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India vying for air superiority

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My, buy European? What an idea. They'll see us in court first, claiming illegal subsidization .... [roll eyes]

Just saying what's possible, if US perceived Meteor or similar to be a problem.

AAAM Concept by Hughes/Raytheon/McDonnell Douglas at the top, GD/Westinghouse at the bottom


Doesn't the second concept look like a mini-ESSM?


I experienced several times when two projects seems similar, Europeans tend to extract the best
part of both projects, while the Americans prefer starting a third project from scratch.
Not invented here, there and everywhere is strong over there.
Please show all of your nukes, who is scared of your nukes? There is a time when one has to die, if it's like a martyr for country ten it will be honor. But nothing will left in India too dear. :)
Was concentrating on some others sneeze ,Right?
That post was not for you.
Was concentrating on some others sneeze ,Right?
That post was not for you.

ok. but we have enough war mongering in the region, now there should war or peace nothing else.
pakistan need money to get air supriority maybe from saudi arabia
pakistan need money to get air supriority maybe from saudi arabia
a good possible way
parkistan need calm and rational,make pragmatic decisions
1、Get money from GCC, or cooperate with GCC ,to get some supriority aircraft. difficult, but maybe.
2、J10 from china. J10 maybe not a counterpart to rafael. but accoriding to parkistan himself's airforce doctrine, can fullfill the job with support systerms and so on.
never imagine, jf17 with some upgration will be the same level with j10
3、focus on FC31,it will help a lot. FC31 have came up with 2.0 version. according to the situation now J20 in the intial production phase and some creditable information. FC31 will come into production no later than 2020.
With the development of R&D of 6th G figher in china, even parkistan can get J20 in futrue. the deployment of FC31 can save a lot of resource for the induction of J20.
But parkistan seems Infatuated with TFX,this is just a paper talk idea now, turks is a pride nation with respect,but for 5th G fighter,....... ,what so ever, it is parkistan himself's decision.even if they can get F35 from USA, we are happy.
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f 15 se i like more

saudi arabia give 22 bilion to maroco on 4 years period i dont know for what pakistan can do better use with the money
a good possible way
parkistan need calm and rational,make pragmatic decisions
1、Get money from GCC, or cooperate with GCC ,to get some supriority aircraft. difficult, but maybe.
2、J10 from china. J10 maybe not a counterpart to rafael. but accoriding to parkistan himself's airforce doctrine, can fullfill the job with support systerms and so on.
never imagine, jf17 with some upgration will be the same level with j10
3、focus on FC31,it will help a lot. FC31 have came up with 2.0 version. according to the situation now J20 in the intial production phase and some creditable information. FC31 will come into production no later than 2020.
With the development of R&D of 6th G figher in china, even parkistan can get J20 in futrue. the deployment of FC31 can save a lot of resource for the induction of J20.
But parkistan seems Infatuated with TFX,this is just a paper talk idea now, turks is a pride nation with respect,but for 5th G fighter,....... ,what so ever, it is parkistan himself's decision.even if they can get F35 from USA, we are happy.
israel could develop 5 jeneration but to much money for us
4x Saab 2000 Erieye Horizon
4x Shaanxi ZDK-03 (Y-8F600)

sorry for digging this up. But ZDK 03 and Erieye Horizon ? really.?

Lets just add this. While India has a very large air space to protect, its threat arise from the same very small one. In the end the numbers Don't matter capabilities does. and India using AWACS for Pakistan is over kill.
That leaves the main point intact. It is not several hundred for IAF. So it would be large numbers for IN avation either. And I don't see Rafale as such a game changer that some tens can suddenly overcome 76 F-16, 90 (increasing) JF-17, 187 Mirage 3/5, 184 F-7.

sorry for digging this up. But ZDK 03 and Erieye Horizon ? really.?

Lets just add this. While India has a very large air space to protect, its threat arise from the same very small one. In the end the numbers Don't matter capabilities does. and India using AWACS for Pakistan is over kill.

Yes, really. If EriEye is good enough for the Swedes (against Russians), it is good enough for PAF. Likewise, ZDK-03. It is not that IAFs Berievs A50 with Israely radars are somehow magical.

