere between 2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C. in the Indus Valley, near modern-day Pakistan. But many Hindus argue that their faith is timeless and has always existed. Unlike other religions, Hinduism has no one founder but is instead a fusion of various beliefs.

YOU DECIDE. :dirol:
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Didn't this statement by Ambedkar back then, turned out to be true, because Pakistan and Bangladesh were created on the basis of Islam (religion).??
🤩No guilt on my part here :bounce:
Muslims conquered and ruled India for 900 years, converted part of the population and when their rule ended , broke the country into three pieces with two strategic pieces of territory in the east and west with Muslim majorities ; also leaving a restive minority in a communally surcharged environment in India
I agree entirely with Ambedkar and Golwalkar. Yes, Muslims and Hindus are different and " two nations ". We Muslims have NO loyalty to India or to Hindu culture and heritage and nor should we. India never accepted us even
after 900 years. We will never live in peace together.
Which is why we the Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslims wanted our own lands, and we wrested it away from Hindu domination at cost of a million and half lives (and the honor of our women and corpses of our children and ashes of our homes.
There is very little Bangladeshis or Pakistanis can do to alter the fate of Indian Muslims left behind in Hindu dominated India. They have fulfilled their role in breaking India into three pieces and given their supreme sacrifice to suffer and ultimately be crushed in India, so that we who belonged to the areas where we are in a majority will survive. Our prayers are all we can give them, but we have escaped the fate that Golwalkar, Hedgewar andAmbedkar had spelled out for us ( see below ).
Other Muslim minorities in Spain ( against the Christians, led by Juminez de Ciceros ) , and Oghuz Turks in Central Asia ( against the Mongols led by Ogadei Khan) have offered the same sacrifice. Indian Muslims realize that hundreds of years later after they have vanished they will be remembered by their billion strong global brethren just as the Andalusians, Macedonians, and Oghuz are remembered today.
The future?
We don't know about Bangladesh but the Hindus of India will never get Pakistan back. You will never reconvert us or get your land back, The Ottomans never relinquished Anatolia to the Mongols or the Byzantines, and Morroco is never going back to Spain.
Hindus must accept this and live with Pakistan. If Pakistan survives India survives. If you attempt to destroy us, the destruction will be mutual.

Now let's get back to the topic.

We are discussing Golwalkar's and Ambedkar's similarity of views on Muslims..

Golwalka's views:
( This adequately spells out the fate that was destined for Muslims in India. Which is why we are grateful for the power to deliver mutual annihilation if THIS was to be our fate )
Bunch of thoughts :
To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic Races—the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.’
We...or our nation defined:
There are only two courses open to these foreign elements’, Golwalkar went on, ‘either to merge themselves in the national race and adopt its culture or to live at its mercy so long as the national race may allow them to do so and quit the country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities’ problem… [The] foreign races in Hindusthan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment—not even citizen’s rights.’

Try out Golwalkar's theory on us and see what you get.
WE WOULD DIE FIRST ( but not alone)
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We don't know about Bangladesh but the Hindus of India will never get Pakistan back.

I am pretty certain that Bangladesh won't re-convert back as well (meaning back to Buddhism).

However - that said, Bangladesh was largely Buddhist for a long, long time before Bakhtiyar Khilji led the Islamic conquest of Bengal. It was the center of Buddhist scholarship as well as Nalanda (Bihar) to the West, in the area where Buddha was born. Some Buddhist saints in Tibet were from Bangladesh.

People in Bangladesh are relatively noncommittal to religious extremes unlike cow belt situation. The conversion to Islam in Bangladesh occurred because of Sufi saints like Hazrat Shahjalal and others. It was not forced conversion, rather led by examples of better Islamic ways to lead one's lives (such as equality, fraternity and brotherhood/sisterhood). Feudal principles don't play well here.
I am pretty certain that Bangladesh won't re-convert back as well (meaning back to Buddhism).

However - that said, Bangladesh was largely Buddhist for a long, long time before Bakhtiyar Khilji led the Islamic conquest of Bengal. It was the center of Buddhist scholarship as well as Nalanda (Bihar) to the West, in the area where Buddha was born. Some Buddhist saints in Tibet were from Bangladesh.

