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India watching 'all activities of China' - A. K. Antony


Feb 20, 2011
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United Arab Emirates
NEW DELHI: India is "closely watching all activities of China", Defence Minister AK Antony told parliament Monday.
The minister was responding to a question in the Lok Sabha whether the government was aware that an astronomical observatory was coming up in Aksai Chin area in China.
Antony said in a statement that the observatory was apparently coming up at Shiquanhe in China.
"The government is closely watching all activities of China and is fully seized of the security needs of the country," he said.
"Necessary measures have been initiated to ensure the national security and economic interests of the country," he added.

India watching 'all activities of China' - The Times of India
I wonder if the lights via the use of lanterns has any security related ulterior motives
I told you guys indians are very nosey, but in this case i seriously doubt they actually do have any modern equipments to 'watch' over us
I told you guys indians are very nosey, but in this case i seriously doubt they actually do have any modern equipments to 'watch' over us

Doubt is good :tup:
The intrusions into Kashmir justified a military response, but China is not Pakistan. Still a Indo-China war would be a blood bath.
I am also watching indian politicians having brain farts daily.
There won't be any blood bath. Just a precise dismantling of the Indian military.

:rofl: you are funny china dude. Dismantle or disband ??? You should clear your concepts comrade then come trolling ;)
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