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India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

Saudis just want to lure India away from Iran...to hurt their economy and to take away regional player which might stand neutral or in favour of Iran.

The Saudis will only be doing this because it has American approval, they have no independent policy, it just so happens America and Saudi are in the same direction.

Let's see how India balances.
As probably the most respected member from India i am disappointed with your selectiveness and commenting on this post. Its this "selectiveness" that is set into the rest of the troll brigade - but not normally from you. Please read the continuous off topic rants by the "gang" of trolls and then decide rather than walking into the middle of a thread and picking out a post that has inflamed you sir. To every action one gets a reaction.... and this is the case.
Catch up with you later Joe

I agree it was selective, and probably unfair, insofar as many other posters, Indian and Pakistani, deserved rebuke. As you, of all people, as a moderator, should have noticed, the thread is simply beyond repair. The gangrene has spread too far.

Even if I had been in time to start heading off people from off-topic rants, it would then invite the kind of message I have got recently, asking if I was moonlighting as a moderator, and who appointed me Petronius for the forum. A carping reply might have contained an invitation to the forces of law and order to perform their functions with somewhat greater energy and engagement.

This particular post caught my attention. Again, in fairness, I agree that on going through the thread, there have been worse displays, which is saying a lot.

In case you have not noticed, my disapproval of bad manners is not decided by nationality; whether by coincidence or because nationality simply doesn't blind me as it does some others, my distaste for these horrible instances have been neutral with regard to country.

Thank you for the left-handed compliment, by the way.
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