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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

Don't forget the rest of my post. 69% of the people DID NOT vote for BJP. So TNT is still not ratified, you will have to wait for the day when it reaches at least 50%+. :lol:

% of votes is irrelevant considering how diverse India is. What matters is that NaMO with an image he has with the Indian Muslims has been democratically elected with a great majority. It also points to the segment of the Indian society which has organized itself more than anyone else, which is Hindutva movement.
read number 31,

It is you who is suggesting that cumulative mandate of an 800 million strong electorate is a hindu vote.... logical fallacy at incredible length if you are trying to defend such concoctions.

Lame excuses ...

The undeniable fact is : "A hardliner Hindu Fanatic has been elected by the Hindu Majority of India " ...
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% of votes is irrelevant considering how diverse India is. What matters is that NaMO with an image he has with the Indian Muslims has been democratically elected with a great majority. It also points to the segment of the Indian society which has organized itself more than anyone else, which is Hindutva movement.

Percentage is irrelevant? OK, if you say so. I won't disturb you further on this joyous occasion of ratification of TNT. Enjoy!

Lame excuses ...

The undeniable fact is : "A hard liner Hindu Fanatic has been elected by the Hindu Majority of India " ...

In a country with 80%+ Hindus BJP only got 31% vote share (includes everyone not just Hindus). Indian democracy is more complex than any of your simplistic theories, but if that lets you feel happy about your country I don't have any objection. It is actually quite understandable.
Lame excuses ...

The undeniable fact is : "A hard liner Hindu Fanatic has been elected by the Hindu Majority of India " ...
I have no interest in arguing with you, for the relevant post of @Aeronaut I replied, if you can bring any content to the discourse you are welcome, or else keep ranting... it doesn't really make a difference.

% of votes is irrelevant considering how diverse India is. What matters is that NaMO with an image he has with the Indian Muslims has been democratically elected with a great majority. It also points to the segment of the Indian society which has organized itself more than anyone else, which is Hindutva movement.
Image of what?
Percentage is irrelevant? OK, if you say so. I won't disturb you further on this joyous occasion of ratification of TNT. Enjoy!

In a country with 80%+ Hindus BJP only got 31% vote share (includes everyone not just Hindus). Indian democracy is more complex than any of your simplistic theories, but if that lets you feel happy about your country I don't have any objection. It is actually quite understandable.

This is a dymanic of the democratic electoral structure. No one gets a 100% votes. The man leading your country from this election is the walking billboard of TNT ratification.
I have no interest in arguing with you, for the relevant post of @Aeronaut I replied, if you can bring any content to the discourse you are welcome, or else keep ranting... it doesn't really make a difference.

Yes , You can keep ranting , it doesn't really make a difference ...... Facts are Facts , opinions / rants are unimportant ..
@Azlan Haider You are here to get your jollies out of modi bashing based on an unfortunate incident... that is the fact... rest of it presented by you is consistent and quite predictable.

Well I think there is no space for discussion left on this thread to deconstruct the election for members across the border. Such myopic view is regrettable. i'm out!
If in the next election Congress or some other party other than BJP comes to power, TNT would be again garbage as it has been all these years except 1999-2004. Nice parameter you have set there.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words:


This isn't a purely Hindu driven result in a few locations, this is a pan-India INDIAN PEOPLE'S result.


there is something wrong with this map it shows Azad Kashmir voted for BJP in Indian election
It was never about us but the other side of the border.

Thanks for your input.

If I were you I would care about my own house instead of caring about someone else's across the border. Cause your kitchen needs a lot of work right now. Thanks for your concerns though, highly appreciated.
Muslims wary of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi’s victory | The National

NEW DELHI // Muslims in India were conflicted about the next five years after election results overwhelmingly endorsed a Hindu nationalist for prime minister.

India is home to roughly 180 million Muslims, nearly as many as in Pakistan. With a decisive victory for Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party, there are fears that Mr Modi’s past will haunt the Muslim community.

Mr Modi had just become the chief minister of Gujarat when anti-Muslim riots broke out in the state in 2002. More than 1,000 Muslims died, and Mr Modi was accused by human-rights activists of failing to stop, or even abetting, the rioters.

While he was cleared of any wrongdoing in an investigation ordered by the supreme court, the stigma remains. Mamata Banerjee, leader of the West Bengal-based Trinamool Congress party, dubbed him the “butcher of Gujarat” last month.

