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India wants cordial ties with Pakistan but Islamabad must 'change its approach': Rajnath Singh!

This press release is act of desperation as a result of a completely rudderless Modi.

Pakistan should ignore India for 5 years.
India wants cordial ties with Pakistan but Islamabad must 'change its approach': Rajnath Singh
By Web Desk
Published: July 2, 2015


Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh. PHOTO: REUTERS

SRINIGAR: Despite the tone and tenor of its recent actions, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Thursday that his country desired cordial relations with Pakistan, but asked Islamabad “to change its approach” for this to happen.

“I want to say from the depth of my heart that we want good and friendly relations with Pakistan. It is our policy to have cordial relations with all our neighbouring countries, including Pakistan,” Singh told reporters on the concluding day of his two-day visit to Indian Kashmir.

Sindh said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif to attend his swearing-in ceremony in May 2014 to “demonstrate India’s urge for peaceful and normal relations with that country.”

“We made our intentions clear on the day of the oath-taking ceremony (of Modi). If it was not our intention to improve relations with Pakistan, perhaps our prime minister would not have invited Sharif,” he explained.

Referring to former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s comment on Pakistan that “friends change, but neighbours don’t,” Singh said, “We also believe in that. There will be no let up in our efforts but Pakistan will have to think about it (too). It takes two hands to clap.”

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry last month said Pakistan wanted to have a “normal” relationship with India, for which there is also a political consensus in the country, but Islamabad’s efforts were not being reciprocated by New Delhi.

Chaudhry said it was the Indian government, and not Pakistan, which had put a stop to the Indo-Pak dialogue.

In the recent weeks, both the countries have accused each other of sponsoring terrorism with a war of words continuing from both sides.

The article originally appeared on One India
India wants cordial ties with Pakistan but Islamabad must 'change its approach': Rajnath Singh - The Express Tribune

Winds of change? What happened to that good old hawkish Modi? :D :D :D

@13 komaun @[Bregs] @agamdilawari @airuah @Ajit Kumar @Ammyy @anant_s @Arav_Rana @ASB @Avik274 @Bagha @bhangi bava @bloo @blood @Blue_Eyes @Bombaywalla @Brahmos_2 @cerberus @Chanakya's_Chant @chhota bheem @danish_vij @desert warrior @DRAY @Echo_419 @eowyn @Etilla @farhan_9909 @Force-India @gau8av @genmirajborgza786 @Georgeclark @gslv mk3 @halupridol @haviZsultan @he-man @illusion8 @Ind4Ever @indiatester @IndoUS @Indrani @itachiii @ito @jaiind @JanjaWeed @kadamba-warrior @karan.1970 @khujliwal @Krate M @kurup @levina @lightoftruth @magudi @Major Shaitan Singh @Manindra @Marxist @me_itsme @Mike_Brando @MilSpec @Mukunda Murthi Rao @Nair saab @naveen mishra @noksss @Not Sure @Omega007 @OrionHunter @PARIKRAMA @pumkinduke @pursuit of happiness @r1_vns @rahi2357 @Rain Man @ranjeet @ravi Nair @RayOfLight @Razia Sultana @ROCKING @Rohit Patel @rubyjackass @Ryuzaki @sajan @SamantK @SAMEET @Samudra Manthan @SarthakGanguly @Sidak @Skull and Bones @Sneaker @SpArK @Spectre @sreekumar @Srinivas @SrNair @Star Wars @surya kiran @SwAggeR @Syama Ayas @Tea addict @thesolar65 @utraash @VeeraBahadur @vostok @WAR-rior @Water Car Engineer @wolfpack @wolfschanzze @Yogijaat

Amreekioun se danda mila hai tau seedhay hogaye hain.
Amreekioun se danda mila hai tau seedhay hogaye hain.

Its lip service so they sneak their way into SCO and other regional bodies and make life difficult for everyone.

China would be incredibly stupid allowing them in, they will ensure nothing goes to plan.

They are pure Uncle Sam stooges. Chutiyas need to be kept at arms length.
We do not trust each other..... the best possible solution can be......
Indo-Pak relationship is just like the relationship between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort. Either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives :D :D :D
PDF is running on an US server! :lol:
Who cares what you want? Please ask admins to remove us, you are no one.

What a retard! What has American server got to do with anything? Can't you read it's PDF site! Typical twisted Indian illlogic. Proves my point of Indian obsession, you Indians need a restraining order to keep you away from us. CREEPY!!!!
This was supposed to be an Indian-only thread. But some Pakistanis were urged to join and troll :D :D :D
Winds of change? What happened to that good old hawkish Modi? :D :D :D
Modi was never a hawk. He also wants cordial relations with Pakistan as most do. However, what he said in an interview earlier was that it would not be possible for talks to go ahead until Pakistan stops the proxy war unleashed against India since the past three decades. You can't talk with a gun pointed at your head! But Track II diplomacy is still alive and kicking.

However, the question is: Does the Pak Army want peace? No! It needs an adversary to stay relevant in society. Otherwise they would be out of business. Defence budgets would be slashed and the goodies would then be hard to come by! Their status would drop a few notches. Losing the power they command at present is obviously unacceptable. And the present lame duck Pak government is just a puppet on a string controlled in good measure by the Establishment.

Since the Army calls the shots in Pakistan, any talks will need to include them too. Otherwise it's just a waste of time as the civil dispensation cannot take decisions without the Army's 'approval'.
What a retard! What has American server got to do with anything? Can't you read it's PDF site! Typical twisted Indian illlogic. Proves my point of Indian obsession, you Indians need a restraining order to keep you away from us. CREEPY!!!!

Their women are obsessed with our men.

Their men are obsessed with our men and women.

They are obsessed with our relations with China and Afghanistan.

They are obsessed over any positive press Pakistan receives.

A myopic nation with severe mental problems produced from decades of self mutilation in Kashmir and seeing Pakistani flags in their territory.
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