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India, U.S. closer to pact to share military logistics: officials

If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.

Why India alone ? Isn't this how the world feels ?

Far too long has US considered itself the Guardian angel and / or the self - styled ' Sheriff" of the world and taken upon itself to bring the world ' to order' with disastrous results.

As far as India is concerned, no one has forgotten the 7th Fleet in the Bay of Bengal in Dec 71, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it led to India going nuclear three years later.

Nations come together when their common interests are served - this is something the US has followed all along ( Example - Pakistan being loved & dropped at will ).

Why shouldn't India be wary of such a nation ? Hate is too strong a word. Indian do not hate the US - wary..Yes and for good reason.

National policies are not dictated by forums on the net , nor are opinions made through such mediums.

As things stand now, both India & US need each other and lets keep it that way till the forst ' let down ' happens.

India meanwhile as would be observed is keeping its options open.
I don't think Americans know, as I said, of the deep hatred, hostility, scorn, and ridicule, that such a great number of Indians feel for America. If they did, any pact with India as posited by this thread, would probably not happen. I hope more Americas will learn this.

Indians do not hate Americans or America. Indians don't trust the American govt. So there is a huge trust deficit that needs to be bridged. And bridging that is possible, but it's all in American hands to build that bridge. If you build that bridge, only then can we reciprocate. It's a pretty long bridge.

But at the same time, you can't expect the relationship to be like it has been with your other smaller allies. In the future, India will be a much bigger economy and military than the US, along with better access to superior foreign markets like ASEAN and Africa compared to the US, so the way the US goes about this will pave the way for any positive development in our future relationship. At least for now, it seems to be going in the right direction.
Why India alone ? Isn't this how the world feels ?
No. It's how a good part of the whiny tit-baby world that lives in shit and is desperate to find someone to blame for that shit but themselves and their own leaders, feel. It's always easier to blame big, bad, mean, ole America for all your problems rather than acting like real men and taking responsibility for your own country and your own people.

You want a typical "nice" i.e., naive American poster, dude, I am NOT it. I have been schooled by you guys.
I trust my actual dealings and conversations with real Indians as opposed to what Indians may tell pollsters. I also believe that Indians are second to none in playing the diplomatic games needed to sucker Americans in. They will smile and feign friendship and niceties with Americans and then savage and ridicule us the second our backs are turned.

That's actually your govt's fault. The US was keen to keep Indian out of the world order, out of UNSC, out of all the weapons treaties etc, armed and sided with Indian enemies, almost declared war. So forgive us if we don't trust you.

You cannot expect the same type of trust India has for Russia and vice versa. That's built over decades.
That's actually your govt's fault. The US was keen to keep Indian out of the world order, out of UNSC, out of all the weapons treaties etc, armed and sided with Indian enemies, almost declared war. So forgive us if we don't trust you.

You cannot expect the same type of trust India has for Russia and vice versa. That's built over decades.
I largely agree. America adopted those policies for good reasons. It is my ardent desire, despite any temporary interest between our two countries, that those historic American policies be maintained.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.

Can you clarify ?
No. It's how a good part of the whiny tit-baby world that lives in shit and is desperate to find someone to blame for that shit but themselves and their own leaders, feel. It's always easier to blame big, bad, mean, ole America for all your problems rather than acting like real men and taking responsibility for your own country and your own people.

You want a typical "nice" i.e., naive American poster, dude, I am NOT it. I have been schooled by you guys.

Having made my point I do not see the need to get into a one on one with anyone on this subject.

No, I do not want a typical nice American poster - I want one with intellect who can tell the difference between Kashmir & Cashmere - which is very hard to find.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.
Don't take this personally it is not only we Indians who share this opinion but the rest of the world also. When countries where asked to name greatest threat to world peace many of their anonymous reply was .
Womp! This Country Was Named The Greatest Threat To World Peace
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I refuse to be friends with people who slander, insult, and ridicule, my country at every turn. I know better now than to ever trust an Indian with my country's trust.

I respect your opinion. If a few juveniles on a defence forum can influence your political leanings, I have nothing more to say.

Just a few thoughts for you, if we were to take the things said by fringe Americans to heart there would never be any country which is friends with the US.

Anyways, have a good day.
I largely agree. America adopted those policies for good reasons. It is my ardent desire, despite any temporary interest between our two countries, that those historic American policies be maintained.

The CTBT, NPT, FMCT etc are not relevant to India. MTCR gets us technology faster, but is also not relevant to India. NSG is relevant only in terms of business and expansion of the economy through the power industry. In case it doesn't work out, it won't change things in India, so the NSG is also not relevant to India. In about 20 years, in case India is never accepted into the UNSC, then even the P5 seat won't be relevant to India. All these were meant to alienate India and have all failed. So I don't get the point of you supporting these 'historic' policies that don't work.

The US recognizes all of that, and that's what's making them break their rules and trying to help India bypass these and score brownie points with India. Naturally, we will take advantage of that.
Having made my point I do not see the need to get into a one on one with anyone on this subject.

No, I do not want a typical nice American poster - I want one with intellect who can tell the difference between Kashmir & Cashmere - which is very hard to find.
And I would love to find an Indian poster who doesn't just repeat the oh, so tired, ignorant, and unoriginal American-bashing that they know by rote but alas, I have had no luck on that one either.

Don't take this personally it is not only we Indians who share this opinion but the rest of the world also.
None taken because it's meaningless and totally based on bigotry, bias and perspective.

If a few juveniles
Well so far, those "few" have been the overwhelming number of Indian posters I have dealt with here.
And I would love to find an Indian poster who doesn't just repeat the oh, so tired, ignorant, and unoriginal American-bashing that they know by rote but alas, I have had no luck on that one either.

None taken because it's meaningless and totally based on bigotry, bias and perspective.
You still on cool aid just go home as we listened to your rantings which came from personal view. Nations do not take action on personal views.

It doesnt matter how Americans see Indians or Indians see Americans.

Generally Americans see Indians as poor, 3rd world country, Americans with more GK sees India as a big market where they can do some business.

In general Indians sees Americans as rich people and American nation as an opportunity, Indians with more GK sees Americans as cunning, untrustworthy folks but America as a nation where they can grow according to their talents.

But both nations being democracies will come closer as the counter balance of Chinese, Russian & Muslim alliance.
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