Mr Modi used the campaign to temper his image, but for Fahad Shah, a student from Kashmir at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, the prime minister’s past is “worrisome”.

Mr Modi may not engage in anti-Muslim activities as prime minister, Mr Shah said, “but the Hindu right wing on the ground will get a boost because of him”.

The Hindu right “sees Muslims as a threat to their idea of India, which is a Hindu India”, Mr Shah said. “So Muslims, as a minority, will not feel secure. They’ll feel threatened.”

Muslim leaders have spoken out against Mr Modi as well. Asaduddin Owaisi, president of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen, last month compared Mr Modi to Adolf Hitler.

However, Mr Modi and the BJP did relatively well in Muslim-dominated areas. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, for example, the BJP got 32.4 per cent of the vote – the most of any party.

One reason, said Sohail Ahmed, a postgraduate engineering student in Mumbai, might be that “the Muslims feel let down even by the Congress”.

“The Congress claims to fight for minorities, but in its way it is as hypocritical and manipulative about this as any other party,” Mr Ahmed said. “And there’s also a recognition that if Modi really improves the economy, as he promises to, then we benefit as well.”

Syed Khalid, a Muslim leader in West Bengal, said Mr Modi had changed over the years and become more responsible.

“This is not a vote on communal lines. This is a vote for development and for jobs. We respect the people’s verdict and we think Modi will have to be a responsible leader,” he said.

On the other side of the country in Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s largest city, the Muslim businessman Salim Quadri agreed.

“We have seen Narendra Modi as the chief minister of Gujarat since 2001. I don’t think there is any need for any fear or apprehensions with Modi as prime minister,” he said.

“The only thing that worries Muslims is that they are already marginalised and Modi now should take steps to bring the community into the national mainstream.”

Yet in Juhapura, a Muslim township of about 400,000 in Ahmedabad, there was no sign of the celebrations over Mr Modi’s victory that broke out elsewhere in the state.

Television sets showing live coverage of the results flickered in homes across the community, but most people went about their business in the sprawling district that many Hindus derisively call “Little Pakistan”.

Asif Pathan, a Muslim social activist in Ahmedabad, said the people of India had warmed to Mr Modi’s promises of growth and development. Muslims hope he will stick to that, and not stray into divisive policies.

“He has said he wants to take everyone along. We would like to see that, but frankly we are not very confident,” he said.


* With additional reporting by Reuters
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Today after 8 decades of self inflicted denial the Hindu majority of India have finally ratified the two nation theory for themselves, by themselves on the democratic ballot box without compulsion or coercion. A resounding victory for the Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi indeed is a new chapter in South Asian history. For his Hindu nation he represents a strong leader, for Muslims of India he remains the butcher of Gujarat with blood on his hands.

With his fundamental support coming from the right wing Hindu camp of the BJP being sufficient for such a victory, the BJP did not care about the Muslim vote for the first time ever. They were simply sidelined as no effective election campaign was mounted to attract the Muslim vote. This electoral segregation will have a deep imprint and strategic implications on Indian social makeup of the future. Since the Muslim vote is not included, their participation in an overwhelmingly BJP govt will cease to exist.

For Pakistan it marks the end of an ideological battle spanning 8 decades. This is a victory we must celebrate, as our historic pretext has dawned into the day of correctness and approval. Visionaries who coined the two nation theory saw this day coming 8 decades ago. Its because of their genius, connection to our past, hard work and sacrifices that we Pakistanis today see the dawn of a day which proved us 'historically right' from this side of the border. It also therefore proves that the struggle of our ancestors for independence was both historically correct and strategically right, henceforth the long treacherous journey, that has tested the Pakistani time and again, has been worth it.

What tomorrow holds for India's Muslim is unknown, though for us we can finally rest this debate and move on with our nation building, knowing that our struggle had been righteous despite the tact of Gandhi and Nehru in order to convince our forefathers to the contrary. Those who asked us for proofs and ridiculed us, themselves have democratically ratified the robustness and righteousness of our historic narrative.

Let it be a source of humility and confidence for the Pakistani, as those who conspired to mislead our march in the past, today find themselves marching willingly and proudly along a parallel route, the same route our ancestors had created. Today we can safely write this for the historians that the future of sub continent was shaped by none other than our ancestors.

