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Rafale deal: Antony refuses govt guarantee to France

So, personaly do you think the chances of corruption is more in case of contract "with life cycle cost"?

I think corruption is equally possible- that is a question of intent only. Considering not just France, but EFT consortium, Americans as well as Russians have maintained that it is one of the most transparent competitions in the world. In fact a competition so transparent that even other countries like Brazil who are planning to buy fighters for their own AFs asked for the detailed report within the first week of us declaring the results. This is the sort of stuff that Saint Antony wants to do more (of course he takes 7 years to do it- that's a different matter). I think the end conclusion of this deal is 'reasonably reliable'. Now Subramania Swmai, being an @$$hole declared that very day that Sonia Gandhi got 2 billion in this. He's only interested in political mileage, so a big deal with big money is pretty much the sort of stuff he'll target. He usually pulls a lot of stuff from his @$$- treat this as one of them.

Mind you- going to Lifecycle costs is a great thing. It is by far the best cost measure and the IAF has done a great deal on this. I don't think the mess we have on the Hawk jets would have happened if we had the same dilligence.
It may eventually get cancelled,who knows?

All depends on growth rate.
Pakfa+rafale+tejas mk1 and 2 combo+su-30 at the same time=disaster

Planning cannot get any worse than this
sir, add AMCA in to list.:angry:
F-35 sucks man

Usa is manufacturing about 1800 of these so it dosen't matter

But in small numbers its a flying potato
Really if you think yourself a expert here you should know that Western are Far more Ahead than any asian counterpart when it comes to fighters there Reseach is far more ahead and advanced.
F-35 sucks man

Usa is manufacturing about 1800 of these so it dosen't matter

But in small numbers its a flying potato

now thats funny.
F-35 is 5th generation. every other platform it face today will be a flying potato.
its serial production has already started and price will go down to around 100 million a piece from pre production price of 200
surprisingly its single engine provides much more thrust than two of the rafale engines do.
the real reason why india ignored it back in 2006 was lack of avalibilty but today its available.
now thats funny.
F-35 is 5th generation. every other platform it face today will be a flying potato.
its serial production has already started and price will go down to around 100 million a piece from pre production price of 200
surprisingly its single engine provides much more thrust than two of the rafale engines do.
the real reason why india ignored it back in 2006 was lack of avalibilty but today its available.

Its optimised for ground attack and has stupendously low level of agility and can carry only 6 missiles.

Not to mention the low t/w ratio.

Usa will have a mixture of f-18,f-16 and others so its not a problem.

For us it is
Really if you think yourself a expert here you should know that Western are Far more Ahead than any asian counterpart when it comes to fighters there Reseach is far more ahead and advanced.

Go to any thread on pakfa or mig and see who posted what and then try to counter me.

I never said f-35 is bad,its just not a multirole jet and has huge limitations especially in small numbers.

Try to counder me is a guy claiming that 29k rcs is .6 m2:eek:

Don't be rude next time and research before u post before believing in funny rumours
I think corruption is equally possible- that is a question of intent only. Considering not just France, but EFT consortium, Americans as well as Russians have maintained that it is one of the most transparent competitions in the world. In fact a competition so transparent that even other countries like Brazil who are planning to buy fighters for their own AFs asked for the detailed report within the first week of us declaring the results. This is the sort of stuff that Saint Antony wants to do more (of course he takes 7 years to do it- that's a different matter). I think the end conclusion of this deal is 'reasonably reliable'. Now Subramania Swmai, being an @$$hole declared that very day that Sonia Gandhi got 2 billion in this. He's only interested in political mileage, so a big deal with big money is pretty much the sort of stuff he'll target. He usually pulls a lot of stuff from his @$$- treat this as one of them.

Mind you- going to Lifecycle costs is a great thing. It is by far the best cost measure and the IAF has done a great deal on this. I don't think the mess we have on the Hawk jets would have happened if we had the same dilligence.
For once I am in complete agreement with you!

Subramainia Swamy's comments are a pre-elecgtion gimmick to slander the head of the Congress party. If/when the BJP are in power this fool will shut his trap and move onto more pressing matters like attending to his ministerial duties.
Good Decision by Antony. With people in the BJP threatening to cancel the deal, it's best to leave the decision to the next government.

I must save brave decision to let go millions of dollar or its a fear of being napped.
For once I am in complete agreement with you!

