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India warns US of move to revive Khalistan

Pakistan was just a middleman in the game of Superpowers.

The military leaders got their bagfuls of money and some shiny new toys while the country was screwed for a long time to come.

It has still not recovered from the after effects of the US proxy war.

Afghanistan was not even the major reason for USSR to break. They lost about 12000 soldiers in the war (when they were prepared to lose millions in a world war, having already done that in the previous one). The reasons were mainly economic and structural.

As a US biggies of the time Brzezinski mentioned:

What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

They got their "liberation of Central Europe" leaving Pakistan (and other Muslim countries) to deal with "some stirred-up Muslims".

Of course, they miscalculated on that part and are now having to squash some of the stirred up folks in their caves, the point still remains. ;)

Mate, I've studied History in School and know why the USSR Broke and other things...Everyday, I am learning new things on PDF too.....:oops:. The moment, I read his post (whining/boasting) the first think that came in my mind was History :omghaha: and I could not stop my laughter and literally fell :rofl:....Aur masti may, aap sab ki rai bhi maang li, so that after reading them dude can know some facts......:coffee::drag::cray::girl_cray3:
@Ayush, @soumya1989 @Dillinger @rockstar @hinduguy @Vinod2070 @rockstar @jbgt90, @kaykay, @nair, @karan.1970, @Roybot, [MENTION=16424]....what are your views on Post # 44 on this thread.....

Originally Posted by MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n
to be honest : our leadership was & is not man enough ...

PakisTan has got the capability to avenge our revenge from india but then again what we actually need is the "intent" which we really don't have ...

For e.g., during jihad against the soviet union PakisTan had both the capability & intent to dis-integrate that big bear into pieces which our 1.S.1. did infront of the whole world and no one could do jack about that ...

So the point is : if PakisTan really makes up its mind for khalistan to be liberated then you people vvill soon see the revised editions of indian map on the globe ...

:omghaha: :laughcry: :rofl:

:rofl: Reading this at 6.45 am my time....And i had a good laugh and i am sure the day is gonna be great... Thanks.....

Reading this i get a feeling, Zia's legacy still exists..... before worrying about indian maps I sugest them to do a check on thier map on a daily basis.... things are not very good of late (please do not blame india for that... .I seriously think RAW doesnt have such capabilities )
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Khalistani flag flies in Umreeka if not in India. .. Indians must realize their designs before its too late.


@Peshwa @third eye
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Khalistani flag flies in Umreeka if not in India. .. Indians must realize their designs before its too late.


@Peshwa @third eye

Man seriously!! From where do u find all these. I stay here. I have Sikh friends here. Have never heard or seen any Khalistan related movement here.
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Khalistani flag flies in Umreeka if not in India. .. Indians must realize their designs before its too late.


@Peshwa @third eye

A flag of Khalistan flying at the Unrepresented Nations and People's Organization makes sense to me....not sure what I should be reading into here....???
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We have this symbol of Khalasa at every other car or other establishments in Delhi and Punjab.

It is a holy Sikh symbol. A small number people doing things far away from home doesn't change much.
A flag of Khalistan flying at the Unrepresented Nations and People's Organization makes sense to me....not sure what I should be reading into here....???

That it shouldn't be. Its Indian internal matter, the US has no right to prop up a dead horse for its own good.
Western Europe is not unified like India. And their culture similarities is like India. And as independent states, they are relatively well governed as oppose to the whole Indian government. The Indian union government is just too corrupt and inefficient to govern such a big territory. Therefore, its beneficial for each area of India to be independent.

Each state in India is independent buddy. The central government does not interfere in matters of the state. But the sorry state is that even the state governments are corrupt and inefficient.
Each state in India is independent buddy. The central government does not interfere in matters of the state. But the sorry state is that even the state governments are corrupt and inefficient.

I know. In India, corruption affect every class room and government agency. I hope this culture of corruption can change soon.
I know. In India, corruption affect every class room and government agency. I hope this culture of corruption can change soon.

And you should hope the same for the monumental corruption in China as well.
Khalistani flag flies in Umreeka if not in India. ..:omghaha: Indians must realize their designs before its too late.


@Peshwa @third eye



The Nishan Sahib is a Sikh holy triangular flag made of cotton or silk cloth, with a tassel at its end. The word, Nishan means symbol, and the flag is hoisted on a tall flagpole, outside most Gurdwaras. The flagpole itself covered with fabric, ends with a two-edged dagger (khanda) on top. The emblem on the flag is known as Khanda, which depicts a double-edged sword called a khanda (☬) in the centre, a chakkar which is circular, and flanked by two single-edged swords, or kirpans.
Traditional symbol of the Khalsa Panth, the Nishan Sahib can be seen from far away, signifying the presence of Khalsa in the neighbourhood. It is taken down every Baisakhi, and replaced with a fresh flag, and the flagpole refurbished.

Nishan Sahib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is our flag which can be seen either near the entrance or on the top of every Gurdwara. Great respect is shown to the flag as it is a symbol of all that the Sikhs believe. It also is a welcome banner for visitors. The flagpole is covered in orange material which is changed at special occasions and every year in April at the festival of Vaisakhi.
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