People in Bangladesh are relatively noncommittal to religious extremes unlike cow belt situation. The conversion to Islam in Bangladesh occurred because of Sufi saints like Hazrat Shahjalal and others. It was not forced conversion, rather led by examples of better Islamic ways to lead one's lives (such as equality, fraternity and brotherhood/sisterhood). Feudal principles don't play well here.
Of course!👍
The Muslims in Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa all converted because of the aulia or Sufi mystics like Sarmad, Shahbaz Qalandar, and many others. Runa Laila's famous song
"Lal mori pag rakhyio bala Jhule Lalan...Ali Shahbaz Qalandar " sums it up where the folk song honors a Sindhu Hindu saint Jhulelaal as well as Shahbaz Qalandar and Hazrat Ali.
There are few if any records of forced conversions that a conquering force would have recorded. One reliable record of a forced conversion is the conversion of Mongol prisoners taken after the battle by Alauddin Khilji. After the horrors these soldiers had wreaked in territory now in Pakistan in the name of their religion, it is hard to feel sorry for them. I guess Allaudin got tired of squashing them under his elephants and offered them an easier way out.
But those were different days.
Because of a resilient economy, an iron fisted secular political system, a robust defense apparatus with the advantages of a difficult terrain and an extremely intelligent foreign policy Bangladesh will survive the Hindutva onslaught,
Bangladesh has the supreme advantage of a non-tribal population ( Chakmas are insignificant) with single ethnic group, single language and culture.
This is a huge advantage and those countries that have this are almost impossible to defeat. China is a good example.
I only wish Bangladesh would take pride in its indigenous cultural heritage also instead of relying so much on their West Bengali cousins. It is distressing that Bangladesh's national anthem has been written by some one not exactly a native of the region.
Not that talent was not there.
Ashok Sen who belonged to Dhaka had written a beautiful song .
Hau Dharameter Dhir Hau karametir Bir
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🤩No guilt on my part here :bounce:
Muslims conquered and ruled India for 900 years, converted part of the population and when their rule ended , broke the country into three pieces with two strategic pieces of territory in the east and west with Muslim majorities ; also leaving a restive minority in a communally surcharged environment in India
I agree entirely with Ambedkar and Golwalkar. Yes, Muslims and Hindus are different and " two nations ". We Muslims have NO loyalty to India or to Hindu culture and heritage and nor should we. India never accepted us even
after 900 years. We will never live in peace together.
Which is why we the Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslims wanted our own lands, and we wrested it away from Hindu domination at cost of a million and half lives (and the honor of our women and corpses of our children and ashes of our homes.
There is very little Bangladeshis or Pakistanis can do to alter the fate of Indian Muslims left behind in Hindu dominated India. They have fulfilled their role in breaking India into three pieces and given their supreme sacrifice to suffer and ultimately be crushed in India, so that we who belonged to the areas where we are in a majority will survive. Our prayers are all we can give them, but we have escaped the fate that Golwalkar, Hedgewar andAmbedkar had spelled out for us ( see below ).
Other Muslim minorities in Spain ( against the Christians, led by Juminez de Ciceros ) , and Oghuz Turks in Central Asia ( against the Mongols led by Ogadei Khan) have offered the same sacrifice. Indian Muslims realize that hundreds of years later after they have vanished they will be remembered by their billion strong global brethren just as the Andalusians, Macedonians, and Oghuz are remembered today.
The future?
We don't know about Bangladesh but the Hindus of India will never get Pakistan back. You will never reconvert us or get your land back, The Ottomans never relinquished Anatolia to the Mongols or the Byzantines, and Morroco is never going back to Spain.
Hindus must accept this and live with Pakistan. If Pakistan survives India survives. If you attempt to destroy us, the destruction will be mutual.

Now let's get back to the topic.

We are discussing Golwalkar's and Ambedkar's similarity of views on Muslims..

Golwalka's views:
( This adequately spells out the fate that was destined for Muslims in India. Which is why we are grateful for the power to deliver mutual annihilation if THIS was to be our fate )
Bunch of thoughts :
To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic Races—the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.’
We...or our nation defined:
There are only two courses open to these foreign elements’, Golwalkar went on, ‘either to merge themselves in the national race and adopt its culture or to live at its mercy so long as the national race may allow them to do so and quit the country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities’ problem… [The] foreign races in Hindusthan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment—not even citizen’s rights.’

