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India v.s Pakistam abroad

I am fair with them but not completely trusting...that extends to all desis by the way not just Indians.

One thing I have noticed is that the Sikhs and the South Indians would rather interact with me rather than with each other.

Please stop with this nonsense of Awans being Arabs.

Its embarassing !

That is good brother....never lose your professionalism.
As a South Indian, please elaborate :yahoo:
I am fair with them but not completely trusting...that extends to all desis by the way not just Indians.

One thing I have noticed is that the Sikhs and the South Indians would rather interact with me rather than with each other.

Please stop with this nonsense of Awans being Arabs.

Its embarassing !

That is good brother....never lose your professionalism.

woot you saying Malik Awans aren't Arab? How dare you? He will cancel your Pakistani nationality and call you gay false flager. Even tho he sounds more like a Taile(oily) Malik to me lmao
So here is the story of my first interaction with a Hindu Punjabi person. He was my co worker we ended up working on same projects.. Anyway i meet the dude and he speaks Punjabi so i was thinking great he's probably Sikh. At that point i was comfortable with sikh's because of previous interactions. So during our get to know he tell's me he's hindu n i'm thinking oh shit this dude must hate me as much i hate him? So me thinking to my self this isn't gonna work out at all. 2 months later best friends ever absolutely no hostility. I have a golden rule tho never talk about Kashmir or religion and you will get along very well. Why not talk about Kashmir or religion? well because 2 strangers arguing over religion or Kashmir here in Canada isn't gonna do sh*T to solve those problems. So why bother?
There is nothing to elaborate.

I just wrote what I have observed....Sikhs dislike South Indians for some reason.
Hmm I haven't observed anything of the sort at my end. Must be an Australian thing.
we have very less people who have their reasons to fight with indians in every society you can find those groups i am sure if you try you still can find german who wanted to follow war hasteria. but in Pakistan their are not in majority Alhumdulillah but if war impose on us we all peaceful liberal or ultra liberal will be stronger muslim than molvi.
criticism is not to drag you down its there to help you fly higher.
in 25 years, I have been asked if I am middle eastern, Italian, Persian....but never never someone asked me If I am Indian
Great, so the white people who are part of the aryan race also don't look like you. What's your point? Dna proves they are part of your race. Did you know brown eyes are actually considered blue scientifically? Small procedure not a surgery and they can turn them their original colour which is blue.

we have very less people who have their reasons to fight with indians in every society you can find those groups i am sure if you try you still can find german who wanted to follow war hasteria. but in Pakistan their are not in majority Alhumdulillah but if war impose on us we all peaceful liberal or ultra liberal will be stronger muslim than molvi.
criticism is not to drag you down its there to help you fly higher.

No point in fighting. Usa bombed Japan with nukes did you ever think they would be the greatest allies? Britain took Canada as a trophy from French after a victory in war. They became allies after to this day... They put their difference aside, and fight others as a whole. Why cant we do the same?

Hmm I haven't observed anything of the sort at my end. Must be an Australian thing.

Nope there is no dislikes once you meet the person face to face you grow mutual respect unless your an Ahole. After that if your are a decent human being you will get along just fine, regardless of religion of race.
Based on my sample from 4 countries outside India, Indian and Pakistani as mostly gelled group who help each other.
During 2011, heard in Britain that some of the Pakistani's started calling themselves as Indian due to police profiling at that time. Also Indian restaurants across globe, are more owned by Pakistani/ Bangladeshi/ Sri Lankans than Indians itself. :)
Great, so the white people who are part of the aryan race also don't look like you. What's your point? Dna proves they are part of your race. Did you know brown eyes are actually considered blue scientifically? Small procedure not a surgery and they can turn them their original colour which is blue.


Neither do Chinese, Korean, Africans...but here we are talking about Indian, maybe you look like them then be proud of it there is nothing wrong with it
No point in fighting. Usa bombed Japan with nukes did you ever think they would be the greatest allies? Britain took Canada as a trophy from French after a victory in war. They became allies after to this day... They put their difference aside, and fight others as a whole. Why cant we do the same?

Why do you think there isnt any peace happening i have my reasons but you want somthing which leads to blame Pakistan.
we have tried almost everything and still trying just recently lets RAW indian terrorist met his mom and wife with honor and look whats indias reaction?
samjotha express, babri masjid, not letting our sicks to go there for medical reason while we honor jindal type access to visa free Nawaz sharif have 200 engineers working for his firm are indian in Pakistan.
mob tried to kill our only PHD student in kerala state and he had to come back.. recently our high commissioner attacked by lori accident.
indian anchor was saying we entered in Pakistan killed 3 soilders why it wasnt 300, and you still run after peace somtimes peace only come after war like europe lost 70 million people in WW2 before the examples you came up with up there.
there is huge huge list shows their hate. no matter what we try we cant save peace so lets not show weakness and deal them the language they understand.
This time we wont let them run to UN or US for peace they will start and we will end.
I have been living in the West for more than 30 years. I observed the following:

The relationship between Pakistanis and Indians are generally very good if the Indians in question are either from North / North East India or Hindi/Punjabi speakers who are even closer to Pakistanis than their South Indian compatriots. The same can not be said about the South Indians who I rarely meet as I am not into the IT sector.
Its a typical behavior seen in almost all primates including Humans. When they are in their own are they fight among themselves to death. But when a new and bigger primate comes, they all get together and start pushing it away. Indians and Pakistani are same too. It took European 2 world wars to learn this properly, we Indian Bangladeshi and Pakistani are too behind in this concept.

Hey fucktard, dont tell my anscestory to me or im gona smack u, we arabs have nothing in common with these indian squirells we conquered and ur probably a gay indian with Pakistani flags who likes pakistani men...
Janaab you are an Arab? Try going to Saudi Arabia and get permanent rights to reside there. You will be surprised! Or try marrying among them. You will be again surprised! Someone very wise in Pakistan said this : "Arab aapko muh bhi lagana pasand naheen kartein hei. Aap log hi unke talwe chaate ho"
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