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India Will Strike Again:---


Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.

Modi has lost it and Indian Armed Forces are becoming his tools. They are enjoying all the false promotion they are getting. This is exacerbating the problem. India made a egregious mistake as it thought that Pakistan will have a benign reaction on its aggression. But Pakistani Armed Forces specially current leadership have seen it. We have Generals in Army who have lost brothers. Even PAF people have fought on front lines not just by using Planes. In short we have seen it all. Finally they also forgot that difference between Indian and Pakistani Air Force is not what used to be in 1965 or 1971. It's way less. Finally our enmity and our love is for sake of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW nothing else.

This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.

Do you think Pakistani military planners won’t strike indian economic area if pakiatan itself is economically going down... just think for a min. What if Pakistan takes new normal of striking targets around Mumbai and mangalore, which will cause all western investment to flee India.. this might become a new normal.
War creates economic uncertainty for everyone. Psychologically no one wants to around a war zone, let alone nuclear capable countries.
I am sure Modi will do misadventure , election is coming and they want to unite everyone under BJP. They can make excuse to attack JUD . They can make any excuse i. e even some indian kashmiri attack India soldiers. What Pakistan can do is wait, see the range of attack, and respond same using Pakistan airspace, with own choice of day, choice of place.
These 40 days are very important .
Modi don't care about miscalculation or whatever. His hate against Pakistan at Peak after such embarrassment in dog fight his Blood pressure is sky high.
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My 2cents .... They have verified the international response time theory and now .... Pakistan should get ready for cold start .....my opinion comes from Modi's remark's "pilot project is completed ....now we make it real".
Do you think Pakistani military planners won’t strike indian economic area if pakiatan itself is economically going down... just think for a min. What if Pakistan takes new normal of striking targets around Mumbai and mangalore, which will cause all western investment to flee India.. this might become a new normal.
War creates economic uncertainty for everyone. Psychologically no one wants to around a war zone, let alone nuclear capable countries.

India just called Pak’s nuke bluff. India again in future will only target “non military” targets.
Next time they will think over 1000 times before they get into any misadventure. But, surely they will be looking for opportunities. As for the instigators, they have also lost credibility with the Indians!!! Very clever folks are trying to outfox one another....
Mastan is right. They will strike again and they will strike sooner than you think, they will try to prolong it to test your stamina.
Mastan bhai I am glad you have changed your negative opinion to positive about PAF
India just called Pak’s nuke bluff. India again in future will only target “non military” targets.

I think after this months humiliation india is caged for a bit but the hurt to ego will ensure they try something stupid
My opinion.
The Pakistani posters in here are being too defensive. The Indian bluff has been called. A message has been sent. It has been received loud and clear. They have been given the reality check they badly needed. The Indians know there is no free lunch. There will be a very high price to pay if they want to confront us. Nothing is going to happen. All that you hear is bluff and bluster to save face. Thank your God, your Armed Services and your government for the competency they have shown in the face of adversity.
This is just what Pakistan needed to break the shackles of constant Indian threats. There will be threats in the future but they will be hollow.
Just relax and enjoy.
This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.

Capturing of useless Indian pilots is also the new normal. :lol: Next time Pakistan won't be so generous and they will rot in prisons for the rest of their lives.
India just called Pak’s nuke bluff. India again in future will only target “non military” targets.
That is completely not true please try to understand that Pakistan will not use nuclear weapons on the fly. For that, the Indian Army has to mobilize to seek entrenchment in Pakistan and if they are close to achieving this then this option is available.Of course it does not account for the first step which is taking the fight to Indian territory and seeking entrenchment there. This is the bait India needs but failed to get.
India just called Pak’s nuke bluff. India again in future will only target “non military” targets.
Like I said earlier; you do not know of Pakistan's nuclear use doctrine. Pakistan isn't naive as to use its arsenal against a sloppy incursion of the IAF. Your chiefs are being screwed by John Bolton as we speak as they under performed :D.
ISPR says we bombed around the target, JF17 pilot says otherwise.

Official stance is 'bombed on empty grounds' whereas leaked unofficial is 'we did some serious damage'.

It seems ISPR is giving face saving to Modi and to avoid escalation. Utterly humiliated Modi in public will be cornered to retaliate.

India will attack again but maybe not so soon as they'll be celebrating the return of the pilot as victory. It avoids a bigger conflict for now and that's fine.

Pakistan airforce deliberately shot close to indian targets not on them. Didn't u listen to dg ispr pakistan? He was very clear deliberately missed targets. To avoid human losses
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