Try out Golwalkar's theory on us and see what you get.
WE WOULD DIE FIRST ( but not alone)
Muslims wanting mutual respect from kafur is the supreme hypocrisy , A kafur can encounter:laughcry:
You should Read Quran e Sharif , then lets see if you ask for mutual respect,?
Muslim brotherhood is only for Muslims and not for kafirs, you have been designated two nations on the basis of islam (Pakistan and Bangladesh) you can have your sharia laws there happily, we dont have any problem :dirol:
But a proud kafir nation still stands tall, despite the atrocities of your 900 years rule, So let us do whats good for us :dirol:
Try out Golwalkar's theory on us and see what you get.
WE WOULD DIE FIRST ( but not alone)
Not interested , keep your Pakistan with you , We have our own problems to solve, lets see after our internal issues are resolved.:azn:
BTW have you heard of anti ballistic missile :dirol: :azn:
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Muslims wanting mutual respect from kafur is the supreme hypocrisy , A kafur can encounter:laughcry:
You should Read Quran e Sharif , then lets see if you ask for mutual respect,?
Muslim brotherhood is only for Muslims and not for kafirs, you have been designated two nations on the basis of islam (Pakistan and Bangladesh) you can have your sharia laws there happily, we dont have any problem :dirol:
But a proud kafir nation still stands tall, despite the atrocities of your 900 years rule, So let us do whats good for us

Oh we don't want "mutual respect" from you. The more you hate us the better. Your caste squabbles are an
unending amusement for us. When Mayawati shouts:
Tilak, Tarazu aur Talwar. Maro inko jutey chaar
We really don't differentiate between Kanshi Ram and Praveen Togadia. Ambedkar or Golwalkar, Whether , Dalit, Harijan, Jain, Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj.
We are not fooled and aware of the threat.
Not interested , keep your Pakistan with you , We have our own problems to solve, lets see after our internal issues are resolved.
Good for you!:chilli:
You keep Nathuram Godse's warm ashes with the Chitapawan Brahman Samaj on Karve Road Pune for the next million years waiting to be immersed in the Sindh River. Also tell your Baba Amte.N.Sivaraj, Yashwant Ambedkar,P.T. Borale, A.G.Pawar, Datta Katti, to join Vinobha Bhave (wherever he went ). Pakistanis are not fooled by Ambedkar and his followers and you can continue your squabbling.
Your Thakeray family is now fighting the Nagpur chaddi mafia.

