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India v.s Pakistam abroad

I have a question to ask to all my fellow keyboard warriors. Hear me out.

Why is it that when Pakistani people and Indian people come to Western countries we get along so well? I mean some of us become brothers and have family relations regardless of origin or religion?

Yet when back home we have a knife to each other throat?

Do you think it was all planned by someone like Winston Churchill? Like it was his trap that we are still trying to get out of?

I have posted many negative things against India just for the fun of it, but in reality i have just as many great Indian friends as i have Pakistani here in Canada.

Also im completely against war, n loss of innocent lives for absolutely nothing.. I wish we could be friendly countries like Canada and USA.

Could you just imagine what it would be like if India and Pakistan were friendly Nations?

To all that guys on Pakistani side pretending we are a different race get over your self. Dna proves otherwise we are the same.
U might've migrated from gao shala so u might carry that cursed dna, dont label the rest of us Pakistani's, i have Arab anscestors like millions of other Pakistani's, millions of others have turkish, middleeastern dna's, our punjabi race is beautidul and well built and marshal in all forms, our pakhtoons and balochs are completely different from ugly indians, the only way for me to become friendly with indians is when they will bow down before us and we are ruling over dehli again as it is our right testified by 1000 yrs of history, other than that i will always look with contempt at these bloody subhumans.
U might've migrated from gao shala so u might carry that cursed dna, dont label the rest of us Pakistani's, i have Arab anscestors like millions of other Pakistani's, millions of others have turkish, middleeastern dna's, our punjabi race is beautidul and well built and marshal in all forms, our pakhtoons and balochs are completely different from ugly indians, the only way for me to become friendly with indians is when they will bow down before us and we are ruling over dehli again as it is our right testified by 1000 yrs of history, other than that i will always look with contempt at these bloody subhumans.

Yes i see very proud history and fabricated facts. Modern Dna doesn't lie. Look it up your part of the Aryan race which also includes whites, indians.. Everyone originated from Africa good luck denying the fact that your great great grand father was a black man.
I have a question for u.. lets say India and Pakistan go to war who would benefit from it? Who would win? V.s lets say we become friendly Nations who would benefit?

Start a topic with an Indian on Kashmir.. Ask them to leave Kashmir and then comeback on this forum to update us with your logic..

All Indians are goody goody until you ask them to give the right of self determination to Kashmiris. This is how good they are..

Now you will probably say, why bring politics into it? This is exactly what Indians want.. that no one should talk about the root cause.. and keep status quo..

Anyway, if you are here to float this idea that Pakistan should accept the status quo? Not happening until our Kashmiri brothers accept India as their motherland.. like Hyderabadis have accepted.. and let me tell you.. this is not gonna happen ever..

So instead of giving a good lecture on peace.. ask your Indian friends to join your struggle of giving right of self determination to Kashmiris.. if they join you.. you are all good to be their friends.. if not, it means they themselves don't want peace and want to keep your brothers under their illegal occupation.. simple..
Yeah, no. I stay away from Pakistanis most of the time. I have nothing to do with them, and there are almost none in my grad school, at least not in the PhD.
Pakistani's are not usually found with the bullied groups of nerds or in gay bars.:rofl:

Yes i see very proud history and fabricated facts. Modern Dna doesn't lie. Look it up your part of the Aryan race which also includes whites, indians.. Everyone originated from Africa good luck denying the fact that your great great grand father was a black man.
Hey fucktard, dont tell my anscestory to me or im gona smack u, we arabs have nothing in common with these indian squirells we conquered and ur probably a gay indian with Pakistani flags who likes pakistani men...
Start a topic with an Indian on Kashmir.. Ask them to leave Kashmir and then comeback on this forum to update us with your logic..

All Indians are goody goody until you ask them to give the right of self determination to Kashmiris. This is how good they are..

Now you will probably say, why bring politics into it? This is exactly what Indians want.. that no one should talk about the root cause.. and keep status quo..

Anyway, if you are here to float this idea that Pakistan should accept the status quo? Not happening until our Kashmiri brothers accept India as their motherland.. like Hyderabadis have accepted.. and let me tell you.. this is not gonna happen ever..

So instead of giving a good lecture on peace.. ask your Indian friends to join your struggle of giving right of self determination to Kashmiris.. if they join you.. you are all good to be their friends.. if not, it means they themselves don't want peace and want to keep your brothers under their illegal occupation.. simple..

I like your informative post thanx bro

Pakistani's are not usually found with the bullied groups of nerds or in gay bars.:rofl:

Hey fucktard, dont tell my anscestory to me or im gona smack u, we arabs have nothing in common with these indian squirells we conquered and ur probably a gay indian with Pakistani flags who likes pakistani men...

Aww you couldn't come up with a logical or proven fact you resorted to name calling.. your answer to proven dna and logic is im gay haha shame on you
Maybe, probably. But how does it benefit me in anyway?
Dont bother, Pakistani's wouldnt look at u twice, probably bully u if u approach them, dont fall into this fake flag dudes propoganda....all of my pals in australia bully their indian colleagues and they tell me most indians try to eat thier minds about how to make it with a goori girl....
Dont bother, Pakistani's wouldnt look at u twice, probably bully u if u approach them, dont fall into this fake flag dudes propoganda....all of my pals in australia bully their indian colleagues and they tell me most indians try to eat thier minds about how to make it with a goori girl....

Fals flag my a**. Look up all the things i've posted against india. Heck i've been on this forum longer then you have.
I don't look like an Indian. :lol:

Your generalization falls flat on its face.
He probably is an indian in love with pakistani's, this gay f uck.

Fals flag my a**. Look up all the things i've posted against india. Heck i've been on this forum longer then you have.
Lol, im a senior member u fuctard:rofl:, definately older than u on this forum and dont dare to equate my beautiful family with bloody indians again...
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He probably is an indian in love with pakistani's, this gay f uck.

