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India, U.S. closer to pact to share military logistics: officials

A logistics support agreement with Americans, serves no Indian interest. But it does support American interests fully.

Indian Navy or airforce do not operate near American bases.

That is why consecutive Indian goverments have been dilly dallying on this agreement.

However Americans went out of their way to sign Civillian nuclear agreement with India, they are trying hard to get India into NSG, MTCR, Wassenar arrangements , may even support Indian UNSC permanent bid.

I think India owes at least this much to Americans.

It will give India more flexibility in operating in the SCS and Pacific. It is of less advantage to the US because they have multiple bases and LSA agreements with many countries in the IOR.
I largely agree. America adopted those policies for good reasons. It is my ardent desire, despite any temporary interest between our two countries, that those historic American policies be maintained.

Then you should agree that we also continuing our policies and 'trust but verify' approach for our own interest .
I have no idea. You would have to ask them. For my opinion however, it not only makes little difference, I actually put far more stock in the opinions of everyday Indians than some lying sack-of-crap politician, no matter what the country. That's what politicians do for a living; tell people what they desperately want to hear.

But Desertfalcon if you don't know who they are, for all you know you are getting your opinion of India from the Indian equivalent of a Stormfront forum goer. Negative opinions and insults against Americans isn't exactly unique to India, we see it everywhere in the world, including America. There are all sorts of people all over the world, India is no exception. To judge all 1.2 billion everyday Indians on the opinions of a single or or double digit number of opinions on a single website is... unwise... when we see government to government relations heading in the opposite direction, and a pretty well integrated Indian-American community at home.

Much more so when you then consider it the main view of the Indian government and that they are actually all in collusion in hiding their desire to backstab us to trick us in the future.

At that point it is conspiracy level thinking.

What evidence would you need to change your mind on this issue, or is your opinion set and unable to change?
I don't think Americans know, as I said, of the deep hatred, hostility, scorn, and ridicule, that such a great number of Indians feel for America. If they did, any pact with India as posited by this thread, would probably not happen. I hope more Americas will learn this.

Funny Sir .You are a professional .So act like one .
Until 2000 the relationship with India and US was cold .For US ,India was a strategic backwater .
After that due to George Bush and PM Singh relationship warmed .We have 125 crore people in our country and they developed their vision and views through the a lots of incidents .
Your Govt policies after our independence was always anti India except that JFK in 1962.Your actions pushed us for nuke techs and after 1974 you sanctioned us .All these incidents is till remaining in our history .So you wont get that USRR/Russia earned from us .
Are you high? How in the wide world of sports is a phrase like "brother Indians" 0% American? :rofl:

Honestly, I can’t tell if you are pulling my leg or not as what you say here is so ludicrous. Dude, I've been on this board since 2009! and who I am is evident in literally hundreds of posts I've made over the years. Just like this recent one having nothing to do with India...

More Americans See China as World’s Leading Economic Power

That's me! I'm retired USAF, the son and grandson of American cattle ranchers. Check any post of mine you want, bud.

I have no idea. You would have to ask them. For my opinion however, it not only makes little difference, I actually put far more stock in the opinions of everyday Indians than some lying sack-of-crap politician, no matter what the country. That's what politicians do for a living; tell people what they desperately want to hear.

Oh, I think Sun Tzu has nothing on Indian abilities to play and deceive. They've been doing it at least as long as the Chinese have and we starry-eyed Americans far too often, are so young and naive and don't realize when we are being played.

Certainly! Pakistan, and China. I don't mind that we may be able to have occasional and temporary interest, but once that interest is over, toss them under the bus. They hate us, they ridicule us, and they are betting all their chips that they can sucker us and rely on enough American suck-ups, to get what they want from us.

There you goes .So you cant blame us .
We have already seen the pathetic state of affairs of our neighbour Pakistan who sacrificed everything for their relationship with US .

For us Indians all are same .We have threats from China .But we will have a good relation with them .Because our relations have thousands of years of history .India needs China and China needs India .
We only trust ourselves ,only cares about our own national interest .

After all that is how this world works .
What evidence would you need to change your mind on this issue, or is your opinion set and unable to change?
It isn't a question of that. It's a question of them expecting Americans to say absolutely nothing when they piss on our country, denigrate her and her people, and blame her for all their woes. You may be comfortable watching that happen and doing nothing, and it pleases the American basher endlessly when you do. That is what they expect from Americans, but I will not. I will answer every charge, every insult.

Funny Sir .You are a professional .So act like one .
How about, instead of castigating me, you stop being such an utter coward and actually say something against the Indian posters who provoke? But no, you have no interest in that, do you? How about picking that log out of your own Indian eyes before you work to pick the splinter out of mine? How about instead of playing that, oh so tiresome and so typical game of America-bashing, you Indians actually stop blaming other countries for all that’s wrong and man-up, and act like professionals yourselves. Then when you do that, you can feel free to criticise another country’s failings or criticise those who would defend their countries when it is being ridiculed, insulted, and pissed on.
It isn't a question of that. It's a question of them expecting Americans to say absolutely nothing when they piss on our country, denigrate her and her people, and blame her for all their woes. You may be comfortable watching that happen and doing nothing, and it pleases the American basher endlessly when you do. That is what they expect from Americans, but I will not. I will answer every charge, every insult.