Subramainia Swamy's comments are a pre-elecgtion gimmick to slander the head of the Congress party. If/when the BJP are in power this fool will shut his trap and move onto more pressing matters like attending to his ministerial duties.
It's going to be a very tough job to keep that man's mouth shut--------wait and watch. :lol:
Go to any thread on pakfa or mig and see who posted what and then try to counter me.

I never said f-35 is bad,its just not a multirole jet and has huge limitations especially in small numbers.

Try to counder me is a guy claiming that 29k rcs is .6 m2:eek:

Don't be rude next time and research before u post before believing in funny rumours
I Seen Level of Stupidity And Self Pride You Have If Showing Of There "Elite Class" Every Where And Trying Too Blast If Someone Counters Your Point.

And Yes I Still Claim What I Said Technology Had No limitations. Specially Stealth Very Old Tech Goes Back to 1968. When US Aeronautical Engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson designated A-12 "Oxcart".After That Lockheed incorporated into its bid a text written by the Soviet physicist Petr Ufimtsev' from 1962, titled Method of Edge Waves in the Physical Theory of Diffraction, Soviet Radio, Moscow, 1962. In 1971 this book was translated into English with the same title by U.S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Division.The theory played a critical role in the design of American stealth-aircraft F-117 and B-2.

The RCS varies depending on the angle from which the plane is "seen" by the radar (ie. some aircrafts are optimized to reduce RCS when seen from the front and above, while some are optimized to reduce the RCS from all angles).

Another interesting point is the fact that depending on the method used to obtain stealth, the RCS is not the same depending on the frequency of the radar.

Then you have to understand the various methods used to reduce the RCS of an aircraft, and their limits.

1) Using material with a low reflection
The material used in building the plane have an impact on the RCS, the classical exemple being the wooden Mosquito being naturally stealthier than its counterparts of metallic construction.
Using composite material, especially some specifically designed to enhance stealth is a simple way to partly reduce the RCS.

2) Hiding echo chambers and avoiding scatter points
With this method, you try to hide, reduce or remove anything that could amplify the radar signal, or redirect it indiscriminately (hiding reactors, removing a maximum of sharp angles, protrusions, draining holes).
The goal is not to eliminate or scatter the radar echo, but to avoid amplifying it.

3) Specifically shaping the plane to redirect the echo away from the emitting radar
Here the whole point is to avoid being seen, by adopting a shape that when hit by a radar wave, will be returned away from the emitter, making the plane "invisible".
Yet it's not that easy, with the first generation of shaping, the stealth was directionaly optimized, meant to reduce RCS only when seen from a particular angle.
The latest generation of shaped planes are more efficient and able to reduce RCS from wider angles.
But it's not perfect, as it is also optimized for some radar frequencies, and it has been demonstrated that low frequency radars coupled to large arrays of passive receiving stations (ie. one radar emits, the plane scatters the echo, but a multitude of these echoes are received bye the passive receiving stations and using triangulation, the position of the plane is determined, it has even been demonstrated using reflection of TV signal) negate most shaping.

4) Using Radar-Absorbent Material
Adding material to the plane designed to "trap" the radar waves is a way to reduce RCS, unfortunately, these materials are optimised for specific range of frequencies and are mostly useless against other frequencies, with some older materials, they even acted as echo chambers, amplifying and scattering the radar signal).

5) Actively cancelling the radar signal
Active echo cancellation, consisting of detecting the radar wave and remitting a counter-wave to reduce or remove the echo is still not very well documented, and is a very difficult task as it needs to identify a large variety of signals and determine which signal to add to diminish or suppress the echo.

All these factors and the fact that real numbers on the efficiency of these methods and the way to calculate their impact makes it impossible to model in a game.

The MiG-29K is based on the 'basic' MiG-29K airframe, but is lighter in answer to the Indian Navy's requirements for the smallest possible dimensions to maximize use of space on the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya (formerly Admiral Gorshkov). The aircraft is based on the original MiG-29K airframe, but without the high-cost welded aluminum lithium fuel tanks and forward fuselage. The MiG-29K's fuel tanks are situated in the dorsal spine fairing and wing leading-edge root extensions. This reportedly gives the aircraft a 50% increase over the land-based MiG-29. Flight range can also be increased by in-flight refueling capability. With a 25-year design life, the MiG-29K features a larger wing area, incorporating a longer chord double-slotted flap and drooped elevons over the 'basic' MiG-29K. The wing root has a sharp leading edge. In addition, the central fuselage integral tank and a fuselage load-carrying section, to which the arrester hook and main struts are attached, were considerably strengthened.

