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India will continue to have edge over China in aircraft carriers’

The Chinese won't have 4 ready at anytime with just 6 ships during peacetime. It's simple, if 4 ships are out at sea during peacetime, then there will be a long duration where China won't have any carriers in the water, perhaps barely one. You also risk having your crew fatigued. So 2 operational at best at a time.

During wartime, China can make 4 available with 2 on surge. But as I said, they can't bring all 4 into the IOR because of the USN and JMSDF. 4 carriers are impossible to sustain in the IOR anyway. They can't guard their supply lines.

With the creation of Theatre Commands, the carriers will be permanently assigned to one command or the other and will not infringe on the jurisdiction of other commands. So the command responsible in dealing with India won't have all 4 carriers to itself.

And just having an extra carrier in the IOR compared to us doesn't give PLAN any sort of advantage considering, as I've already said, we will still control the airspace due to the short distances between all the islands and the mainland.

In case the Chinese do end up with more carriers than we can currently handle, a convenient shortcut method available to India is to convert an LHD into a light carrier by procuring some F-35Bs. A functional CBG with 20 F-35s can easily be raised in less than 5 years.

You have to consider the USN and Japan because they are permanently deployed in the region. This is not a textbook 1 on 1. Especially considering we are planning on jointly monitoring PLAN activities through CENTRIXS.


Taking into account what friendly countries do is also part of how the IN procures ships and plans for the future. If it wasn't for the US and Japan, it's obvious we would have spent more than 1.6% of our GDP on defence and got ourselves a sister ship to the Vikrant already.

IN plans to become a 200-ship navy over the next 10 years. That's roughly half of the PLAN's projected size during the same time. And the USN will only be slightly behind in case Trump's shipbuilding plan succeeds. Just because PLAN can become a 400-ship navy doesn't mean they can bring 400 ships into the IOR. But whatever they manage to bring into the IOR, they will have to face the full might of the IN.

A whole bunch of them moved away to the Gulf of Aden. The ones that stayed were only 2 ships.

We have access to Muscat and Duqm. We can use them for "emergencies".

Sri Lanka is not stupid enough to allow major Chinese military deployments in their territory. They are making noises now, but they will fall into our sphere pretty quickly. The same with Maldives.

You literally just repeated the same thing over again.
How long does it take for Indians to finish building a carrier? India has an edge over China? With their pathetic shipbuilding industry? China has been for years the world biggest shipbuilder with the best equipment, facilities and skilled labor force , what does India have?
How long does it take for Indians to finish building a carrier? India has an edge over China? With their pathetic shipbuilding industry? China has been for years the world biggest shipbuilder with the best equipment, facilities and skilled labor force , what does India have?
Indian can't accept the fact that both the quality and quantity of PLAN have gone far beyond those of IN.
How long does it take for Indians to finish building a carrier? India has an edge over China? With their pathetic shipbuilding industry? China has been for years the world biggest shipbuilder with the best equipment, facilities and skilled labor force , what does India have?

Indian can't accept the fact that both the quality and quantity of PLAN have gone far beyond those of IN.

Your investment in navy depends on your threat perception. You have a bigger threat so you will build those we have a smaller threat so we will always be less. Its not about competition.
df26 will sink easily all indian aircraft carriers
How long does it take for Indians to finish building a carrier? India has an edge over China? With their pathetic shipbuilding industry? China has been for years the world biggest shipbuilder with the best equipment, facilities and skilled labor force , what does India have?

I was about to say the same thing. Guys, do we really need to start to tell the saga of the IAC-1 again, 10 years in the building process and until now not completed. We only took 4-5 years to finish type 001A. You see Chinese do thing by increments of learning and improving. Indians boast first, aim big, and clean up the shit later. You cna see this from almost everything they do, in the end, it will fck up as usual. My bet is in 10 years time, there will only be 2 Indian carriers vs 4 Chinese carriers. They just don't have the indigenous supply chain, almost everything is imported except the steel and welding the modules. Hell at one time even the steel was imported.

Chinese do things by building a strong foundation first. Before we even build carriers, we will first research the steel first. That's common sense, not the Indians tho, they like attention, they wanna show they are a supapowa.
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