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India, UAE Train Guns on Pakistan

Whether or not if the UAE has "trained its guns" on Pakistan or not, its still better if Pakistanis take a lesson from these developments and start preparing accordingly for looking after Pakistan's own interests.
Indians are portraying as if uae is uncle sam that will distroy Pakistan to please india.

Grow up guys. Arab countries have no say in pak india relations, neither they have any say in uno.

It was entertaining to saw how these Arabs behaved in yemen issue.
Arabd states are nothing but losers.
Bashing Arabs isn't going to do much. However, being smart like the Arabs who look after their own interests FIRST and FOREMOST is actually going to get us somewhere.
Bashing Arabs isn't going to do much. However, being smart like the Arabs who look after their own interests FIRST and FOREMOST is actually going to get us somewhere.

I agree. I have no issues with the Arabs. They are just looking after themselves. It is our fools we need to sort out. We have to put Pakistan first.

In another 50 years their population will have exploded and when the oil runs out watch they won't even have drinking water. That will sober them.
Yes we are. I am one of them. Nothing wrong with working to earn your bread in this world. We don't all have oil, oil, oil, oil and gas.
Exactly, after being sucked dry of our wealth by the all mighty Ali Saleh in Yemen im here in good old Britain studying, of course i would rather earn my bread in my home land but it wouldn't have been possible. Love and respect to all my pakistani brothers.
Lol...stop reading too much into it. Indians are pretending as if they would have sent their soldiers into Yemen if they were in place of Pakistan. UAE rulers are not stupid, they know their regional politics. So chill out, nobody is taking Pakistan's place. Least of it India. Please treat this news article as a feel good piece for Indian public consumption. If Indians are feeling good then it has served its purpose. It ends there. You can't develop a port in Iran and then think UAE will be sold to you. And UAE knows too well India sits on fence during conflicts. You don't make such nations part of your security calculus. For trade and economy? Yes, no doubt.
Exactly. India is only looking out for her own interests, so are the Arabs looking out for theirs. Only Pakistanis are gullible enough to die for others and then cry when others turn their backs on us. We really are emotional.

Its all about maintaining professionalism and not letting feel good ideals get in the way (like "brotherhood"). Indians, Arabs, Iranians, and Israelis are all businessmen (and really, international relations are just that), Pakistanis too must adopt the businessmen attitude and milk both sides of benefits without getting involved in any disputes and conflicts of others.
Bashing Arabs isn't going to do much. However, being smart like the Arabs who look after their own interests FIRST and FOREMOST is actually going to get us somewhere.
No one is bashing arabs. Just showing them the mirror.
Only an idiot can think sheikhs as smart and wise.
In another 50 years their population will have exploded and when the oil runs out watch they won't even have drinking water. That will sober them.
Come on dude no need to be so rude.

When King Faisal cut off oil supplies and deprived the west from oil in October 1973 and said his famous quote “We and our ancestors survived on dates and milk and we will return to them again.

On that day Henry Kissinger – Minister of foreign affairs visited him to try to pull him back from his decision. He said in his memoirs that when he met King Faisal in Jeddah he was sad , so he made a joke and told King Faisal, “My Plane ran out of oil, so will your majesty order it to get supplied with oil and we are ready to pay at International rates?”

He continued in his memoir saying that King Faisal didn’t laugh and raised his head and looked at him and said: “And I’am an old man who wishes to pray in Al-Aqsa before I die, so will you help me in my wish?
NEW DELHI: On Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first trip to West Asia, India and United Arab Emirates relations have undergone a major facelift.

The Gulf nation fully backed India’s stance on the need to dismantle terror infrastructure, pushed for deeper counter-terrorism cooperation and even suggested a reassessment of traditional positions that favoured Pakistan, even as bilateral relations were upgraded to a ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’.

At the end of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s two-day visit on Monday, the joint statement marked a major convergence on security, trade and terror issues and a departure from the past in bilateral relations, when UAE had leaned heavily towards Pakistan on Kashmir.

At the meeting on Monday, Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Zayed al Nahyan and Modu called “on all nations to fully respect and sincerely implement their commitments to resolve disputes bilaterally and peacefully, without resorting to violence and terrorism”.

MEA spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted this line with the tag ‘breakthrough’ to indicate the elation on the Indian side. Sources indicated that this was a vindication of India’s stance that all issues of outstanding nature with Pakistan could be discussed bilaterally under the Lahore declaration and the Shimla agreement.