The nose undercarriage is able to steer through +/- 90º and houses a three-colour lamp which indicates the aircraft's position on the glide path, and its landing speed, to a visual landing signal officer. The arrester hook is also fitted with an illumination system to indicate when it is lowered. Reportedly the radar reflecting surface of the MiG-29K is 4 to 5 times smaller than that of the standard MiG-29. The aircraft will have an improved navigation equipment commensurate with its maritime role. For deck landing, the aircraft will be fitted with a special navigation system comprising instrument landing systems interacting with the ship's markers, jam-resistant coded data link and automated built-in test facilities. In the event of the pilot having to eject near the aircraft carrier, the escape system will ensure that he is ejected clear of the ship. The export 'MiG-29K' will feature a triplex digital fly-by-wire control system, with multiple-redundancy in all three channels and a mechanical back-up in roll-and-yaw channels. A proven control algorithm used in the analog-digital flight control system on the basic 'MiG-29K' will be retained.

The dual-seat 'KUB' trainer has nearly identical (90% commonality) aerodynamic characteristics to the single-seat, export 'MiG-29K' fighter and has the same wing and tail plane platform geometry. To further ease transition from the trainer to the fighter, even the forward nose sections are identical. They are equipped with similar avionics and can carry the same armament (nearly 100% commonality). The trainer variant differs from the fighter variant only in having an additional fuel tank occupying the rear-seat cockpit. Both aircraft have an in-flight refueling capability, having a retractable refueling probe in the port forward fuselage, and may also be used as tankers. With the take-off and landing weights identical to the fighter, the trainer has 8% less fuel capacity and a 7% to 10% shorter combat radius. In addition to carrying out its main training role, the trainer has a fully operational capability. Indeed, the two man crew could open up additional roles such as airborne early warning or electronic warfare. In its combat role, the second pilot will act as a weapons systems operator.

These aircraft will be capable of day/night, all-weather, year-round operation in any climate, including tropics with ambient temperatures up to +35°C (+95°F) and air humidity up to 100%. The aircraft will be able to operate singly or in groups in the face of enemy fighter opposition and in an ECM environment, operating from CTOL carriers equipped with a ski jump or from shore bases. The take-off run on a carrier deck equipped with a bow ski jump is estimated as 125 - 195 meters (410 - 640 feet). With these aircraft operating in a salty sea environment, RSK MiG has adopted special corrosion protection measures for the airframe, avionics equipment and the RD-33MK turbofans. Radar-absorbing material (RAM) coatings will reduce the fighter's RCS by a factor of 4 to 5 as compared to the 'basic' MiG-29. Both variants feature a fully retractable L-shaped IFR probe on the port side of the nose in line with the cockpit windshield. Both variants have had their forward air intake blocker doors and spring-loaded dorsal doors - for FOD prevention - installed further downstream. This frees up internal space inside the LERXes, allowing it to be used for additional fuel.

Avionics: The MiG-29K/KUB will be equipped with Phazotron-NIIR Corporation's Zhuk-ME radar, which has a range of 150 km in detection mode and 130 km in tracking mode, against a target with a RCS (Radar Cross Section) of five square meters and can also fire missiles at four different targets simultaneously. The radar will have functions for operations in air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, using Thales' TopSight E helmet-mounted targeting system. Both variants will incorporate a ShKAl wide-angle monochrome HUD (Head-Up Display) and the 'K' variant will feature three MFI-10-7 high-performance liquid-crystal multi-function displays, while the 'KUB' variant will have seven such displays. The ShKAl HUD offers a 26° field of view, which allows the pilot to keep an eye on a much wider sector of airspace and use his weapons more effectively in that sector. The 6" x 8" liquid-crystal display has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and can illustrate a digital terrain map & tactical situation data (information about aerial and ground/surface targets), thus enabling the pilot to maintain situational awareness.

The aircraft's nervous system comprises four multiplex databuses, which considerably speeds up communication between the miscellaneous electronic systems and increases its reliability. The more efficient data exchange system facilitates the integration of add-ons, should the need arise and the additional avionics can be connected to any of the four databuses, which creates numerous upgrade possibilities. The data transmission rate also conforms to the toughest existing standard (fibre channel). Although copper wires are still used as of now, fiber-optic cables will be incorporated later on. Both variants will feature a secure data link system enabling concerted action by a group of fighters. Due to the importance and complexity of the missions which the fighter will have to fulfill, the data link system will have set channels with a high data transmission rate making use of the latest type of interface. This avionics architecture is unique among today's fighters, rendering the aircraft extremely adaptable and upgradeable.

