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India will overtake China in 2021

The population of India will overtake China in 2021
What's your opinion?How do you feel? Happy, worry, welcome??.....


Here’s a comparison of some key numbers from the world’s two most populous nations:

IN 2011
China: 1,339,724,852 India: 1,210,193,422

The difference: Almost 130 million. But because India is growing so much faster than China (see below), it is expected to become the world’s most populous nation in another two decades.


China: 73.9 million (5.84%) India: 181 million (17.64%)
year growth:
China: 0.57% India: 1.64%


China: 105 India: 106


China (0-14): 222,459,737 India (0-6): 158,789,287

The youth population numbers aren’t directly comparable yet but it’s clear even from this data that India’s 0-14 population is higher than China’s. Indian projections from 2006 suggested that population would be around 346,942,000. The actual numbers may be a little higher than that since the project put India’s 2011 population at 1,192,507,000, lower than it turned out to be. Some experts are saying that it’s now time for China to reverse its one-child policy.


China: 95.92 India: 74.04

In 2021,the population of India will overtake China:
China: 1.4179billion 1.4237billion

For me, welcome Indian overtake China in population, breathe a sigh of relief;

what's your opinion??

Hahaahaha besides trolling on Indian population you forget one thing. China will lose the most populous Nation title to the Nation of old people :D
It's high time now China should abandon 1 child policy or it will take the toll on country :D and it's not a troll :D
^^ i don't think Indian economy will overtake Chinese economy before 2050

It's a good practive to Never say Never.

If CPC continue to be the govt, in China.... Indian economy won't overtake the "stated value" of chinese economy by 2050. But just so...

And if a revolution hits china .... only then one can assess the state of china's economy today. They are piling up plenty of $hit under the carpet.

In 1985, did you expect India to have a larger economy than Russia's or Soviet Union.
I am worried to be honest , India's population is expected to hit 1.65-1.70 billion before declining . I don't know where we are going to fit these additional 450-500 million Indians . :hang2:
I call for China to retain the 'most populous country' title and abolishes the one-child policy. Let's go to work to produce more baby girl now!

I believe that's the right way to go for china.China should learn from EU and Japan about the effect of a decreasing population. Are there some serious talk in china among policy makers about
this problem?
@ post no. 23> we are also ahead of them in milk production and enjoy stats of No.1 milk producing nation in world :wave:
The population of India will overtake China in 2021
What's your opinion?How do you feel? Happy, worry, welcome??.....


Here’s a comparison of some key numbers from the world’s two most populous nations:

IN 2011
China: 1,339,724,852 India: 1,210,193,422

The difference: Almost 130 million. But because India is growing so much faster than China (see below), it is expected to become the world’s most populous nation in another two decades.


China: 73.9 million (5.84%) India: 181 million (17.64%)
year growth:
China: 0.57% India: 1.64%


China: 105 India: 106


China (0-14): 222,459,737 India (0-6): 158,789,287

The youth population numbers aren’t directly comparable yet but it’s clear even from this data that India’s 0-14 population is higher than China’s. Indian projections from 2006 suggested that population would be around 346,942,000. The actual numbers may be a little higher than that since the project put India’s 2011 population at 1,192,507,000, lower than it turned out to be. Some experts are saying that it’s now time for China to reverse its one-child policy.


China: 95.92 India: 74.04

In 2021,the population of India will overtake China:
China: 1.4179billion 1.4237billion

For me, welcome Indian overtake China in population, breathe a sigh of relief;

what's your opinion??

Yes India will overtake china.....china is forcefully decreasing their population by officially killing second child in the women womb...... whereas India don't have such kinda policy...... chinese people is lucky because even they want second child, their govn will not give such freedom...... all hail.... and looney toons always cheer-leading for such idiotic threads..... :pop:
This is the only sector in which India may overtake china provided that they stop their barbaric stone age practice of rampant
female infanticide. Otherwise they will have a country full of Gays and Aids patients. So its up to them to decide whether
they want to be the largest populated state in the world or the largest Gay state in the world.

Hey my dear troll !!! We have still some space, while u dont have even that , sending illegal immigirants to india to save space !!
dONT U WORRY ABOUT US, u have BoB swallowing u :P
Indian population size is a detriment

When India surpasses China in overall population, it will be a meaningless event.

1. Population size is no longer correlated with GDP size. China's GDP is currently five times the Indian GDP and the gap is growing larger. By 2021, I expect China's nominal GDP differential with India to increase to about 7 to 1.

2. The increase in Indian population is good for China strategically. The Indian government lacks the resources to provide basic services for its people. Hence, instead of 500 million well-educated and well-fed Indians, we have 1.2 billion Indians without access to clean water or sufficient food.

3. All of these Indians without jobs are paralyzing the Indian government's ability to govern. For example, the Indian government dare not cut its subsidies for gasoline or cooking oil. These subsidies will keep growing larger as the population increases and drain the Indian government's budget.

India has to choose whether to devote its scarce resources to subsidies (and feed its people) or build highways. It can't do both. The growing Indian population will delay India's modernization of its infrastructure by decades.

4. The PLA is mechanized. Carpet bombing one million or ten million Indian soldiers makes no difference. It is the level of military technology and deployment that is important. The number of warm bodies as targets is irrelevant to a mechanized army.
Indian population size is a detriment

When India surpasses China in overall population, it will be a meaningless event.

1. Population size is no longer correlated with GDP size. China's GDP is currently five times the Indian GDP and the gap is growing larger. By 2021, I expect China's nominal GDP differential with India to increase to about 7 to 1.

2. The increase in Indian population is good for China strategically. The Indian government lacks the resources to provide basic services for its people. Hence, instead of 500 million well-educated and well-fed Indians, we have 1.2 billion Indians without access to clean water or sufficient food.

3. All of these Indians without jobs are paralyzing the Indian government's ability to govern. For example, the Indian government dare not cut its subsidies for gasoline or cooking oil. These subsidies will keep growing larger as the population increases and drain the Indian government's budget.

India has to choose whether to devote its scarce resources to subsidies (and feed its people) or build highways. It can't do both. The growing Indian population will delay India's modernization of its infrastructure by decades.

4. The PLA is mechanized. Carpet bombing one million or ten million Indian soldiers makes no difference. It is the level of military technology and deployment that is important. The number of warm bodies as targets is irrelevant to a mechanized army.

PLA dont have much technical edge over Indian Military ... and the edge they have in quantity ... will be negated by the Himalayan Terran ... it doesnt matter how much quantity PLA has over Indian Military ... there is no way PLA can push over Indian Military in Himalayas ... PLA will be annihilated if it ever tries to Invade .. this is no 62' where human wave tactic will work .. and there is no chance china will find 8:1 numerical superiority now ... so stop posting crap ...
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