BTW have you heard of anti ballistic missile :dirol: :azn:
This is my favorite topic. So let's discuss this.
The USA with its Aegis system and airborne laser beam weapons doesn't trust their efficacy enough to take on North Korea whose missiles have such a long flight time, high trajectory, and very visible radar signature and known launch pads. Israel doesn't trust its "Iron Dome" and Arrow system to an Iranian or Hizbollah missile attack ( the attack on a U.S. base in Iraq was an example). Russia too is careful not to take on NATO theater missiles in Poland its excellent S500 Triumf notwithstanding . Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles have longer flight times and can be detected. Short range ballistic missiles with flight times of 5-10 minutes are extremely difficult to detect and stop. Even a few of Saddam's primitive late 50s era Scud missiles slipped through the 90s era Patriot batteries. Bharat tried that bluff in late February in 2019 ; trying a sneak missile attack on Pakistani locations till they were informed by the USA that Pakistan was aware, and planning an instant response on 18 locations. If you're that confident of your missile defenses you would have launched your missiles. Giving long winded Sanskrit names evoking your glorious Vedic past doesn't help. For your future act of stupidity, we would love retaliate and you could see if your missile defenses really work. You chickened out last February.
Enjoy the video below.
Watch the air force officer respond.
"Above my paycheck..." 😂
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Oh we don't want "mutual respect" from you. The more you hate us the better. Your caste squabbles are an
unending amusement for us. When Mayawati shouts:
Tilak, Tarazu aur Talwar. Maro inko jutey chaar
We really don't differentiate between Kanshi Ram and Praveen Togadia. Ambedkar or Golwalkar, Whether , Dalit, Harijan, Jain, Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj.
We are not fooled and aware of the threat.
She denied raising that slogan, she and her party claims to be staunch Ambedkarite,
Why didn't Mayawati left Hinduism for Buddhism like Ambedkar than?, If she hates them so much, politics is a different matter, Shouldn't she be questioned?? :azn: :dirol:
Your Thakeray family is now fighting the Nagpur chaddi mafia.
Soon to be reunited before elections, if you can only understand the Indian politics,:azn:
This is my favorite topic. So let's discuss this.
The USA with its Aegis system and airborne laser beam weapons doesn't trust their efficacy enough to take on North Korea whose missiles have such a long flight time, high trajectory, and very visible radar signature and known launch pads. Israel doesn't trust its "Iron Dome" and Arrow system to an Iranian or Hizbollah missile attack ( the attack on a U.S. base in Iraq was an example). Russia too is careful not to take on NATO theater missiles in Poland its excellent S500 Triumf notwithstanding . Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles have longer flight times and can be detected. Short range ballistic missiles with flight times of 5-10 minutes are extremely difficult to detect and stop. Bharat tried that bluff on 29th February in 2019 trying a sneak missile attack on 6 locations till they were informed by the USA that Pakistan was aware and planning an instant response on 18 locations. If you're that confident of your missile defenses you would have launched your missiles. Giving long winded Sanskrit names evoking your glorious Vedic past doesn't help :
Isn't it so, Its high time you start giving this bluff "If you attack Pakistan , Pakistan will nuke India" a downturn, :omghaha:
Technology is moving at a greater pace, Time is close enough that your nukes will be sitting ducks,
then we might even immerse Nathuram Godse's warm ashes into sacred Sindhu river.:dirol:
Ghabrana Nahi Hai .:haha:😜🤣😆:omghaha:
The USA with its Aegis system and airborne laser beam weapons doesn't trust their efficacy enough to take on North Korea whose missiles have such a long flight time, high trajectory, and very visible radar signature and known launch pads. Israel doesn't trust its "Iron Dome" and Arrow system to an Iranian or Hizbollah missile attack ( the attack on a U.S. base in Iraq was an example). Russia too is careful not to take on NATO theater missiles in Poland its excellent S500 Triumf notwithstanding . Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles have longer flight times and can be detected. Short range ballistic missiles with flight times of 5-10 minutes are extremely difficult to detect and stop. Even a few of Saddam's primitive late 50s era Scud missiles slipped through the 90s era Patriot batteries.

Prithvi Air Defence

The Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) is an anti-ballistic missile developed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). Based on the Prithvi missile, PAD is a two-stage missile with a maximum interception altitude of 80 km (50 mi).
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She denied raising that slogan, she and her party claims to be staunch Ambedkarite,
Why didn't Mayawati left Hinduism for Buddhism like Ambedkar than?, If she hates them so much, politics is a different matter, Shouldn't she be questioned?? :azn: :dirol:
You ask the questions. We India watchers in Pakistan go only so far. Mayawati and Dalit politics in India are far less consequential to Pakistan than the internal politics of the key states of Punjab and Kashmir. The sham Buddhism of Ambedkar with its caste divisions goes no further than Maharashtra. The genuine Buddhism espousing the "way of the Dhamma " spread as far as Japan in the east and as far as Singapore in the south. If you feel more satisfied with Mayawati retaining her Hindu status put that up on Agniveer.com as number 101 of the number of Dalits saved from conversion this year.
Soon to be reunited before elections, if you can only understand the Indian politics
Soon to be fighting again once the elections are over and a number of
provincial assembly members are imprisoned in luxury hotels for fear of being bought over.
Yes, we understand Indian politics and get a good laugh, You are the only country in the world to have interpreters and parliamentarians wearing headphones when the parliament is in session. These are the headphones your members of parliament tear off their heads and throw it at each other.😜😜