The aircraft's avionics will be based on MIL-STD 1533 bus. Although primarily to be armed with Russian weapons, Western weapons may be offered as an option. Integration of Western-made weapons is not expected to present problems, as RSK MiG has amassed experience of a variety of Western weapon systems during development of the Russian-French MiG-AT jet trainer and the mating the Kopyo radar on the MiG-21-93 for the IAF. The aircraft will also feature Sagem's Sigma-95 INS cum GPS receiver navigation system. Indian industry will supply the following equipment;

• A radio altimeter.
• An ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) set developed jointly with Russian avionics houses.
• An active ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) pod carried on the #8 hard point under the starboard wing.
• A UHF (ultra-high frequency) radio, which is also fitted to the Indian Air Force's Su-30MKI air dominance fighter.
• Two short-range radio navigation systems (for tactical area navigation and approach/landing) manufactured under licence from Thales.

Weapons: Due to an integrated weapon selection panel, the MiG-29K can use a wide range of weapons, which includes no less than eight types of air-to-air missiles and 25 air-to-surface weapons. The aircraft features eight under wing, weapons hardpoints plus a centerline hardpoint which can likewise be used for carrying bombs. The two inboard pylons under each wing can be fitted with tandem bomb racks, which effectively increases the number of hardpoints to thirteen. The weapon selection system enables the pilot to fire more than one type of weapon per attack. The aircraft is fitted with a 30mm Gryazev/Shipunov GSh-301 (TKB-687/9A4071K) single barrel gun, with 150 AO-18 rounds.

In the air superiority role, the aircraft can be armed with the close-combat R-73E and the beyond-visual-range R-77RVV-AE air-to-air missiles. In the sea-denial role, the AS-20 and the Kh-31A anti-ship missiles can be carried. In the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defences) role, the passive radar homing Kh-31P missile can be carried. Pinpoint strikes against ground targets are made possible by the Kh-29T TV-guided missile and the KAB-500KR TV-guided HE bomb or the KAB-500OD fuel-air bomb. The unguided weapons to be used include ordinary & cluster bombs of up to 500 kg (1102 lb) calibre (up to eleven FAB-500 HE bombs can be carried) and 240mm S-24B heavy unguided rockets (up to six).

Self Defence: The Russian-made IRCM (Infra-Red Counter Measures) system comprises two 16-round flare dispensers located on the sides of the engine nacelles, below the fins and fire downwards. The calibre of the flares has been increased to 50mm, which increases their burn time & heat signature and thus offering greater protection against heat-seeking missiles. The electronic warfare (EW) suite consists of the indigenous Tarang RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) and Elta's EL/L-8222 ECM pod. A pair of ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) transponders, in the wing strake, are built into the upper surfaces of the main wing.

Comments: A $740 million contract was signed on 20 January 2004, which will supply the Indian Navy with 16 MiG-29 aircraft (12 single-seat 'K' variants and 4 dual-seat 'KUB' variants). The contract also includes the full hardware for training maintenance & flying personnel, including simulators and interactive ground & sea based training systems. An option to acquire 30 additional aircraft by 2015, was also included in the contract. Reportedly in 2008, the Indian Navy exercised the option to purchase the 30 additional aircraft, which will include 4 dual-seat 'KUB' trainers. When all deliveries are completed, 38 single seat fighters and 8 dual seat trainers will have been inducted. Mikhail A Pogosyan, who serves as the head of Mikoyan, stated at Aero India '09 that the first four aircraft will be delivered in 2009 and delivery of the remaining aircraft will be completed by 2010. Vice Admiral Madanjit Singh, at a press conference on 13 April 2005, pegged the price of each aircraft at $32 million. Based on this calculation, the $740 million contract works out to $46.25 million per aircraft. The additional $14.25 million per aircraft (or $228 million in total) includes the cost of the full hardware for training personnel, simulators and interactive ground & sea based training systems.