This comes after Pakistan and UAE had gone through strained relations after Islamabad had refused to contribute troops for the GCC coalition that intervened in Yemen against the Houthi rebels. At that time, UAE Minister of State for foreign affairs Anwar Mohammed Gargash - with whom Modi took a selfie on Sunday - said that Pakistan could pay a “heavy price” for its “ambiguous stance”.

The bilateral document focused sharply on terrorism — the first time both countries strongly converged on the issue. It asserted that both leaders agreed to “denounce and oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever committed and by whomever, calling on all states to reject and abandon the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they exist, and bring perpetrators of terrorism to justice”.

For the first time, India and UAE have set up a dialogue between between their National Security Advisors and National Security Councils. “The National Security Advisors, together with other high level representatives for security from both nations, will meet every six months. The two sides will also establish points of contact between their security agencies to further improve operational cooperation,” said the joint statement.

There was also concurrence to work together on controlling, regulating and sharing information on flow of funds toward radicalisation activities.An interesting bilateral initiative will be to coordinate efforts to “counter radicalisation and misuse of religion by groups and countries for inciting hatred, perpetrating and justifying terrorism or pursuing political aims”.

India, UAE Train Guns on Pakistan in Anti-terror Push -The New Indian Express

Add to this some more points from the joint statement

XIII. Cooperate in manufacture of defence equipment in India.

That equipment to be used for killing Pakistanis.

XII. Strengthen defence relations, including through regular exercises and training of naval, air, land and Special Forces, and in coastal defence

V. Work together for the adoption of India’s proposed Comprehensive convention on International Terrorism in the United Nations.

Narendra Modi uses Dubai to send strong message to Pakistan to stop aiding terrorism | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com

The U.A.E allowed someone who is considered a mass murderer and a radical hindu by Pakistanis to spew venom against Pakistan on its soil.

Hopefully this wakes some poodles up !

UAE Royals knows that they can not make Pakistan to pay heavy price because with out going to war Pakistan can tear apart many gulf nations by just siding with Iran, India can not provide them security assistance the way Pakistan provide them because Indians will not shed their blood to save Gulf Nations but Pakistanis can as they are our religious brothers.

Be happy with your honeymoon with all states of Gulf as it is clear a new international alignment is underway, lets see who can secure its interests better.
Exactly, after being sucked dry of our wealth by the all mighty Ali Saleh in Yemen im here in good old Britain studying, of course i would rather earn my bread in my home land but it wouldn't have been possible. Love and respect to all my pakistani brothers.

No problem. Let me reiterate. I have no issues with Arabs. I had a long chat with a Arab member @Saif al-Arab and he was very gracious and intelligent. The only time I get annoyed is when people who are rich through oil judge the poor Pakistani's and act arrogant. I am one of the poor workers. I was not born with a oilfield under me.

However the more important lesson Pakistani's need to learn is self interest comes first. That saying "charity begins at home" is so true.

@Saeed Yasser Al-Muflahi Accept my apology. I did not see your post. I thought you were another arrogant rich kid,
Come up close to me. Hundred of thousands like me will be in your city and will take punjabi army along with us.

OH bhai for the love of God like i said in that other thread no "Punjabi Army" wants to invade you.

Quit with these delusions and focus on building your country !
I must give credit to indians, they really are professional businessmen. They milked the Soviets for their support during the cold war without antagonizing the Americans and getting involved in the Cold War rivalry. They have cordial relations with every nation and its rival and they having been reaping the benefits by strictly restricting their relations to business, nothing else and nothing less. Today india is helping to build a port in Iran and expanding economic relations with the Iranian while simultaneously strengthening its relations with Iran's rivals in the GCC!

If only Pakistani leadership and policy makers had a similar mentality.
No problem. Let me reiterate. I have no issues with Arabs. I had a long chat with a Arab member @Saif al-Arab and he was very gracious and intelligent. The only time I get annoyed is when people who are rich through oil judge the poor Pakistani's and act arrogant. I am one of the poor workers. I was not born with a oilfield under me.

However the more important lesson Pakistani's need to learn is self interest comes first. That saying "charity begins at home" is so true.

@Saeed Yasser Al-Muflahi Accept my apology. I did not see your post. I thought you were another arrogant rich kid,
Its ok brother i understand, i come from the mountains of yemen, hardly a palace in dubai haha. And just a reminder that those rich individuals are very few in number, there are after all 300 million arabs and probably 0.00001% are that wealthy.
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