How about, instead of castigating me, you stop being such an utter coward and actually say something against the Indian posters who provoke? But no, you have no interest in that, do you? How about picking that log out of your own Indian eyes before you work to pick the splinter out of mine? How about instead of playing that, oh so tiresome and so typical game of America-bashing, you Indians actually stop blaming other countries for all that’s wrong and man-up, and act like professionals yourselves. Then when you do that, you can feel free to criticise another country’s failings or criticise those who would defend their countries when it is being ridiculed, insulted, and pissed on.
Ahh your feeling got hurt cutie pie. :cheesy:

Buddy, do you blame the Indians for not trusting us? When the US/West has traditionally favoured Pakistan against India for almost 50 years. It is only under Clinton administration the government has realised that our short term/long term interests are much more in line with India than those of any other country's in the region.

Especially, back stabbing Pakistan and China.

Are you going to form your views of India and Indians based on an online defence forum? Where, most members are yet to reach puberty. PEW research and most other research groups show that both Americans and Indians view America favourably.

As @anon45 rightly said, I don't think 4 or 5 anonymous Indians on this forum represent 1.2 billion of them.
It isn't a question of that. It's a question of them expecting Americans to say absolutely nothing when they piss on our country, denigrate her and her people, and blame her for all their woes. You may be comfortable watching that happen and doing nothing, and it pleases the American basher endlessly when you do. That is what they expect from Americans, but I will not. I will answer every charge, every insult.
Well it is your right to do so, I would just caution you to not become what you hate.

In all likelihood those you speak of infinitely prefer you to be offended at their comments than to just ignore them or reply calmly and logically.

In other words, they are probably just trolls.

Ahh your feeling got hurt cutie pie. :cheesy:
Ahh, you never followed through with your calling me out on my "lying about my past", did you pussy coward? :lol:

Was' the matter sweet pea? That big mouth of your's all a scared?
It isn't a question of that. It's a question of them expecting Americans to say absolutely nothing when they piss on our country, denigrate her and her people, and blame her for all their woes. You may be comfortable watching that happen and doing nothing, and it pleases the American basher endlessly when you do. That is what they expect from Americans, but I will not. I will answer every charge, every insult.

How about, instead of castigating me, you stop being such an utter coward and actually say something against the Indian posters who provoke? But no, you have no interest in that, do you? How about picking that log out of your own Indian eyes before you work to pick the splinter out of mine? How about instead of playing that, oh so tiresome and so typical game of America-bashing, you Indians actually stop blaming other countries for all that’s wrong and man-up, and act like professionals yourselves. Then when you do that, you can feel free to criticise another country’s failings or criticise those who would defend their countries when it is being ridiculed, insulted, and pissed on.

I think rookie Indian trollers is more professional than you.
Say whatever you want or do whatever you want.Noone can ,me,you, or GoI cant change the free opinions of Indians .

@Desertfalcon where did the bash US for our own failures?
I didnt see a single post like that in this thread .
You were the one that started blame game in here.
I think rookie Indian trollers is more professional than you.
Say whatever you want or do whatever you want.Noone can ,me,you, or GoI cant change the free opinions of Indians .
But you can stand up to them which I have....and you didn't. Not. One. Word. Perhaps I would not assume that those trollers don’t speak for the Indian majority if I ever, EVER, witnessed one, single, Indian, stand up to them or castigate them. Instead, from you and so many others, it's more about how any problems between India and the United States is of course....all the Americans fault! (Gee, what a shock!). Of course it's ridiculous, and typical "blame America" crap, so pardon me for assuming that your trolling is just a more polite version.
But you can stand up to them which I have....and you didn't. Not. One. Word. Perhaps I would not assume that those trollers don’t speak for the Indian majority if I ever, EVER, witnessed one, single, Indian, stand up to them or castigate them. Instead, from you and so many others, it's more about how any problems between India and the United States is of course....all the Americans fault! (Gee, what a shock!). Of course it's ridiculous, and typical "blame America" crap, so pardon me for assuming that your trolling is just a more polite version.

You guys are working with the Indians on this ? :o:

I thought we were brothers ? :cry:
I was talking about us ! :tsk:
I'm happy to be! :-)

What I won't do, under any circumstances, is witness the denigration, ridicule, and insults against my country, in thread, after thread, after thread, by people who then try to convince me that those are just opinions of a trolling minority....that they remain totally silent in criticising or castigating, and then have the shameless audacity to engage in a more polite form of the same mindless America-bashing, and think themselves "better" than the others. :disagree:
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