An important part of the Indian Navy MiG-29 program, is the creation of a modern logistics system. Hence, RSK MiG has been developing such a system, involving aircraft operation with major overhauls, reduced maintenance man-hours, and full use of the infrastructure already existing in India for the servicing and repair of the MiG-29K/KUB, their equipment and engines, as well as an automated spares record & supply system. The maintenance plan during operations on a 'technical condition' basis, includes scheduled maintenance every 300 flight hours and technical condition checks every 1000 hours or every ten years; in other words the MiG-29K/KUB will have only three major checks during its lifetime. A switch to the technical condition' maintenance system cuts operating costs per flight hour by nearly 40%. A special warehouse for spares stocking is to be built in India for supporting these aircraft. This will reduce spares delivery time to maintenance personnel at the units, at a maximum of 72 hours, thus ensuring a fleet serviceability rate of 80 - 90%.

Rheinmetall Defence Electronics of Germany reported, on 15 March 2005, that they will be supplying the Indian Navy with a full-mission simulator for the MiG-29K/KUB fighter aircraft. The simulator was reportedly delivered to the Indian Navy in 2008 and has been commissioned at Dabolim, Goa. Dabolim is home to INS Hansa, the future land base for the MiG-29K/KUB fighter aircraft. It was reported in The Hindu that Indian Naval pilots have just commenced flight training, as the theory training was recently concluded. The intensive training takes place over six months in Russia, which began in October 2008. Once their training in Russia has been completed, the pilots will return to India and continue further training at the Shore-Based Test Facility (SBTF), that has been constructed with Russian help, at INS Hansa.

The aircraft were formally inducted into the Navy on 19 Feb 2010 with INAS 303 "Black Panthers"
I Seen Level of Stupidity And Self Pride You Have If Showing Of There "Elite Class" Every Where And Trying Too Blast If Someone Counters Your Point.

And Yes I Still Claim What I Said Technology Had No limitations. Specially Stealth Very Old Tech Goes Back to 1968. When US Aeronautical Engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson designated A-12 "Oxcart".After That Lockheed incorporated into its bid a text written by the Soviet physicist Petr Ufimtsev' from 1962, titled Method of Edge Waves in the Physical Theory of Diffraction, Soviet Radio, Moscow, 1962. In 1971 this book was translated into English with the same title by U.S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Division.The theory played a critical role in the design of American stealth-aircraft F-117 and B-2.

The RCS varies depending on the angle from which the plane is "seen" by the radar (ie. some aircrafts are optimized to reduce RCS when seen from the front and above, while some are optimized to reduce the RCS from all angles).

Another interesting point is the fact that depending on the method used to obtain stealth, the RCS is not the same depending on the frequency of the radar.

Then you have to understand the various methods used to reduce the RCS of an aircraft, and their limits.

1) Using material with a low reflection
The material used in building the plane have an impact on the RCS, the classical exemple being the wooden Mosquito being naturally stealthier than its counterparts of metallic construction.
Using composite material, especially some specifically designed to enhance stealth is a simple way to partly reduce the RCS.

2) Hiding echo chambers and avoiding scatter points
With this method, you try to hide, reduce or remove anything that could amplify the radar signal, or redirect it indiscriminately (hiding reactors, removing a maximum of sharp angles, protrusions, draining holes).
The goal is not to eliminate or scatter the radar echo, but to avoid amplifying it.

3) Specifically shaping the plane to redirect the echo away from the emitting radar
Here the whole point is to avoid being seen, by adopting a shape that when hit by a radar wave, will be returned away from the emitter, making the plane "invisible".
Yet it's not that easy, with the first generation of shaping, the stealth was directionaly optimized, meant to reduce RCS only when seen from a particular angle.
The latest generation of shaped planes are more efficient and able to reduce RCS from wider angles.
But it's not perfect, as it is also optimized for some radar frequencies, and it has been demonstrated that low frequency radars coupled to large arrays of passive receiving stations (ie. one radar emits, the plane scatters the echo, but a multitude of these echoes are received bye the passive receiving stations and using triangulation, the position of the plane is determined, it has even been demonstrated using reflection of TV signal) negate most shaping.

4) Using Radar-Absorbent Material
Adding material to the plane designed to "trap" the radar waves is a way to reduce RCS, unfortunately, these materials are optimised for specific range of frequencies and are mostly useless against other frequencies, with some older materials, they even acted as echo chambers, amplifying and scattering the radar signal).

5) Actively cancelling the radar signal
Active echo cancellation, consisting of detecting the radar wave and remitting a counter-wave to reduce or remove the echo is still not very well documented, and is a very difficult task as it needs to identify a large variety of signals and determine which signal to add to diminish or suppress the echo.

