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India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

By Manu Pubby, ET Bureau Last Updated: Jan 09, 2022, 11:29 PM IST

India has urged France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by the European Union to Pakistan, citing its support for terrorism, the distinct possibility of transfer of sensitive technologies to China and its poor human rights record. France has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union this month and will hold it till June.

In the past, France had assured India that it wouldn't transfer sensitive weapon systems to Pakistan and stood by New Delhi amid border confrontation with China.

Sources told ET that the request was made during defence minister-level talks last month, when Rajnath Singh met his French counterpart Florence Parly in New Delhi. A non-paper was also handed over to the visiting French delegation that brought out deep concerns on the working of state and non-state actors in Pakistan.

It is learnt that the Indian side shared information about terrorism-related activities being supported by Pakistan, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, and the possibility of arms sold by European states finding their way to militant cadres targeting Jammu and Kashmir. There have been several instances of foreign weapons being recovered from militants being pushed from across the Line of Control.

A big concern on the possibility of Pakistan transferring European weapons technology to China was shared, given close ties between the two nations.

China is by far the largest supplier of defence systems to Pakistan, including fighter jets, frigates and submarines. This is followed by Russia, but no cutting-edge weapon systems have been supplied by Moscow in recent years. The biggest European supplier of weapons to Pakistan is Italy, which accounts for almost 6% of imports made by it. Other European nations actively supplying weapons include Sweden.

The Indian government's fear of Pakistan is admirable. I recommend them to try out a few beef burgers and steaks. Cooler heads will definitely prevail.
India talking about human rights record? 😆
Definitely cute.
We should try as much to manufacture internally as we can. Because India is lobbying against Pakistan in entire world.
And they have plenty of evidence to back it up to their advantage. That's one of the reasons why they keep going at it.

Map from recent documentary
One thing, that I can tell you, @Wood and @DrJekyll, is that, if you are Hindus, which I, of course don't know, and don't have the means to know, is that you are extraordinary and are an extreme minority, in that ascribed group of people. Kindly don't associate yourselves to this Modi & Co.

Right wing folks come in various shades. Some are centrists, with right wing sympathies but know their boundaries, some are proper right wing publicly but more to spite liberals. There are good conservative Hindus, just like there are good conservative Muslims. Actually, even many right wing folks do not like Modi, because they think he is not right wing enough. It is quite complicated.

Purely from a performance standpoint, I use the following allegory to describe the present regime and its remarkable unoriginality:

Take a mid range Suzuki car. Remove all its wheels. Replace it with the following:
  1. A flat tire - Like the lacklustre reign of Manmohan Singh, whom the BJP fiercely and personally attacked
  2. A small scooter tire - Similar to the incompetent coalition government we had in 1996
  3. A large bullock cart wheel - Tall hollow promises of Indira Gandhi's 2nd campaign
  4. A spiked wheel - Hate and anger. The only value additions of present government.
Now remove the engine and tie a trusty old horse to the unbalanced car. That trusty old horse is we, the public, who are destined to be flogged, as we pull the mess of a car, which should be pulled by the government in the first place. But the government is sitting inside instead. And this government will even send us a bill for petrol for a car without engine.

We subcontinent people are like the maid that works long hours and travels long distances to bring home the bacon, only to have the unemployed alcoholic husband take away the lion's share in one swipe
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Realistically, I don't think it will go as planned, we can't just learn decades and decades of knowledge, and build manufacturing capacities out of nowhere. In that time India would conventionally outclass us by miles. What would probably happen is that we would stick to buying from China only.
Look at Iran, technology has improved by leap and bounds.
If surprised that India hasn't vowed to boycott France & EU if the sissy wish is not fulfilled.
Personally, I fail to understand the significance of this topic and/or the report.

Pakistan doesn't have any plans/intentions to purchase anything from the EU.

We seem to have found our niche with whatever our friends in China have to offer. Everything from price to logistics is a no brainer.

Its been a while since we bought AWACS from SAAB (Sweden) & if memory serves, the last thing we got from EU/Italy were those AW-139 from Leonardo.

Surely they jest that those acquisitions may be seen a threat to a Shupa Dupa Power like India.
More reasons to become self reliant because India soon would ask everyone to even stop the export of food to Pakistan. We are up against a genocidal maniac who wields an international clout.

there wont be an India soon
India only want to keep Terrorism randi rona going as it sees this is loosing steam as US left the region, US shows no interest in it anymore and India sees EU will loose interest in this randi rona. India is going thru her worst nightmares while squeezed between China and Pakistan, two of the region's self reliant military powers.

India should worry more about Russia Pakistan relationship LOL
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They are very consistent at getting their butt kicked

They're copying their ancestors and setting a precedent for future generations to come. Praud of my endian culture saaar.
France's opinion is irrelevant in the face of Germany and the UK (I am aware that UK left the EU, but UK will surely try to stop this)
Pakistan is using in large number Italian made defense equipment and electronic hardware. This is the reason randians start crying to every where.
Personally, I fail to understand the significance of this topic and/or the report.

Pakistan doesn't have any plans/intentions to purchase anything from the EU.

We seem to have found our niche with whatever our friends in China have to offer. Everything from price to logistics is a no brainer.

Its been a while since we bought AWACS from SAAB (Sweden) & if memory serves, the last thing we got from EU/Italy were those AW-139 from Leonardo.

Surely they jest that those acquisitions may be seen a threat to a Shupa Dupa Power like India.

Recent Naval SAM purchase for Milgem
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