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India UNSC membership. Withdraw Pakistani UN membership?

membership with out solve disputes should we widrow from UN?

  • yes

    Votes: 39 59.1%
  • no

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • don't know

    Votes: 5 7.6%

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  • Poll closed .
India still support Tibet independence, that's all!

Why China support India to enter UNSC permanent seat?

Things and relations would be extremely different if India does support Tibetians cause. Dont spread BS.

And for the topic starter:

You know what it would be withdrawing from UN?
Virtually isolated from all member nations either in trade ,commerce,military relations.......
And how will you repay the loans?
even UNSC permanent membership expands, there is no reason to believe that these new states woulg have veto power?or simply will uncle sam allow this?:no:
as far as pakistans case is concerned, most of the restructuring plans consider area wise membership..so among muslim countries (obviously turkey has stakes) other members may be from middle east n possibly africa..not another one from south asia..n even if india gets the seat y the hell should we withdraw from UN?absurd presumption!!even if UN is worth nuts, even symbolically this would b a stupid move!:cheesy:
actually pak should push for a seat, only islamic nation with a nuclear bomb, and islamic nations need representation if this council is to mean anything.

my exact sentiments. even though im sure its a long shot, but Pakistan should try and Pakistan should have some really good lobbying. India should definitely not get the membership as we all know its not neutral towards both its neighbors. so giving the membership to India is completely unjust.
Asia Times Online - The best news coverage from South Asia

China is not so petty, no matter what the Pakistanis would have you believe.

Pakistanis have no reason to make China believe anything. Chinese can see and realize the impact of Indian veto themselves.

Don't pin this one on us please. On this count, leaving diplo talk aside, the interests of both countries converge because they both have lingering territorial issues with India.
Pakistanis have no reason to make China believe anything. Chinese can see and realize the impact of Indian veto themselves.

Don't pin this one on us please. On this count, leaving diplo talk aside, the interests of both countries converge because they both have lingering territorial issues with India.

territorial or whatever the issues may be, everything can be resolved only through good relationship. China understands it and Pakistan haven't...
territorial or whatever the issues may be, everything can be resolved only through good relationship. China understands it and Pakistan haven't...

and how exactly would you bring good relations? China will never let India get veto power, because the only country that can emerge as a problem for China is India, and that is the main reason America supports India. Coz they want to set someone against the Chinese. And Pakistan completely understand the issue and that is the reason we're the ones who always start the talks between the countries, and we're the one who publicly refrain from blaming India for problems we know it creates just because we INTEND for good relations whereas India never has, and never will.
I wonder if India really needs the veto. It's more a curse than a boon I think. Example -Imagine India has the veto and the friendly Iranian regime to which India has close ties asks India to use a veto against an anti-Iran UN Resolution sought by the US/UK. India would have to alienate one of its friends and choose one over another thereby straining relations. How effective is the silly veto anyway? It held weight when the Cold War was on - but now we all saw that when the France blocked American move to wage UN sanctioned war on Iraq - America just went ahead anyway. What is India ever going to veto anyway?
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In all these years China has used the veto about 4-5 times - the infamous one being blocking Bangladesh's admittance to the UN.
In all these years China has used the veto about 4-5 times - the infamous one being blocking Bangladesh's admittance to the UN.

:rofl: Pathetic lie. Not only is it a pathetic lie, it makes no logical sense. Try harder when fabricating your lies the next time, okie-dokie? :woot:
Stepping out of the UN is not an option for pakistan, which in the end amounts to self imposed isolation when none is required out of which nothing concrete will be achieved and I seriously doubt such a move will be allowed to happen both by the bigger powers and by the pak army which has very strong interests to be protected. One has to think on lines as to what Pakistan brings on board to the UN, the reason behind it and the replacement.

