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India v.s Pakistam abroad

Apparently when the Muslim league and congress fell out - Winston Churchill said something along the lines of “ i hope the dispute remains deep, bloody and irreparable”.

Duffers that we are, we made those words come true .

The good side is that the British themselves are getting plenty of Troubles as a result of the people from the colonies moving there and taking their problems with them. Problems partly created by the British in the first place.

Awesome knowledgeable reply i love it.
Your choice but the fact still stands we are not hostile against each other when we are living in a foreign country. We both have a bigger fish to fight or fry.

LOL the Indian is spitting in your face even after you poured your heart out, you beghairat cuck. You should drown to death in your own homosexuality.
You can report me but it doesn't change the fact that you are a bitch *** nigga that is craving some chicken tikka masala Indian dick. Lmao

You think you are tough hiding behind your keyboard typing the f word. Wow im scared.

LOL the Indian is spitting in your face even after you poured your heart out, you beghairat cuck. You should drown to death in your own homosexuality.

Did you miss the great replys i have had from some great Indian members?? Haters see what they wanna see..
I never claimed I'm tough, just that you are a homosexual in need of some Indian loving. I'm sure they'll lube you up with that cow urine and give good time. :lol:

Aww your really getting to me. I feel so offended now. Im gonna kill my self not
I gurantee you 99% of people living in Pakistan hate Indians.

You give your own opinion and thoughts why is it so different in a foreign country when it comes to Indian and Pakistan friendship or no aminosity...why the though process and mindset changes completely in say Canada, how does it works there.
Your choice but the fact still stands we are not hostile against each other when we are living in a foreign country. We both have a bigger fish to fight or fry.

I have nothing against Pakistanis, everyone is busy trying to earn their daily livelihood. But given an option, I'd prefer not to mingle with them socially or professionally. I did had some Pakistani acquaintance when I lived in Buffalo, mostly because of the local cricket club.
Aww your really getting to me. I feel so offended now. Im gonna kill my self not

Of course you're not. I'm sure the Indian guy you met off Grindr is on his way to your house to give you his paneer masala all over your love deprived face. :lol:
You give your own opinion and thoughts why is it so different in a foreign country when it comes to Indian and Pakistan friendship or no aminosity...why the though process and mindset changes completely in say Canada, how does it works there.

Good question brother. Here we have common goals and common threat of sort we go through same pain.. So our prospective changes.. we become united which is a beautiful thing. Help each other out because we can relate.

Of course you're not. I'm sure the Indian guy you met off Grindr is on his way to your house to give you his paneer masala all over your love deprived face. :lol:

Haha ok that was funny. Lmao at paneer masla. You got me
Good question brother. Here we have common goals and common threat of sort we go through same pain.. So our prospective changes.. we become united which is a beautiful thing. Help each other out because we can relate.

Exactly the point...you need a common denominator to unite different races say Indian and Pakistani in an alien land, the common problems of jobs and earning, eking out a living, again a common problem, family and well being all is common, and the adversity is also common...the elements...

So that common problems(common perceived enemy) gels in the country men from two adverse country...
Exactly the point...you need a common denominator to unite different races say Indian and Pakistani in an alien land, the common problems of jobs and earning, eking out a living, again a common problem, family and well being all is common, and the adversity is also common...the elements...

So that common problems(common perceived enemy) gels in the country men from two adverse country...

I agree. For some odd reason i think it was all a setup by the brits to keep us fighting for a long time.. which they succeed on.. ?? Would love to know more about Kashmir problem n how it came to be. Who created it?
I agree. For some odd reason i think it was all a setup by the brits to keep us fighting for a long time.. which they succeed on.. ?? Would love to know more about Kashmir problem n how it came to be. Who created it?

Are you non Muslim?
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