BS. AWACS increases effectiveness of any airforce, and it would border on criminal to not use such a capability when available. Also, I was talking about offensive air operations of IAF, and therefor defences operations by PAF. And no, India really cannot just concentrate all it has on one spot (e.g. Pakistan), as that would leave its Northern (air) frontier, Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal/Andaman sea approaches uncovered and vulnerable, to attack by opportunists or Pakistani allies.


you need our 4 jeneration awack c295 aew
Dani stop making nonsensical oneliner posts. please
India already has air superiority over pakistan, the best that paf has is f 16 fighter, our Mirage 2000 and Mig 29s can easily take care of those.
India is still below its threshold of 45 squadrons with 32 squadrons currently... air superiority is secondary considerations atm. When the numbers itself are dwindling.
pakistan can buy good cheap chineese jets what she wait for?
IN one of its major defence deals in decades, India signed a formal agreement Friday with France worth $ 8.7 billion to procure 36 Rafale fighter jets. New Delhi – ranked world’s top defence importer – has signed several big-ticket deals as part of a $100bn military upgradation plan since assumption of power by Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi in 2014. Given the Indian belligerence and war mongering against Pakistan, which are not new but became even more apparent recently, when the Indian leaders as well as media both appear to be in a mad race spitting vitriol, Pakistan cannot afford to remain oblivious to the modern weaponry procurement by India. We have to look for some affordable matching technology to give a befitting response to any aggression.
In the modern warfare, the air power has assumed great significance to neutralize the capabilities of the enemy. In recent combats, we have seen the world powers doing the same and then going ahead with the ground offensive. As India is working on a plan to replace its aging fleet with the modern fourth and fifth generation fighter jets, Pakistan also requires retiring its old aircrafts and replacing them with the modern planes. As Pakistan can no longer rely on the supply of F-16s from the US following the blockage of sale deal by the Congress, Pakistan needs to quickly exploit other viable options. One such option is purchase of the mighty SU-35 for which Pakistan is already in negotiations with Russia. While French planes such as Rafale are very expensive, the Russians are not and they are equally good. Comparison between Rafale and Su-35 clearly reveals that the latter is not only cheaper but far better in manoeuvrability than the former. Pakistan should speed up the process of negotiations with Moscow in order to ensure early realization of the deal on twin engine Su-35. In addition, the large-scale defence collaboration with China has always remained a great source of strength for us. We should further enhance this collaboration and work with Chinese friends actively to turn JF-17 thunder fighter jet into a truly modern aircraft to indigenously meet defence requirements of the country.


Who is the author of this B.S article

Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi in 2014.

Ha ha ha Modi is an Indian first.

No, Block-3 wil not be on par with Rafaels even if they become 4.5+ gen aircraft, because both are in different category aircraft one is light other is medium aircraft, but it will be very difficult for attacking Rafaels to get through defending Block-3s specifically if they are equipped with weapons like A-Darter/PL-10, PL-15 & PL-21 coupled with HMD/HMS.

It will not be just one bird against another, it will be system & doctrine Vs system and doctrine, Pakistan can defend it self even from Rafaels when they arrive in future, because most fights will be over Pakistani skies as India will be aggressor.

Yes, that's why the PAF Awaac would be the first Target, and without that PAF would be the sitting duck.

Till you get Meteor Chinse PL-15 and ramjet PL-21 will be ready for operations so PAF has no worries.

And that PL-15, and PL-21 would be ready to rock and role in PAF airplanes right from the Lab.

So, let's say there would be IN naval aviation Rafales, how many (seeing as how the air force order is down to just 36)? And would that number be enough 'to take care of' 76 F-16 (13 A/B, 45 AM/BM, 18 C/D), 90 JF-17 (increasing), 75 Mirage 3, 82 Mirage 5 and 184 Shenyang F-7 (Mig 21)?

Naval aviation does not means all borne from the Carrier. In the Indian case in the regional areas, they could also be deployed over the Naval airbases. So how about Jaguar IM, Su-30 MKI for Naval Strike, Rafale-M, Mig 29 K, and LCA Mk-2.
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