Pakistan today contributes extensively to the UN peace keeping force, now the main reason that gets done is because of the handsome salaries that get earned, and these postings are either seen as an appreciation to the good one has delivered at the home front or are delivered as a reward because the juniors were able to keep themselves in the good books of the seniors. Can this be replaced if Pakistan were to withdraw, yes, though there remains a quota to the extent one country can deploy but when faced with constraints UN can increase on the number of people that can be deployed from each country and there are many countries including India which will be more than happy to chip in.

The other and a more important aspect is a nuclear Pakistan, and that to an extent is the bargaining muscle that Pakistan has, now if a nuclear weapon armed state were to walk off the UN then that in itself would be diluting the UN to an extent which will possibly bring bad press across the globe for the UN but I feel with very strong USA interests vested in Pakistan with a polity and military completely aligned with those interests, that would be a maneuver very difficult to bring about. The down side in here if done could be that this will bring about a suspicion on the intent of Pakistan and a possibility of Pakistan being painted as a rouge state, the last thing you want to do is go against the USA’s interests in a world over shadowed by the might of the USA.

Will India get the UNSC seat? Yes, how soon? Seems like within this decade, at max with a decade and a half, had the bush administration been around the world press would have been abuzz with India being brought to the UNSC, and the sole reason of that happening will be the compulsion for the USA to do it, or else china will become a headache at the world stage for them a little too difficult to handle, and they need a counter balance.

As the things stand today, china is no where a problem one sees and they will fall in line as they fell when the nuke deal happened, and pranab mukherjee has been quoted as saying, “(Chinese) President Hu Jintao reiterated the assurance given by Chinese Premier (Wen Jiabao) to Prime Minister (Manmohan Singh) in April last year that China understands and supports India's aspiration to play a bigger role in the UN, including in the Security Council” link.

The problem is the USA which wants an assurance coming from India that we will align to their way of strategizing, and be in their loop on all major issues and this is an assurance very difficult to come by though one might see a behind the door understanding but in a vibrant democracy where a regime change happens every five years that is very difficult to come about. How will this part be negotiated, very difficult to say but yes India will to an extent give in on its independent foreign policy.

Someone said, Pakistan should be brought in for being a muslim state, answer for that is, that wont be happening since that claim has been staked by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and there is no bigger voice for the muslims than that of the Saudis.

besides our holy places, what k.A has to offer, nothing except a shsdow of the powerfull, they have yet to do or say anything in the favour of Muslim Umma. they are in it for their kingship and would like to save it at any expanse.

By leaving U.N Pakistan can focus on Islamic block and that will be more beneficial if compared. Turkey and Pakistan can take turns and be a guiding light forMuslim Umma.

In a stiuation such as that of Aghsanistan, A Muslim solution will be found and implemented, not the one concocted by NON Muslims.

The aid money will not be comming in so all thse corupt leader will not be interested in leadership and that will bring in honest and hard working leaders.

Pakistan will not be dependant on milatry and social assisstance and will have no choice but to learn to be self sufficient.

My 2 cents worth.
That will be most unwise decision. Pakistan will not gain anything from it. Instead they should try to hold India.
India still support Tibet independence, that's all!

Why China support India to enter UNSC permanent seat?

May be because India supported PRC getting UNSC. India was offered a seat in the UNSC but Mr. 'truth lover' and 'China friend' Nehru suggested PRC instead! :blah: But now US is the only power that not supporting India!!!

Mr. Shashi Tharoor, the United Nation's Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information in his book "Nehru - The Invention of India," writes that Jawaharlal Nehru "declined a United States offer" to India to "take the permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council" around 1953. Nehru declined the offer about the same time as he turned down "with scorn" John Foster Dulles' support for an Indian Monroe Doctrine. Nehru suggested that the United Nations Security Council seat held by Taiwan be offered to Beijing instead.

United Nations Security Council at AllExperts

"The first step to be taken is for China to take her rightful place, and then the question of India might be discussed separately," India's then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in a letter to the country's top political leaders – explaining why he supported Beijing.

India's Security Council Bid a Long Haul - by Ranjit Devraj
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