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India-Vietnam oil exploration deal must be stopped:People's Daily

India's greatest threat is not China or Pakistan it is the Congress party led by the mafia girl and her half breed son we lose one Randi Indira and get another Randi Sonia. we need another Vajpayee to lead again the only politician that can save India is Modi god willing he will lead our nation in 2014 into success and prosperity
India's greatest threat is not China or Pakistan it is the Congress party led by the mafia girl and her half breed son we lose one Randi Indira and get another Randi Sonia. we need another Vajpayee to lead again the only politician that can save India is Modi god willing he will lead our nation in 2014 into success and prosperity
first learn to talk in civil language and respect others..at least in public forums like this.
i refuse to respect nepotistic and corrupt people who are ruining my motherland.

nothing is proven against sonia gandhi yet..but you can believe what ever you want to believe.but using unparliamentary language is an offence..do you think your fav vajpey will ever do that..or advani, modi, any respected opposition leaders..they all oppose and fight with each other but address each other with respect..
personally i think kinh viets are closer to Chinese than Koreans.

this is not a dream, but dead serious. global warming is a huge threat to all southern countries that will suffer flooding, increased storm frequency, increased cloud cover, reduced crop yields, and increased transmittable disease. Vietnam's economy may not be able to handle the shock, and this could lead to political instability. in that case, i think China must help support the Vietnamese in 2 ways: 1 is to allow refugees to come north, 2 is to send in a peacekeeping force on the request of the CPV to enforce national stability.

Thanks China for HELP but no thanks.

China has more than billion people to deal with! Oce your troops steps in Vietnam, that's could be call occupied ... instead of peacekeeping.

Thanks but no thanks AGAIN.
Well, everyone talks with its own fist. :coffee:

If you are stronger than us, then you would bully us as well.

If you believe that arming Pakistan is simply bullying you, then we will be happy to keep doing it.

Chinese always Han's Masterbating that a reason why US help Vietnam to get nuke powers first, but if China goverment still put noises to another countries bussines, Vietnam will have nuke war heads.

Remember, there is a Will for Vietnam and there is a Way for Vietnam.
sorry, the PRC never fought Japan, the ROC on Taiwan did :lol: Taiwan takes full responsibility for any losses incurred. Relearn your history lmao WW2 was after 1962? artillery duel of what? I don't care about some 3 person incident. You need how many of those to match the number of Indians we killed and captured? in 1969 the border didn't change and both sides lost nearly the same number of troops (around 100). Nothing like the route we inflicted on you in 1962. And whats more important is that in 1950-1953 we killed/made missing 1 million Korean soldiers, 57000 killed/8000 missing/8000 captured white Americans, and these are people far superior to you. India has never killed an equivalent number of soldiers in its entire history. A few thousand British whites enslaved the entire Indian continent for 200 years. There is no comparison between India. Your entire history is one of being enslaved colonial losers. You have never been the one enslaving others, except other Indians like the Dalits.

File:Korean Memorial3.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Korean Memorial5.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Korean Memorial6.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its insulting to say that white people are superior to Indians. All the people, regardless of skin color or ethnicity, are equal.
lmfao troll. so your telling me the main land chinese people who were fighting against Japanese were different? even i know the 2 sides in the Chinese civil war fought side by side against the Japanese still to no avail as they had there way with your women and people do not forget about unit 731

in the korea war you guys lost over 180,000 troops and 20,000 of your troops were taken prisoner what you did to the Koreans is nothing compared to what the whites did to you

and a few thousand british took us over but at least they didn't rape us and conduct human experiments on us like the Japanese did and a few thousand Japanese managed to rape how many Chinese women and kill how many Chinese civilians?

the British Raj did not even last for 100 years lmfao you high kid?

where was the big mighty red dragon in 1971? reply to post #26

In 1971, a US carrier task force effectively prevent India from invading Pakistan. US arm forces was there to prevent China from invading Taiwan. Ensure that South Korea was not completely conquered by North Korea and then China. And balance against the Soviet forces in Europe. As of now, the US navy is still the undisputed most powerful Navy in Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. A Ohio class nuclear submarine or a AC task force is sufficient to ensure that any country would think twice before taking a step.
Calm down guys, take a chill pill.
It's all up to Western powers that humiliated, enslaved us for a long time in the past. Now is the time we take that bill back to them.
Why are you going so mad and insulting each other.

It was neither the Chinese who took control over India for many decades nor the Indian who slaughtered thousands of civilian Chinese. But you guys just keep busy by getting mad at each other and forget the real ones behind.
Star√ation;2195853 said:
Calm down guys, take a chill pill.
It's all up to Western powers that humiliated, enslaved us for a long time in the past. Now is the time we take that bill back to them.
Why are you going so mad and insulting each other.

