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India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road
Sachin Parashar, TNN, Dec 1, 2009, 02.47am IST

China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road - India - The Times of India
NEW DELHI: Even as China objects to the construction of a road in the Ladakh region, India's external intelligence agency RAW has conveyed to the government that China is simultaneously building and repairing as many 27 airstrips in the Tibet region. According to the agency, these airstrips would be of use for China only in the case of a conflict with India as New Delhi is the only potential adversary in the region.

The J&K government on Monday confirmed that work had to be stopped on a road project meant to facilitate the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Demchok in south-east Leh because of objections raised by the Chinese army. This when Beijing itself has aggressively gone about the task of augmenting its infrastructure along the border with India.

"Many of these 27 military strips have been newly built. Others which have been expanded too are seeing increasing Chinese activities. Like the intermediate range missiles stationed in the Delingha region, these airfields can be of strategic use for China only against India,'' said a senior official. According to the official, some of the airfields which are being upgraded continuously are Kashgar, Yarkand and Tashkurgan in the western sector, Tingri and Shigatse in the middle sector and Doonshon, Kangbo, Chamdo and Phari Dzong in the eastern sector.

The expansion of airfields follows the deployment of intermediate range missiles like DF-4 in the Delingha region. The medium-range ballistic missiles can hit targets that are almost 3,000 kilometres away. China has also built several launch pads for nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in the same region.

Interestingly, the Chinese had complained about India upgrading its airfields in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in October. IAF vice-chief Air Marshal P K Barbora had then responded by saying that China had no business to talk about it because India too had not objected to the massive military build up in Tibet including expansion of airfields.

According to military experts, these military air bases give China an edge in the event of a war with India because they would allow sustained combat operations by Chinese aircraft over all of northern India and strike major cities.
China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road
Sachin Parashar, TNN, Dec 1, 2009, 02.47am IST

China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road - India - The Times of India
NEW DELHI: Even as China objects to the construction of a road in the Ladakh region, India's external intelligence agency RAW has conveyed to the government that China is simultaneously building and repairing as many 27 airstrips in the Tibet region. According to the agency, these airstrips would be of use for China only in the case of a conflict with India as New Delhi is the only potential adversary in the region.

The J&K government on Monday confirmed that work had to be stopped on a road project meant to facilitate the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Demchok in south-east Leh because of objections raised by the Chinese army. This when Beijing itself has aggressively gone about the task of augmenting its infrastructure along the border with India.

"Many of these 27 military strips have been newly built. Others which have been expanded too are seeing increasing Chinese activities. Like the intermediate range missiles stationed in the Delingha region, these airfields can be of strategic use for China only against India,'' said a senior official. According to the official, some of the airfields which are being upgraded continuously are Kashgar, Yarkand and Tashkurgan in the western sector, Tingri and Shigatse in the middle sector and Doonshon, Kangbo, Chamdo and Phari Dzong in the eastern sector.

The expansion of airfields follows the deployment of intermediate range missiles like DF-4 in the Delingha region. The medium-range ballistic missiles can hit targets that are almost 3,000 kilometres away. China has also built several launch pads for nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in the same region.

Interestingly, the Chinese had complained about India upgrading its airfields in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in October. IAF vice-chief Air Marshal P K Barbora had then responded by saying that China had no business to talk about it because India too had not objected to the massive military build up in Tibet including expansion of airfields.

According to military experts, these military air bases give China an edge in the event of a war with India because they would allow sustained combat operations by Chinese aircraft over all of northern India and strike major cities.
I think the Indian government has unnecassarily adopted a defensive posture vis a vis the chinese.May be they are just time buying tactics to get our house in order before we let the enemy know the weight of the iron beneath the velvet glove.
Its China who wants to militarize there boundary with India:flame:

they started it we followed it... whats the big deal. india is not india of 1962 and we have been working on it for the past 48 years for what went wrong in 1962
Its China who wants to militarize there boundary with India:india:
Mr schinese ,the second class citizens of the world .now I tell u why u r.
When I was 12 my parents used to keep an eye on who are my friends,how long I am out of house ,am I reading some inappropriate literature,etc.By the time I was 15 ,I was making these choices on my own.MY country provides me these freedoms,and even my parents cant take them away from me.By the time I was 20,I had twice franchised my right to vote.The media in my country is free to report the success s well as failures of our institutions.
I feel sorry for u that even allowing its people to watch a movie[Avatar] makes ur mafia government jittery.Papa is still watching u LIL schineses.So next time u talk about propaganda remember u are a chinese.