Isn't it so, Its high time you start giving this bluff "If you attack Pakistan , Pakistan will nuke India" a downturn, :omghaha:
Technology is moving at a greater pace, Time is close enough that your nukes will be sitting ducks,
then we might even immerse Nathuram Godse's warm ashes into sacred Sindhu river.:dirol:
Ghabrana Nahi Hai .:haha:😜🤣😆:omghaha:
Try it ...like you attempted in February last year as your Vayu Sena officer said "Above my paycheck..." Also try your missile defenses on the Chinese and see if they are impressed enough to vacate the thousands of square kilometers they are occupying.
After all this is over, please do come with Nathuram Godse's ashes. We will afford you that courtesy for giving shanti to Godse's atma and also the atma of Sadashiv Rao Bhau.
We accord the utmost honor and respects to enemy casualties.
We will go further in honoring the dead and will bring the ashes of the veergatis picked up from a tactical strike on a "Cold Start" folly. We are short of pundits here to perform the antim sanskar of the veergatis so please send some purohits with asthi kalash . We will prepare the bhoj in honor of your veergatis.
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You ask the questions. We India watchers in Pakistan go only so far. Mayawati and Dalit politics in India are far less consequential to Pakistan than the internal politics of the key states of Punjab and Kashmir. The sham Buddhism of Ambedkar with its caste divisions goes no further than Maharashtra. The genuine Buddhism espousing the "way of the Dhamma " spread as far as Japan in the east and as far as Singapore in the south. If you feel more satisfied with Mayawati retaining her Hindu status put that up on Agniveer.com as number 101 of the number of Dalits saved from conversion this year.
And why would I do that ??
lol :haha: 😆 :dirol:
Soon to be fighting again once the elections are over and a number of
provincial assembly members are imprisoned in luxury hotels for fear of being bought over.
Yes, we understand Indian politics and get a good laugh, You are the only country in the world to have interpreters and parliamentarians wearing headphones when the parliament is in session. These are the headphones your members of parliament tear off their heads and throw it at each other.
come on now ,:azn:
Don't make me speak up on Pakistani parliament, doesn't befit my standards,:dirol:
Try it ...like you attempted in February last year as your Vayu Sena officer said "Above my paycheck..." Also try your missile defenses on the Chinese and see if they are impressed enough to vacate the thousands of square kilometers they are occupying.
After all this is over, please do come with Nathuram Godse's ashes. We will afford you that courtesy for giving shanti to Godse's atma and also the atma of Sadashiv Rao Bhau.
We accord the utmost honor and respects to enemy casualties.
We will go further in honoring the dead and will bring the ashes of the veergatis picked up from a tactical strike on a "Cold Start" folly. We are short of pundits here to perform the antim sanskar of the veergatis so please send some purohits with asthi kalash . We will prepare the bhoj in honor of your veergatis.
Airspace skirmish = 27 Feb.
War = 1971 east Pakistan (Bangladesh)
Differentiation between war and airspace skirmish needs to be determined , firstly :dirol:
This decade India will try hard to solve its internal conflicts, Next decade its Pakistan's arrangement.
We will go further in honoring the dead and will bring the ashes of the veergatis picked up from a tactical strike on a "Cold Start" folly. We are short of pundits here to perform the antim sanskar of the veergatis so please send some purohits with asthi kalash . We will prepare the bhoj in honor of your veergatis.
Maybe, we might not give the honor we gave to 93000 in east Pakistan (Bangladesh) next time, when we meet in Kashmir and Sindh 😉
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And why would I do that ??
lol :haha: 😆 :dirol:

come on now ,:azn:
Don't make me speak up on Pakistani parliament, doesn't befit my standards,:dirol:

Airspace skirmish = 27 Feb.
War = 1971 east Pakistan (Bangladesh)
Differentiation between war and airspace skirmish needs to be determined , firstly :dirol:
This decade India will try hard to solve its internal conflicts, Next decade its Pakistan's arrangement.