It was neither the Chinese who took control over India for many decades nor the Indian who slaughtered thousands of civilian Chinese. But you guys just keep busy by getting mad at each other and forget the real ones behind.

you just f'd my mind.
lmfao troll. so your telling me the main land chinese people who were fighting against Japanese were different? even i know the 2 sides in the Chinese civil war fought side by side against the Japanese still to no avail as they had there way with your women and people do not forget about unit 731

in the korea war you guys lost over 180,000 troops and 20,000 of your troops were taken prisoner what you did to the Koreans is nothing compared to what the whites did to you

and a few thousand british took us over but at least they didn't rape us and conduct human experiments on us like the Japanese did and a few thousand Japanese managed to rape how many Chinese women and kill how many Chinese civilians?

the British Raj did not even last for 100 years lmfao you high kid?

where was the big mighty red dragon in 1971? reply to post #26

The Chinese killed half a million Japanese soldiers. How many enemy soldiers did we Indians kill in our entire history?

I find it disgusting that you gloat about the Japanese war crimes in China.
The Chinese killed half a million Japanese soldiers. How many enemy soldiers did we Indians kill in our entire history?

I find it disgusting that you gloat about the Japanese war crimes in China.

read below freezings post about us i am not gloating about Japanese war crimes in China do not misunderstand me i am saying that at least what happened to them did not happen to us
In 1971, a US carrier task force effectively prevent India from invading Pakistan. US arm forces was there to prevent China from invading Taiwan. Ensure that South Korea was not completely conquered by North Korea and then China. And balance against the Soviet forces in Europe. As of now, the US navy is still the undisputed most powerful Navy in Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. A Ohio class nuclear submarine or a AC task force is sufficient to ensure that any country would think twice before taking a step.

Your Task force 7 stoped us from invading Pakistan!!Man,what was you smoking!!Brown sugar??In 1971,India not only dismembered its enemy but also overran close to 5600 square miles of teritory in then West Pakistan mainly in the Pakistani kashmir,punjab,sindh,shakargarh,jarpal and Sialkot sector and sieged the Sialkot army base.Infact according to the official history(and also rtd Maj.Agha Humayun Amin of Pak army),the invading I corps had planned to capture the Sialkot army base through a four pronged assault and was waiting for the nearby XI corps and 1st Panzer division for support but just on the previous day of the planed assault,the siege fire came in effect and the whole plan went down the drain.The troops were said to be seemingly disapointed.Later on Shimla agreement,India gave back all the captured teritory.
So please feel free to research a bit befor pouring your BS here.You can read the official history of 1971 war.Don't worry,it's not a biased article.The article praised certain Pakistani officers and also criticizes Indians for their fault.
Your Task force 7 stoped us from invading Pakistan!!

No it was ur uncle ussrs tht sent nuke subs to detter them..... millions of bangali fighting a civil war..armed,trained by india with help frm ussr? nd armed invasion in E-wing with no radar coverage or aything.. except a sqd of ageing sabres? yet losing air war?

Some heroic moments for indians huh?

Man,what was you smoking!!Brown sugar??

In 1971,India not only dismembered its enemy but also overran close to 5600 square miles of teritory in then West Pakistan mainly in the Pakistani kashmir,punjab,sindh,shakargarh,jarpal and Sialkot sector and sieged the Sialkot army base.Infact according to the official history(and also rtd Maj.Agha Humayun Amin of Pak army),the invading I corps had planned to capture the Sialkot army base through a four pronged assault and was waiting for the nearby XI corps and 1st Panzer division for support but just on the previous day of the planed assault,the siege fire came in effect and the whole plan went down the drain.The troops were said to be seemingly disapointed.Later on Shimla agreement,India gave back all the captured teritory.
So please feel free to research a bit befor pouring your BS here.You can read the official history of 1971 war.Don't worry,it's not a biased article.The article praised certain Pakistani officers and also criticizes Indians for their fault.

And the links of india capturing sialkot garrison and the other land are?
No it was ur uncle ussrs tht sent nuke subs to detter them..... millions of bangali fighting a civil war..armed,trained by india with help frm ussr? nd armed invasion in E-wing with no radar coverage or aything.. except a sqd of ageing sabres? yet losing air war?

Some heroic moments for indians huh?

And the links of india capturing sialkot garrison and the other land are?

India lost the air war!!Come on man!!
Regarding the links,just type 'Shimla agreement' in google and you will get a plenty of links stating that India returned 5600 sq mile of Pakistani teritory.You can also go through official history.Besides,I never told IA ever captured Sialkot army base,I told they had planned to do so.The I corps was waiting for the XI corps and 1st panzer division to arrive as they only had one and a half panzer brigade with them.But the siege fire came just the previous day,so no attack.I also never claimed IN drove away USN Task force 7!!
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