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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

Such as? And anyway the fundamentals of India's economy are still strong it just need someone with the mandate to do so to tap these and for that Modi with 300+ seats there is few better candidates.

Yes the ship will take a while to turn around but it WILL happen of that you can have no doubt. As I've said, these elections of 2014 were all about development and the economy. If Modi fails he'll be out and someone else will be there but they'll have promise development and growth too to even stand a chance.

Indian elections have changed forever and you need to come to terms with this. It is not about Hindus vs Muslims.

Again, if Indian economy goes up or sinks, it doesn't affect my country or my people. I wish you best of luck.
My only thought was put forward, Hindus vs Muslims or else is your internal matter and not for us to worry about.
You are failing to appreciate the indifference we feel towards India. What happens there doesn't affect us directly therefore no one cares. India has gotten over the cast, religious divide or it hasn't is something that has no implications on Pakistan nor it is our issue or business. You are missing the crux of this debate.
"indifference to India"? And yet here you are starting a thread on the results of elections of some irrelevant nation to your country :coffee:
The flaw in your argument is that if Hindu nationalism was the reason BJP got majority, then they would have done similar performance in the last two election. May be you should think a little bit deeper. I am sure you are not dumb enough not to see it.
India's economy is for Indians to worry about. Modi's economic performance will only be deemed after five years. As per some experts the BJP will face great hurdles in recovering Indian economy.
would be absolutely right 200 years ago.... Economy-foreign policy- Defense are intermingled beyond recognition today...
As far as hurdles, you are absolutely correct, UPA is leaving Indian economy in shambles, but my hope is that the fundamentals are still strong with a very high internal consumption.
The flaw in your argument is that if Hindu nationalism was the reason BJP got majority, then they would have done similar performance in the last two election. May be you should think a little bit deeper. I am sure you are not dumb enough not to see it.

BJP's victory is not surprising nor is Modi's. Indian society has changed its mindset which ratifies the TNT reflected on the electoral roll.
I would sincerely request you to focus on your country and not try to drive a wedge between Indian Muslims and Hindus by making posts like these and pretending that you know anything about India. Until now Pakistanis have always tried to distance themselves from Indians, now don't try to distance Indian Muslims from other Indians. That is out of your jurisdiction.

My friend if it's indeed a rosy scene as you assert than why you are afraid that a comment of a Pakistani will draw wedge?
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BJP's victory is not surprising nor is Modi's. Indian society has changed its mindset which ratifies the TNT reflected on the electoral roll.

If that lets you sleep happily at night then I have no objection. Indian society has suddenly changed its mid in 5 years after 60+ years of independence. That is as stupid as it can get. I am sorry but that is what it is.

I will show you another flaw in your argument, total vote share of BJP in this election was 31%. So nearly 70% of the people did not vote for BJP in a country with 80% + Hindu population. If we go by your logic (or lack of it) then TNT is still not ratified. :lol:

Partywise Trends & Result

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If that let's you sleep happily then I have no objection. Indian society has suddenly changed its mid in 5 years after 60+ years of independence. That is as stupid as it can get. I am sorry but that is what it is.

You can call it evolution, which we saw coming & decided to part ways as it wouldn't have worked for us. Today history proves our call was right and timely placed.
No it is not . It is the unfortunate reality now .....
read number 31,

It is you who is suggesting that cumulative mandate of an 800 million strong electorate is a hindu vote.... logical fallacy at incredible length if you are trying to defend such concoctions.
You can call it evolution, which we saw coming & decided to part ways as it wouldn't have worked for us. Today history proves our call was right and timely placed.

Don't forget the rest of my post. 69% of the people DID NOT vote for BJP. So TNT is still not ratified, you will have to wait for the day when it reaches at least 50%+. :lol:

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