"The truth can only be delayed"

Cross post

1 You say he is a known terrorist. Which acts of terrorism has he been accused of? Has he been declared terrorist by any govt? Indian? Pakistani? US? United Nations? His bitterest rivals congress was in power in India for 10 years. If they could not declare him terrorist who are you?

2 You say he has been involved in mass murder of thousands of Muslims and Christians? Who has indicted him? Infact he has been given a clean chit by the Supreme Court of India.

3 You probably believe that he has no support among the Muslim. Do you know that he won 3 of 6 seats in Jammu Kashmir and 71 of 80 seats in UP beating Mullayam Singh Yadav , considered as one of the most pro Muslim politician in India. Mulayam has been reduced to just 5 seats in UP where Muslim population is more than 40% in many seats. In last election BJP had only 10 seats across UP.

UP along with Bihar and Assam is one of the highest Muslim population states after J&K. In Bihar he has won 31 out of 40 seats beating beating Lallu Prasad Yadav - another politician considered the darling of Muslims , who won just 6 seats and NItish Kumar who broke up with Modi led NDA when he was declared PM candidate just to protect his Muslim vote bank. Nitish has won just 2 seats in Bihar. In Assam Modi has won 7 of the 14 seats. BJP has no significant presence in Assam and other North Eastern states before this. In Christian Majority Goa he has won both the seats.
Do you think that Modi would have won these seats if he had no support among the Muslims? Do you know during the campaign all so called "secular" parties, which in India means those who support extra rights for Muslims, kept asking Muslims not to vote for Modi because of this "fear factor". Still the Muslims have voted for Modi. Do you think they would have voted for him if they believe he is a mass murderer of Muslims and Christians.

4 You say he has been supported by Indians in Mass. Yes that is correct. This the best ever performance by a single non congress party since independence. This is also the best ever performance by any party since 1984. So since last 30 years no other political party has got such support in the elections. BJP has a simple majority of its own and does not need any allies to form the govt. He has won his own seat in Vadodara by a victory margin of over 5,70,000 votes. This is an all time high record in general elections in India.

5 now I will tell you why people of India - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc have voted for him. They voted for his developmental agenda, his promise of better growth, more jobs, his version of secularism which means India First and Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas (With Everybody , Development for Everybody) . They voted for him because they have seen how he developed his state of Gujrat for the last 12 years. There has been a 10% growth rate and no riots in Gujarat after the post Godhra Riots.

I have answered all your queries with facts and figures. I want you to keep an open mind regarding Modi. If you can dispute any of these facts feel free to do so. We elected Modi because we want development and not because we hate Muslims or Pakistan.
In India , Do Muslims and Hindus intermarry freely ?? Do they prefer to interdine together ?? Do they follow same customs , philosophies , literature etc. ?? And if they don`t , they are not one nation ... and this is what Two Nation Theory stands for .....

Two Nation Theory will fail only when The Hindus and Muslims of India evolve a common nationality , .. and this isn`t going to happen .. ever !!

That is a ridiculous notion, Mr Jinnah might be confusing himself with the Hindu caste system..because they are the ones who do not intermarry or interdine. But I did not see him championing the cause of Dalits, demanding a separate nation from upper casts.

Infact it was extremely hypocritical of Mr Jinnah when he himself married Ms Ratanbai Petit a non muslim Parsis.

Present generation Indian Hindus and Muslims study together, play together, eat together and even intermarry for love..so has TNT failed today ?

Jinnah`s interpretation of TNT argued for sovereign autonomy, including the right to secede, for Muslim-majority areas of the Indian subcontinent, but without any transfer of populations (i.e. Hindus and Muslims would continue to live together) , So the assertion that TNT failed when a lot of Muslims decided to stay in India , is baseless ......

That is a even stupider notion, as per him, Hindus and Muslims were a separate nation , but they could live together as long the Muslims got the power in Muslim majority areas ie autonomy.

Why, Mr Jinnah would Hindus and Muslim start intermarrying or dining together if Muslims were in power?? Do tell how they would evolve a 'common nationality' in such a case?

No amount glossing can cover the fact, that Mr Jinnah's entire campaign for Pakistan was no more altruistic or selfless than a simple ploy for power, and millions died because of it, he was ready to give up demand for Pakistan as long as he got to be the first prime minister of free India, what was that all about?
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