Ya this bs
He probably is an indian in love with pakistani's, this gay f uck.

Lol, im a senior member u fuctard:rofl:, dont dare to equate my beautiful family with bloody indians again...

Still waiting for facts.. senior member by making few extra posts wow im impressed. Im Pakistani punjabi born n raised just been around the world know how it exactly is. More then u i guess.

The west is trying to eat us n divide us in this stupid bs don't u get it? Divide n conquer?

Yet you bring up this stupid bs how ypur somehow higher race then rest of the continent.

and yet Pakistanies are trying to be friendly with those who hate us. PEW says 65% indian hates Pakistanies in another survey ..
They probably are jealous of our good looks...

Start a topic with an Indian on Kashmir.. Ask them to leave Kashmir and then comeback on this forum to update us with your logic..

All Indians are goody goody until you ask them to give the right of self determination to Kashmiris. This is how good they are..

Now you will probably say, why bring politics into it? This is exactly what Indians want.. that no one should talk about the root cause.. and keep status quo..

Anyway, if you are here to float this idea that Pakistan should accept the status quo? Not happening until our Kashmiri brothers accept India as their motherland.. like Hyderabadis have accepted.. and let me tell you.. this is not gonna happen ever..

So instead of giving a good lecture on peace.. ask your Indian friends to join your struggle of giving right of self determination to Kashmiris.. if they join you.. you are all good to be their friends.. if not, it means they themselves don't want peace and want to keep your brothers under their illegal occupation.. simple..
We are not content with kashmir, we want dehli back, its was the property of our anscestors before the british back stabbed us.

Ya this bs

Still waiting for facts.. senior member by making few extra posts wow im impressed. Im Pakistani punjabi born n raised just been around the world know how it exactly is. More then u i guess.

The west is trying to eat us n divide us in this stupid bs don't u get it? Divide n conquer?

Yet you bring up this stupid bs how ypur somehow higher race then rest of the continent.
Even if ur a pakistani which i highly doubt, tun punjabi to kaheen se bhi nhn hai, shahid tun koi afghani jaleebi ho jo pakistani passport par abroad daffa hue ho.
I gurantee you 99% of people living in Pakistan hate Indians. It changes when we come to a western country.
dont gurantee cuz you definatily will lose i havent found anyone in my family neighbour or relatives who hate india or indian.. but we are not here or going to let any one talk bad about us. they wanna make an issue of Pakistan in their election we dont mind we are not going to follow their trend but at the same time we are keeping our eyes close. it is going to be tit for tat
I gurantee you 99% of people living in Pakistan hate Indians. It changes when we come to a western country.
I dont think this is correct. Ordinary ppl will be more busy with earning their livelihood rather than hating some one else.

we want dehli back, its was the property of our anscestors before the british back stabbed us.
lol, do you have registration paper for the property?
I dont think this is correct. Ordinary ppl will be more busy with earning their livelihood rather than hating some one else.

lol, do you have registration paper for the property?

Actually your right no sensible Pakistani hates India. Living proof i've seen it with my own eye's. Bus's full of Indian Sikh tourist visiting temples in Pakistan with full police protection and enjoying the warm welcome they get from Lahore people they go on media and tell how much they enjoyed their visit. A small village about 50km from my village in Pakistan has Mandir's pre separation ones believe it or not they are still maintained with government funding and every one visit's there. This forum is just bunch of kids trying to act tough nothing else.

Indians are goody goody until you ask them to give the right of self determination to Kashmiris. This is how good they are..

dont gurantee cuz you definatily will lose i havent found anyone in my family neighbour or relatives who hate india or indian.. but we are not here or going to let any one talk bad about us. they wanna make an issue of Pakistan in their election we dont mind we are not going to follow their trend but at the same time we are keeping our eyes close. it is going to be tit for tat

I agree, these haters have turned my honest post into their bs. I know very well what the Indian government is doing as well as Pakistani. My point was could this be someone else doing? Like the British is this part of their plan? Did they divide us this way that we will keep fighting for ever? Kashmir is a problem that's why i brought the issue up to begin with. Why wasn't Kashmir separated during the partition? I was hoping to learn something from this post but ended up being hated by some kids who think they are cool by calling me gay haha as if im unsecured about my sexuality at this age.

Only stupid people see the world as black and white... only age and maturity can teach them there is a grey area also. not everything is evil and good.
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I am fair with them but not completely trusting...that extends to all desis by the way not just Indians.

One thing I have noticed is that the Sikhs and the South Indians would rather interact with me rather than with each other.

Pakistani's are not usually found with the bullied groups of nerds or in gay bars.:rofl:

Hey fucktard, dont tell my anscestory to me or im gona smack u, we arabs have nothing in common with these indian squirells we conquered and ur probably a gay indian with Pakistani flags who likes pakistani men...

Please stop with this nonsense of Awans being Arabs.

Its embarassing !

I only get along well with Indians when I need my work completed..

Thora pyar se.. thora daant se.. I also put penalties on them.. friendly penalties for submitting projects late.. Last Thursday I forced an Indian girl to order a BBQ grill..

Free lunches are always tasty.. but then I go back to my ways and start afresh..

Have never gone inside their homes.. have never invited them (except one Indian Hyderabadi Muslim) as he was not getting an accommodation at a reasonable price and needed a place to share for a month.. I didn't charge him any money.. but when he moved out, he gave me some gifts.. which I hesitantly accepted.. He was the nicest Indian I have ever met.. He had all Pakistani friends by the way..

This is my relationship with them.. and when they are in charge, I am sure they do the same..

That is good brother....never lose your professionalism.
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