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India Was Involved In Kabul's Gurdwara Attack - Tariq Ismail Sagar


Jul 21, 2009
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12 Indian personal went from India to Afghanistan and conducted terrorism in Sikh Gurudwara. All 12 people have returned back to India.

The USA is seeking answers from the state of India for this act of terrorism.

The story India presented is busted right on its face. No Sikh is involved in Kashmir and it doesn't make sense that anyone (or a group) would avenge against Sikhs in a different country. The real message the state of Hindustan wanted to send to Sikhs was if we can attack Kabul, we can attack your Gurudwaras anywhere.
We have to get rid of ISIS, TTP like CIA, RAW's Khawarij proxy with brutal force otherwise they will continue bombing places of worship.

12 Indian personal went from India to Afghanistan and conducted terrorism in Sikh Gurudwara. All 12 people have returned back to India.

The USA is seeking answers from the state of India for this act of terrorism.

The story India presented is busted right on its face. No Sikh is involved in Kashmir and it doesn't make sense that anyone (or a group) would avenge against Sikhs in a different country. The real message the state of Hindustan wanted to send to Sikhs was if we can attack Kabul, we can attack your Gurudwaras anywhere.
See the turn of events. Both the US and India were evil allies in terrorism against Pakistan and Afghan people for almost 20 years (2001-2019). The evil alliance created massive infrastructure in Afghanistan and Pakistan for recruiting, training, supporting, guiding, and launching devastating terrorist attacks across Pakistan. These terrorist evils bombed our schools, train and bus stations, parks, mosques, markets, offices, and playgrounds with impunity. Now that Americans are running from Afghanistan in disgrace, their partners in terrorism are turning on against the US now. That is precisely because of the evil nature of Indians. But it is yet to be seen what Americans will do and how will they respond to the evil Indian nature. But what we Pakistanis need to do is return the Indian favors of 20 years back to Indians with some interest too. How Pakistan can do that is a matter to be seen in future.
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