All these factors and the fact that real numbers on the efficiency of these methods and the way to calculate their impact makes it impossible to model in a game.

The MiG-29K is based on the 'basic' MiG-29K airframe, but is lighter in answer to the Indian Navy's requirements for the smallest possible dimensions to maximize use of space on the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya (formerly Admiral Gorshkov). The aircraft is based on the original MiG-29K airframe, but without the high-cost welded aluminum lithium fuel tanks and forward fuselage. The MiG-29K's fuel tanks are situated in the dorsal spine fairing and wing leading-edge root extensions. This reportedly gives the aircraft a 50% increase over the land-based MiG-29. Flight range can also be increased by in-flight refueling capability. With a 25-year design life, the MiG-29K features a larger wing area, incorporating a longer chord double-slotted flap and drooped elevons over the 'basic' MiG-29K. The wing root has a sharp leading edge. In addition, the central fuselage integral tank and a fuselage load-carrying section, to which the arrester hook and main struts are attached, were considerably strengthened.

The nose undercarriage is able to steer through +/- 90º and houses a three-colour lamp which indicates the aircraft's position on the glide path, and its landing speed, to a visual landing signal officer. The arrester hook is also fitted with an illumination system to indicate when it is lowered. Reportedly the radar reflecting surface of the MiG-29K is 4 to 5 times smaller than that of the standard MiG-29. The aircraft will have an improved navigation equipment commensurate with its maritime role. For deck landing, the aircraft will be fitted with a special navigation system comprising instrument landing systems interacting with the ship's markers, jam-resistant coded data link and automated built-in test facilities. In the event of the pilot having to eject near the aircraft carrier, the escape system will ensure that he is ejected clear of the ship. The export 'MiG-29K' will feature a triplex digital fly-by-wire control system, with multiple-redundancy in all three channels and a mechanical back-up in roll-and-yaw channels. A proven control algorithm used in the analog-digital flight control system on the basic 'MiG-29K' will be retained.

The dual-seat 'KUB' trainer has nearly identical (90% commonality) aerodynamic characteristics to the single-seat, export 'MiG-29K' fighter and has the same wing and tail plane platform geometry. To further ease transition from the trainer to the fighter, even the forward nose sections are identical. They are equipped with similar avionics and can carry the same armament (nearly 100% commonality). The trainer variant differs from the fighter variant only in having an additional fuel tank occupying the rear-seat cockpit. Both aircraft have an in-flight refueling capability, having a retractable refueling probe in the port forward fuselage, and may also be used as tankers. With the take-off and landing weights identical to the fighter, the trainer has 8% less fuel capacity and a 7% to 10% shorter combat radius. In addition to carrying out its main training role, the trainer has a fully operational capability. Indeed, the two man crew could open up additional roles such as airborne early warning or electronic warfare. In its combat role, the second pilot will act as a weapons systems operator.

These aircraft will be capable of day/night, all-weather, year-round operation in any climate, including tropics with ambient temperatures up to +35°C (+95°F) and air humidity up to 100%. The aircraft will be able to operate singly or in groups in the face of enemy fighter opposition and in an ECM environment, operating from CTOL carriers equipped with a ski jump or from shore bases. The take-off run on a carrier deck equipped with a bow ski jump is estimated as 125 - 195 meters (410 - 640 feet). With these aircraft operating in a salty sea environment, RSK MiG has adopted special corrosion protection measures for the airframe, avionics equipment and the RD-33MK turbofans. Radar-absorbing material (RAM) coatings will reduce the fighter's RCS by a factor of 4 to 5 as compared to the 'basic' MiG-29. Both variants feature a fully retractable L-shaped IFR probe on the port side of the nose in line with the cockpit windshield. Both variants have had their forward air intake blocker doors and spring-loaded dorsal doors - for FOD prevention - installed further downstream. This frees up internal space inside the LERXes, allowing it to be used for additional fuel.