Just 500 years back India started to loose the status of world leadership in all matters creative because some thick headed middle eastern men learned to make 2 feet steel strips ,and started killing and looting everything which came in their way.It was too much for the peace loving civilization of whiich ran from Kadahar to Myanmar.Now we are back and have learned that to believe that the bull will not charge against u because u are a vegetarian does not apply to all the bulls of the world.In the 5000 years of civilization what China has given to the world
1)gunpowder-People never felt the need of the same in India2)paper-people in India used to learn sanskrit by vocal recitation and the important manuscripts dating back to 5000 years are still preserved in the musuems in India.3)U taught the world how to eat any living thing on the planet from lizards eyes to tigers balls.4)the highly distorted political[hardly] system which flows from the barrel of the gun.
In fact the point 3 was the reason why u discarded the great Buddist religion which talkd about mercy on all living beings possible,which also emanated from India.And u converted the great spiritual learnings into a fighting regimen.
Now let me tell u why we r poor because we are all masters of our will.I am yet to come by any individual in the society who claims that the state did'nt allowed to nurtutre his/hers talent.The reality is people (70 % in villages) are content with themselves and their belngings.If they would have been discontent they would have raised atleast a scores of mutiny in the last 60 years.The only discontent among section of people in the tribal ares pesists because and such people are called maoists beacuse they somehow developed liking for the gun rather for the pen just like ur MAo and are aptly called Maoists.And when the discontent people decide to bring about a change they are not only capable of bringing a change to their lives but can change the entire government at the click of a button on the EVM.I feel sorry that chinese r shot at point blank range when they feel agitated and raise their voice against the state.Believe me chinese people there is nothing unusual about it ,we in India when feel the urge to change ,we kick the B**t of our governments.
Now what I feel about ur communist party .I think its working is typical how would a mafia leader would run its gang.He just orders what it feels is good for its personal ambition.He wants to become more powerful by exploiting its people for himself.For him the people are nothing but dots on a paper which completes his picture.Aligning people by making them them stultifying so that they dont ask question nd dont question ur authority is not only wrong but demonic.
And yes lastly about economic strenghts.By the 70,chisese and India per capita income were equal.U then decided to become pseudo communist.We hanged from socialism to capitalist only in 1993.So u can know the reason of our economy behind urs.Its not a question of if but when India would be ahead of China.
I can keep on writng about the matter but time is money and we Indians have shortage of both .
Its not perplexing therefore to know that he whole world regards China as demonic in its values.

what a loaded crap! Is that ur free medias made u believing & writing such a BS? You are poor because you are all masters of your will? what have you been smoking lately?:rofl:
what a loaded crap! Is that ur free medias made u believing & writing such a BS? You are poor because you are all masters of your will? what have you been smoking lately?:rofl:

And You are fighting for Human rights becoz your are slaves of Others wills.... now cut the crap and Mind your business.....
China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road
Sachin Parashar, TNN, Dec 1, 2009, 02.47am IST

China blocks India's plan for Ladakh road - India - The Times of India
NEW DELHI: Even as China objects to the construction of a road in the Ladakh region, India's external intelligence agency RAW has conveyed to the government that China is simultaneously building and repairing as many 27 airstrips in the Tibet region. According to the agency, these airstrips would be of use for China only in the case of a conflict with India as New Delhi is the only potential adversary in the region.

The J&K government on Monday confirmed that work had to be stopped on a road project meant to facilitate the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Demchok in south-east Leh because of objections raised by the Chinese army. This when Beijing itself has aggressively gone about the task of augmenting its infrastructure along the border with India.