Maybe, we might not give the honor we gave to 93000 in east Pakistan (Bangladesh) next time we meet in Kashmir and Sindh 😉
Bangladesh. I should have saved you that trouble. Your once in a 1000 year victory which was the occupation a territory that had seceded 24 years before from your Akhand Bharat; and was occupied for just 60 days and then retreated ( Retreat from Dhaka 1972).😝😝😝
The "enemy" with now secure and integrated geography revived to become a nuclear and missile power that stands with a cocked fist as your strategic border states are racked with insurgency and terrorism. A terrorism that caused the assassination of the same "durga mata" Prime Minister and your chief of army staff hero of the 71 war A. S. Vaidya. Then there was Major General Shubheg Singh hero of the 71 war killed by
Lt. Col. Israr Khan of the 10th Guards at the Golden Temple in 1984.😩😩
Here is a list of your "victories ":
'A lesson in History:
Battle of Aror 712 CE
Raja Dahir killed by Bin Qasim
Battle of Peshawar 1001 CE
Raja Jaipal defeated and killed by Mahmud Ghazni.
Second Battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Mohammed Ghori kills Prithviraj Chauhan
Bakhtiyar Khilji conquers Bihar 1195–1203 CE ; A dozen more all through upto the 16th century.
Battle of Khanwaha, Battle of Panipat ( 2) , Battle of Haldighati,
Battle of Panipat ( 3)1761 Sadashiv Rao Bhau's head is displayed to Ahmed Shah Abdali.
1947 Retreat from Baluchistan, Punjab, Sindh, Khybar-Pakhtoon Khwa and East Bengal
India loses one third of its original territory to Muslims creating two strategic territories.
One territory on the " chicken's neck effectively throttles India's control over its six NE states. India loses the strategic port of Chittagong. India is cut off from its traditional trade routes to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Retreat from Kashmir(1947-1949).
One third of Kashmir whose Hindu king had officially acceded to India lost to Pakistan. UN intervenes.
Retreat from Aksai Chin ( 1962).
38,000 sq.km lost.
4,700 troops surrender and captured by China .
India defeated at Bom De La , Se La, Thag La . Tawang occupied by the PLA.
Battle of Chawinda 1965.
India fails to retake Kashmir from Pakistan. The holy city of Dwarka Dham shelled by the Pakistani Navy. Gujarat chief minister and family killed when their plane which intruded into Pakistani Air Space is shot down.
Retreat from Dhaka ( 1972).
India fails to retake Kashmir back from Pakistan.
1987-1989 IPKF operations in Sri Lanka . Battle of Nallur Khandaswamy Temple ( 1987)
The LTTE whips your rear and comes back and kills your ex-Prime Minister ( 1991).
Retreat from Tiger Hill ( 1999)
Kargil war. India fails to retake Kashmir from Pakistan.
Mig 21, Mig 27, Mil 8 , Canberra, and one small plane shot down by Pakistani air defenses. Fl.Lt. Ahuja killed, Flight Lt. Nachiketa captured and taken prisoner.
Retreat from Kandahar ( 2000 (Hijack ). Terrorists freed in exchange for Indian Airlines B737 jet and passengers, Crack Indian commandos flown in fail to fight the Taliban and rescue the hostages. L. K. Advani, India's Dy. Prime Minister is personally present in Kandahar and personally escorts the terrorists to freedom.
Retreat from Balakot ( 2019)
Indian Air Force strike force fails to achieve its air strike objectives, and does not carry out a follow up strike, or a reconnaissance flight to confirm target acquisition like Israel and the. Symbolic retaliation stand off weapons strikes the next day by Pakistan, which India tries to intercept. Loses one Mig 21 in addition to one helicopter lost to friendly fire.
Retreat from Pangong Tso and Depsang. India loses an additional 1000 sq. km to China.
( 2020 ).

The only Hindutva rotten stinking state to ever exist goes into the history books forever with no one to mourn except perhaps Nepal.
"Vande Bharat"
Out of the 55 Muslim states in the world one state goes into martyrdom for the survival of the rest. It is remembered like Khwarzim and the Seljuks of Konya that were martyred by the Mongols.
To rid the world of the new Mongol menace, this will be an acceptable sacrifice. Our ally China will salute our bravery for having rid them of a minor potential threat.
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Dude Uncle Tom desis crack me up big time.

English sai boli nai jaati. Agar bolo urdu me baat kr len to kehte hain "Eye Don't No Waat U R saying"


Your flags say Qatar tho??
They pose the biggest threat to Pakistan ever.
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