Avionics: The MiG-29K/KUB will be equipped with Phazotron-NIIR Corporation's Zhuk-ME radar, which has a range of 150 km in detection mode and 130 km in tracking mode, against a target with a RCS (Radar Cross Section) of five square meters and can also fire missiles at four different targets simultaneously. The radar will have functions for operations in air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, using Thales' TopSight E helmet-mounted targeting system. Both variants will incorporate a ShKAl wide-angle monochrome HUD (Head-Up Display) and the 'K' variant will feature three MFI-10-7 high-performance liquid-crystal multi-function displays, while the 'KUB' variant will have seven such displays. The ShKAl HUD offers a 26° field of view, which allows the pilot to keep an eye on a much wider sector of airspace and use his weapons more effectively in that sector. The 6" x 8" liquid-crystal display has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and can illustrate a digital terrain map & tactical situation data (information about aerial and ground/surface targets), thus enabling the pilot to maintain situational awareness.

The aircraft's nervous system comprises four multiplex databuses, which considerably speeds up communication between the miscellaneous electronic systems and increases its reliability. The more efficient data exchange system facilitates the integration of add-ons, should the need arise and the additional avionics can be connected to any of the four databuses, which creates numerous upgrade possibilities. The data transmission rate also conforms to the toughest existing standard (fibre channel). Although copper wires are still used as of now, fiber-optic cables will be incorporated later on. Both variants will feature a secure data link system enabling concerted action by a group of fighters. Due to the importance and complexity of the missions which the fighter will have to fulfill, the data link system will have set channels with a high data transmission rate making use of the latest type of interface. This avionics architecture is unique among today's fighters, rendering the aircraft extremely adaptable and upgradeable.

The aircraft's avionics will be based on MIL-STD 1533 bus. Although primarily to be armed with Russian weapons, Western weapons may be offered as an option. Integration of Western-made weapons is not expected to present problems, as RSK MiG has amassed experience of a variety of Western weapon systems during development of the Russian-French MiG-AT jet trainer and the mating the Kopyo radar on the MiG-21-93 for the IAF. The aircraft will also feature Sagem's Sigma-95 INS cum GPS receiver navigation system. Indian industry will supply the following equipment;

• A radio altimeter.
• An ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) set developed jointly with Russian avionics houses.
• An active ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) pod carried on the #8 hard point under the starboard wing.
• A UHF (ultra-high frequency) radio, which is also fitted to the Indian Air Force's Su-30MKI air dominance fighter.
• Two short-range radio navigation systems (for tactical area navigation and approach/landing) manufactured under licence from Thales.

Weapons: Due to an integrated weapon selection panel, the MiG-29K can use a wide range of weapons, which includes no less than eight types of air-to-air missiles and 25 air-to-surface weapons. The aircraft features eight under wing, weapons hardpoints plus a centerline hardpoint which can likewise be used for carrying bombs. The two inboard pylons under each wing can be fitted with tandem bomb racks, which effectively increases the number of hardpoints to thirteen. The weapon selection system enables the pilot to fire more than one type of weapon per attack. The aircraft is fitted with a 30mm Gryazev/Shipunov GSh-301 (TKB-687/9A4071K) single barrel gun, with 150 AO-18 rounds.

In the air superiority role, the aircraft can be armed with the close-combat R-73E and the beyond-visual-range R-77RVV-AE air-to-air missiles. In the sea-denial role, the AS-20 and the Kh-31A anti-ship missiles can be carried. In the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defences) role, the passive radar homing Kh-31P missile can be carried. Pinpoint strikes against ground targets are made possible by the Kh-29T TV-guided missile and the KAB-500KR TV-guided HE bomb or the KAB-500OD fuel-air bomb. The unguided weapons to be used include ordinary & cluster bombs of up to 500 kg (1102 lb) calibre (up to eleven FAB-500 HE bombs can be carried) and 240mm S-24B heavy unguided rockets (up to six).

Self Defence: The Russian-made IRCM (Infra-Red Counter Measures) system comprises two 16-round flare dispensers located on the sides of the engine nacelles, below the fins and fire downwards. The calibre of the flares has been increased to 50mm, which increases their burn time & heat signature and thus offering greater protection against heat-seeking missiles. The electronic warfare (EW) suite consists of the indigenous Tarang RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) and Elta's EL/L-8222 ECM pod. A pair of ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) transponders, in the wing strake, are built into the upper surfaces of the main wing.

