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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

You have skimmed through the OP without actually getting into the synch with the real topic.
Wrong. I gave you the piece of mind of the general average Indian.

Regardless of what you think, the value of TNT in India has always been nil. If you wish to use this as a trump card - feel free to do so. It is a psychologically accepted fact that we do color our opinions with postive bias. If Pakistanis feel good, bad or indifferent, it does not affect us. Even then if this gives more legitimacy, who am I to deny it?

Let me clarify if this also appears difficult to comprehend - India never felt the need to ratify or trash the TNT post independence. The reason this mandate has been given is due to a variety of reasons. A simplistic explanation might suit some but stinks of ignorance.

@karan21 - You need to calm down. Sometimes people do go on hunting trips. If you bite the bait - you die. Hope you get the meaning.

@Oscar @Emmie
You are missing the point young man. Indian Muslims are none of our business nor does the Pakistani care much about their treatment. Its about bringing the truth to the book which the majority Hindu population has done rather successfully.
Well, you must know that I am a part of the minority and so are many Indian members on this forum. My religions is barely 1.7% of the total Indian population. Yet someone of my religion ruled India for 10 years and was reelected. This is India. Weird things happen here.

Bjp was born out of an ideology but nothing is permanent. They know that to survive in India, they have to take everyone along. Btw, when you say you don't care about 180 million India muslims, it shows your immaturity. You have to care as the stability of India is the most important thing in the region.
You sound a bit scared to be honest.......

Give it time sir. I am more than confident there will be no Communal violence in India for the next 5 years because this is not hoe Modi will be re-elected and he wants re-election you can be damn sure of that. Modi was not elected on communal lines but because INDIANS as a whole spoke with a united voice and said "we want the DEVELOPMENT and prosperity you offer". If Modi fails to deliver he'll be out on his backside come 2019.

The fact you have tried to communalise this result is rather pathetic to be honest sir. You seem to be stuck in a backwards mindset and your fellow Muslims to the East of you have shown you how to put your nation above all else.

The fact you only see Modi as a Hindu fanatic says a lot about you to be honest.

This election has demonstrated a new chapter in the story of India's democracy. It is no longer about communalism, divisive politics and buying votes. It is about moving India foreword as a whole. This election wasn't about Hindu vs Muslim. For ever 1 time Modi said Hindu or Muslim in his election rallies he said development 500 times.

You sir, are missing the forest for the trees.
Congressi Mullah's and their followers should get ready for "Saffronization" !!!
The hugely flawed Two nation theory was Indian Hindus and Muslims are two distinct nationalities incapable of co-existing in a single nation.

As long as there are 180 million Muslims in India , flourishing, coexisting with their Hindu neighbors through good times or bad in a Hindu majority India and a handful Hindus in Muslim majority Pakistan(though way their numbers are depleting, Pakistanis might soon prove that they are incapable of coexisting with people of any other religion) ..Two nation theory will always be a failure.

Today NaMo has achieved such overwhelming majority because people of India irrespective of their religion have voted for progress and change and not community

No party can achieve such resounding victory if there are 180 million votes against it.
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Well, you must know that I am a part of the minority and so are many Indian members on this forum. My religions is barely 1.7% of the total Indian population. Yet someone of my religion ruled India for 10 years and was reelected. This is India. Weird things happen here.

Bjp was born out of an ideology but nothing is permanent. They know that to survive in India, they have to take everyone along. Btw, when you say you don't care about 180 million India muslims, it shows your immaturity. You have to care as the stability of India is the most important thing in the region.

You or your religion are none of my concern nor of my fellow compatriots nor it is the topic here.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words:


This isn't a purely Hindu driven result in a few locations, this is a pan-India INDIAN PEOPLE'S result.
The saddest thing is that even after 8 decades Pakistanis are still looking to ratify their own two nation theory :lol:

So that means they don't even trust or respect their founders. This lack of confidence in nation's foundation and institutions is why Pakistanis are identityless people all over the world.

for us it is a closed case , a done deal; you undians are the ones that keep denying it, plenty of threads in this forums archives to prove it, but now you will not be able to do so any more , not with a murderer hindu as your PM
The hugely flawed Two nation theory was Indian Hindus and Muslims are two distinct nationalities incapable of co-existing in a single nation.

As long as there are 180 million Muslims in India , flourishing, coexisting with their Hindu neighbors through good times or bad in a Hindu majority India and a handful Hindus in Muslim majority Pakistan(though way their numbers are depleting, Pakistanis might soon prove that they are incapable of coexisting with people of any other religion) ..Two nation theory will always be a failure.

In Muhammad Ali Jinnah's All India Muslim League presidential address delivered in Lahore, on March 22, 1940, he explained:

“ It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders, and it is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one Indian nation has troubles and will lead India to destruction if we fail to revise our notions in time. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litterateurs. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions ......... "

In India , Do Muslims and Hindus intermarry freely ?? Do they prefer to interdine together ?? Do they follow same customs , philosophies , literature etc. ?? And if they don`t , they are not one nation ... and this is what Two Nation Theory stands for .....

Two Nation Theory will fail only when The Hindus and Muslims of India evolve a common nationality , .. and this isn`t going to happen .. ever !!

Jinnah`s interpretation of TNT argued for sovereign autonomy, including the right to secede, for Muslim-majority areas of the Indian subcontinent, but without any transfer of populations (i.e. Hindus and Muslims would continue to live together) , So the assertion that TNT failed when a lot of Muslims decided to stay in India , is baseless ......
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Dude, Why act teenager? How bout a little patience and let time take its course. All ur analysis will seem foolish if any of it didnt happen. Unnecessarily an ADMINISTRATOR lose his respect and seriousness quotient. All u ideology thing has become an age old stuff. With new century has new rules. Even in Turkey we have right wing party. How r they fairing. This right wing factor shud be taken with a pinch of salt in todays world. Infact, the seculars are more dangerous in todays world coz they indulge into kinsmanship rather than straightforwardness.

Also,In 21st century, only issue with we people shud be development and inclusive growth. Rest of all comes if u arent able to execute on this 1st aspect. The incompetent ones talk bout secularism, communalism, divide n rule, etc etc.

If u have development, the youth will be employed rather than sitting idle and thinking bout the direction from where some extrimist will come and kill him.

Your post is full of idealism, theory, ideology rather than pragmatism and being a subcontinental guy, I shud warn u all.........BE AS PRAGMATIC AS U CAN OTHERWISE WORLD HAS ALREADY RUN AWAY AHEAD.
Pakistanis should stop imposing their own views on Indian Muslims.

All Indian Muslims don't think the same way as Pakistanis do. BJP has won even in Muslim majority areas. This elections was for development and that's all that anyone cared about.

As for Modi being the butcher of Gujarat, again this a largely Pakistani perception. Nothing has ever been proven against him and as proven by the results today various Muslims don't believe that he had any direct role to play in what happened in Gujarat in 2002.

If Pakistanis get a reassurance of the TNT from this election, well and good. It will be a bit sad though, that they need such reassurance after 67 years of independence.

Anyway, TNT theory will continue to be questioned till the time Pakistanis don't stop murdering each other in the name of Islam by the thousands each year. Like this today, for example-

Blasphemy accused Ahmadi man gunned down in Punjab - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: A teenager walked into a police station on Friday and shot dead a 65-year-old man from a minority community accused of blasphemy in a Punjab village, their spokesman said, the second murder involving Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws in as many weeks.

Personally, Indians don't care about TNT. We, the youth don't know how things were back in 1947, but today it certainly seem to us, that it was the right thing to have happened.

Jo hota hai shayad Acchey ke liye hi Hota hai
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