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India wants to fight Pakistan conventionally,Pakistan wants to jump from subconventional to nuclear

It is not me who say's it. It's the declared and publicized doctrine.
Knowing how low your threshold of tolerance is, Kashmiris protestors killed instead of baton charges... I bet you will resort to nuclear weapons well before Pakistan... you deception in name of peace is quite obvious... exploding nuclear bomb and calling it “smiling Buddha” ...
OK so did heaad of indian atomic energy personally told you that :azn: :omghaha:

munna india exploded firstdevices in 1974 and then again in 1998 and have owr own fast breeder reactor thecnology which only russia and USA & japan have plus thorium based reactors which only we have so come out of your pipe dream we also can buy any ammount of uranium as we have NSG waiver for that and member of MTCR & wassenaar arrangement ... do you even know what does that mean :haha:

NSG waiver or no NSG waiver, Exploded/tested the first device in 1974 or 1998, member of MTCR or non-member, makes no difference at this stage of nuclear advancement where both countries are, having capabilities to deliver the strategic bombs more than their desired limit for defence purpose. What do you think, how many nuclear bombs we both nations need for MAD? 100 on each side ( which both nations already carries in their current arsenals) are enough to destroy the whole South Asian region. So better don't think about Small level War= Full Scale War = Nuclear War canceling all these =Peace
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Look who is talking about the world ??

Indian diplomats has always managed to rally enough support to our cause across the world. Be it U.N or international courts. Our diplomats got us a civilian Nuclear deal without even satisfying NSG's and IAEA's main condition. Ain't that a cool job done, huh?? :azn::azn::azn:

They were always successful in achieving support and sanctioning entities who operate against our country.

I guess it's high time you change your perception about the world. Why not make a decent team play a cricket home series to begin with. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
Bla bla bla bla....you also have had prime ministers that drank cow piss doesnt make it right does it.
Knowing how low your threshold of tolerance is, Kashmiris protestors killed instead of baton charges... I bet you will resort to nuclear weapons well before Pakistan... you deception in name of peace is quite obvious... exploding nuclear bomb and calling it “smiling Buddha” ...

Very unlikely, because it is very unlikely, we will be loosing to you, to even contemplate using nuclear weapons.
Bla bla bla bla....you also have had prime ministers that drank cow piss doesnt make it right does it.

WOW, From diplomacy the discussion went to Tejas, Arjun, now an ex prime minister of India, now what when you are out of counter arguments ?? Rape, Toilets while discussing about two countries, well bring that too as usual ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

All the best and keep on jumping topics like a monkey does from one branch to another when you are out of arguments. That is perfectly right. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Now come back on topic (i.e Conventional India Vs Nuclear Pakistan) if you want any meaningful discussion else please excuse me Mr. :-)
WOW, From diplomacy the discussion went to Tejas, Arjun, now an ex prime minister of India, now what when you are out of counter arguments ?? Rape, Toilets while discussing about two countries, well bring that too as usual ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

All the best and keep on jumping topics like a monkey does from one branch to another when you are out of arguments. That is perfectly right. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Now come back on topic (i.e Conventional India Vs Nuclear Pakistan) if you want any meaningful discussion else please excuse me Mr. :-)

We won’t get there. Conventional India vs conventional Pakistan..

I can assure you if Pakistan can deter India for 2 weeks with massive damage to their conventional forces and industrial output, pakistan will win hands down without using nuclear weapons
You know this how ? That Pakistan has this capability and India does not. Especially since India's plutonium based nuclear programe is more mature than Pakistan's .

I already been discussed, scroll up the conversation.

Having plutonium mean diddly squat if you are not capable enough to miniaturise the warheads to golf ball size. India do not have this expertise.
WOW, From diplomacy the discussion went to Tejas, Arjun, now an ex prime minister of India, now what when you are out of counter arguments ?? Rape, Toilets while discussing about two countries, well bring that too as usual ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

All the best and keep on jumping topics like a monkey does from one branch to another when you are out of arguments. That is perfectly right. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Now come back on topic (i.e Conventional India Vs Nuclear Pakistan) if you want any meaningful discussion else please excuse me Mr. :-)
But you are such good diplomats you can hamdle anything with bullshit right
Indian counter part to NASR has 3 times the range, can carry both miniaturized nuclear as well as conventional warhead, has shoot and scoot, quick reaction capability. A single truck carries 6 missiles as opposed to 2 or 4 missiles carried by NASR truck.

The only difference, it has not been advertised as much as Nasr, has been by Pakistan.

Ooh like abdali ghaznavi ???
and don't forget we got air launch raad and mobile launched Babar cruise missiles they can all carry conventional and nuclear weapons
Nasar is just the extreme short end side of the range spectrum
And you need to understand, if you are firing a tactical nuke, then it is already full blown war, rather it is a nuclear armageddon. India will respond with massive nuclear retaliation.

If you are firing, NASR with a convention explosives, then it doesn't even have a punch of 500 pound bomb.
Similiarly India can respond by firing Prahaar at your defensive formations, albeit a single prahaar battery can fire much futher, cover more area and has more missile viz - a - vis, its counterpart.

So go ahead, show us the declared capabilities(hahaha) of each country's nuclear weapons.

Now don't run away, feel like making a turd sandwich today.
i DONT RUN AWAY MORON I JUST FIND YOUR ARGUMENT CHILDISH. Go a head and put your cold start to use first before telling others what to do.
. . . .
i DONT RUN AWAY MORON I JUST FIND YOUR ARGUMENT CHILDISH. Go a head and put your cold start to use first before telling others what to do.

Don't be in a hurry to reply, check who is being quoted.

Ooh like abdali ghaznavi ???
and don't forget we got air launch raad and mobile launched Babar cruise missiles they can all carry conventional and nuclear weapons
Nasar is just the extreme short end side of the range spectrum

Prahar is quick reaction, salvo launched missile, similar to Nasr, just that it has three times its range and a single carrier can salvo fire 6 missiles, as opposed to 4 in Nasr. So I don't see, why so much hype.

If you have Abdali, then we have Prithvi.

If you Ghaznavi then we Agni and Shaurya.

If you air launched RAAD, we have air launched Bhramos.

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