Comments: A $740 million contract was signed on 20 January 2004, which will supply the Indian Navy with 16 MiG-29 aircraft (12 single-seat 'K' variants and 4 dual-seat 'KUB' variants). The contract also includes the full hardware for training maintenance & flying personnel, including simulators and interactive ground & sea based training systems. An option to acquire 30 additional aircraft by 2015, was also included in the contract. Reportedly in 2008, the Indian Navy exercised the option to purchase the 30 additional aircraft, which will include 4 dual-seat 'KUB' trainers. When all deliveries are completed, 38 single seat fighters and 8 dual seat trainers will have been inducted. Mikhail A Pogosyan, who serves as the head of Mikoyan, stated at Aero India '09 that the first four aircraft will be delivered in 2009 and delivery of the remaining aircraft will be completed by 2010. Vice Admiral Madanjit Singh, at a press conference on 13 April 2005, pegged the price of each aircraft at $32 million. Based on this calculation, the $740 million contract works out to $46.25 million per aircraft. The additional $14.25 million per aircraft (or $228 million in total) includes the cost of the full hardware for training personnel, simulators and interactive ground & sea based training systems.

An important part of the Indian Navy MiG-29 program, is the creation of a modern logistics system. Hence, RSK MiG has been developing such a system, involving aircraft operation with major overhauls, reduced maintenance man-hours, and full use of the infrastructure already existing in India for the servicing and repair of the MiG-29K/KUB, their equipment and engines, as well as an automated spares record & supply system. The maintenance plan during operations on a 'technical condition' basis, includes scheduled maintenance every 300 flight hours and technical condition checks every 1000 hours or every ten years; in other words the MiG-29K/KUB will have only three major checks during its lifetime. A switch to the technical condition' maintenance system cuts operating costs per flight hour by nearly 40%. A special warehouse for spares stocking is to be built in India for supporting these aircraft. This will reduce spares delivery time to maintenance personnel at the units, at a maximum of 72 hours, thus ensuring a fleet serviceability rate of 80 - 90%.

Rheinmetall Defence Electronics of Germany reported, on 15 March 2005, that they will be supplying the Indian Navy with a full-mission simulator for the MiG-29K/KUB fighter aircraft. The simulator was reportedly delivered to the Indian Navy in 2008 and has been commissioned at Dabolim, Goa. Dabolim is home to INS Hansa, the future land base for the MiG-29K/KUB fighter aircraft. It was reported in The Hindu that Indian Naval pilots have just commenced flight training, as the theory training was recently concluded. The intensive training takes place over six months in Russia, which began in October 2008. Once their training in Russia has been completed, the pilots will return to India and continue further training at the Shore-Based Test Facility (SBTF), that has been constructed with Russian help, at INS Hansa.

The aircraft were formally inducted into the Navy on 19 Feb 2010 with INAS 303 "Black Panthers"

Wow u deserve a medal for bullshit.
Go and ask someone about rcs instead of posting bullcrap here
Wow u deserve a medal for bullshit.
Go and ask someone about rcs instead of posting bullcrap here
You Deserve Medal of Sarcasm Searching Forum's For Knowledge Does n,t Give A Degree In Aeronautical Science But Can Give You Degree in Trolling:taz::taz: Rehende Papa Ji Tumse Na hoh Payega


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You Deserve Medal of Sarcasm Searching Forum's For Knowledge Does n,t Give A Degree In Aeronautical Science But Can Give You Degree in Trolling:taz::taz: Rehende Papa Ji Tumse Na hoh Payega

No point discussing with a newbie who has no idea what he is posting.

I have myself opened a thread and detailed the equipment of mig-29k .go and have a look there.

And don't try to sledge me based on religion,thats just stupid.

Also go and see the su-35 thread which was also started by me detailing the equipment on that with proper links.

I don't wanna sound harsh but u are beating ur chest for no reason,all ur values on rcs are pure trash,anyone on this forum with confirm that.

But its fine,even I did this before getting a bit mature here
No point discussing with a newbie who has no idea what he is posting.
I have myself opened a thread and detailed the equipment of mig-29k .go and have a look there.
And don't try to sledge me based on religion,thats just stupid.
Also go and see the su-35 thread which was also started by me detailing the equipment on that with proper links.
I don't wanna sound harsh but u are beating ur chest for no reason,all ur values on rcs are pure trash,anyone on this forum with confirm that.
But its fine,even I did this before getting a bit mature here
New Bie To Pdf Forums Wow! Great Logic So That Certifies That I have Less Technical Knowledge Epic Fail o_Oo_O:o::o: Increased Post Count On Pdf So That Makes You A Aeronautical Genius!!!! I Guess. Degree in Aeronautical Science From Pdf Itself For Increased Posts Wow!!! :suicide2::suicide2:
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