"Many of these 27 military strips have been newly built. Others which have been expanded too are seeing increasing Chinese activities. Like the intermediate range missiles stationed in the Delingha region, these airfields can be of strategic use for China only against India,'' said a senior official. According to the official, some of the airfields which are being upgraded continuously are Kashgar, Yarkand and Tashkurgan in the western sector, Tingri and Shigatse in the middle sector and Doonshon, Kangbo, Chamdo and Phari Dzong in the eastern sector.

The expansion of airfields follows the deployment of intermediate range missiles like DF-4 in the Delingha region. The medium-range ballistic missiles can hit targets that are almost 3,000 kilometres away. China has also built several launch pads for nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in the same region.

Interestingly, the Chinese had complained about India upgrading its airfields in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in October. IAF vice-chief Air Marshal P K Barbora had then responded by saying that China had no business to talk about it because India too had not objected to the massive military build up in Tibet including expansion of airfields.

According to military experts, these military air bases give China an edge in the event of a war with India because they would allow sustained combat operations by Chinese aircraft over all of northern India and strike major cities.

so because of China objection India amazingly stopped the road building? good boy huh?
Look indians why are you on a self suicidal mission or a self inhalation mission! you know you're out matched by China and the progress on the other side in China is rapid.. their technology is getting if not much closer somewhat relatively on the path of western blue prints while you're is russian while the progress of China allows China to spend multifold on research and development while you don't even have this much instead the money that had to to be spend on slums and people of india has been diverted to defense is that a great thing to do?

Lastly you can't win a war with just couple of carriers and a carrier is not immortal!

shchinese...My good Chinese friend "Silence is Weapon" the longer you be silent the longer enemy will be frustrated and make the first move to annihilate themselves ain't that great a proven method in history!

the same reason y u compete with india even though u know u will loose but we know we can win (Economically) against the chinie:china:s not today but in future its a dream which will come true
what a loaded crap! Is that ur free medias made u believing & writing such a BS? You are poor because you are all masters of your will? what have you been smoking lately?:rofl:

yeah boy , I know it hurts,when u even the thought of freedom is gonna make ur mafia premiere jiabao shot u at point blank range.using lol wont hide the misery of the chinese.Poor babies."Dont watch Avatar, u r going to be spoiled" said the big papa in Beijing..
Its China who wants to militarize there boundary with India:india:

You are right ,but we update the whole boundary not only with India,and we build railway in every province of our country not only in boundary area,and not against any country.In 2010 we will build 25 airports,and start 70 new railway ,we built 4719KM freeway in 2009,the freeway of China:1999 6200km;2004 34000km;2009 65000km.Those are built all over China not only in boundary areas.Now we have 190 airports,and only 5 in Tibet .India gov needn't feel sensitive,they should put money on necessarily place~~
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yeah boy , I know it hurts,when u even the thought of freedom is gonna make ur mafia premiere jiabao shot u at point blank range.using lol wont hide the misery of the chinese.Poor babies."Dont watch Avatar, u r going to be spoiled" said the big papa in Beijing..

save ur craps to urself. i watched avatar 3D version with my friends in Beijing on a weekday non peak hours at half price, only 50rmb.

don't bother to reply, kid.
save ur craps to urself. i watched avatar 3D version with my friends in Beijing on a weekday non peak hours at half price, only 50rmb.

don't bother to reply, kid.
The chinese use too much emoticons as if it would hide their misery.
Do u know the reason why ur gov allowed only the 3d version .Its their dumb argument ,the people would immerse themselves in the specila effects and would not get the message of freedom.Your big papa said so.
they started it we followed it... whats the big deal. india is not india of 1962 and we have been working on it for the past 48 years for what went wrong in 1962

You guys need 48years to figure out what went wrong?

I tell you why?

1) First Indian IQ is lower than Chinese.
2) Physically Indian is weaker than Chinese.
3) Economically India is weaker than China.
4) Military India is weaker than China.
5) Land size, India is smaller than China.

1 thing Indian is better than Chinese... The ability to bullshit
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