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India, U.S. closer to pact to share military logistics: officials

I know given the current tensions in the SCS, American relations with China are strained in that area, to say the least, but China and the United States, far from being enemies, are vitally important partners in all sorts of areas. America by far, is China's biggest trading partner and China is our second biggest trading partner. We also partner with them on a host of diplomatic, and developmental areas. Hopefully, the SCS issue can be resolved peacefully.

Personally, if I were Pakistani, and were in charge of that country's defence and foreign affairs, I would keep those solid ties with China, as it just makes good strategic sense, and would buy Chinese weapons as we Americans have way too many strings attached to our arms sales, as you well know.

Personally, I dislike Pak-India rivalry as well because it puts needless strain on Pakistan's economy but it is not ending anytime soon. Still, I am hopeful for the best.

Pak-China relationship have its own importance and was a necessary development, a fact that you also acknowledge. However, it shouldn't make US reluctant to invest in Pakistan.

Pak-US relationship have its own importance. Both countries should do more to make it better and fix all issues along the way. US, in particular, is in the position to do lot more for Pakistan, keeping in mind its resources and geopolitical position.

I understand that Pakistan is economically weak and may not be able to attract much foreign investment due to this factor but I believe that Americans can afford to look ahead of strictly monetary benefits vis-a-vis Pakistan. Its like a rich individual helping some poor in good faith.

Pakistan might be short on cash, but Pakistan is not lacking in talent and have ample human resource that (with adequate training) can help American companies meet their targets, if they create jobs here.
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That is worth noting but as I have said before, even if that is the case, I will NOT under any circumstances, let my country be ridiculed, insulted, or pissed on by them....and say nothing. And as I have also said before, if Indians feel that way, then perhaps it would be good for them to step up to the plate, and address their own members engaged in self-destructive trolling. If I see an American doing what I have seen Indian trolls do here, you better believe I will dress them down, forcefully. I'm guessing that you as an Australian would your own countrymen doing so, as well. I don't know why they don't.

I'm just saying you cant make a judgment based on the views of a online forum, And yes without a doubt i take on these numbskull kids who thinks they know it all through a simple google search, Almost everyday, Be it about Australia or Sri Lanka.. But also you get a significant number of very knowledgeable erudite Indians posting here on various defense and global matters as well

Oh well to each their own i guess
Sir, there is a saying for Indians:

bagal mein churi muh mein ram ram

Translation: Knife hidden in the clothes; smile on the face.

That's the spirit, my boy. More butter needed.

Hey, you won't get any argument out of me on that one! I'm an old 'rugger' who was a forward on the University of Utah rugby team, back in the day!


Nice to know another Rugger in a forum full of bloody Cricket fanatics.. :sick: A front row forward meself, Played high school and club Rugby.. :cheers:
Nice to know another Rugger in a forum full of bloody Cricket fanatics.. :sick: A front row forward meself, Played high school and club Rugby.. :cheers:
Cheers, as well! I only played at my college and some in the U.S. Air Force, where it has a following. To be honest, I was too small to be a good forward and too slow to be a good back so I pretty much got the crap kicked out of me all the time. :lol: I wouldn't trade it for the world though as the camaraderie was fantastic!

As for Cricket, as an American, that game is utterly incomprehensible to me. "Googlies" and "wickets" and what not...
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That's the spirit, my boy. More butter needed.

I suppose that you are not aware of my posting history.

I am realistic in my views and a firm supporter of positive US-Pak relationship.

I am also in the position to convey insight of an average Pakistani to the Americans.
I suppose that you are not aware of my posting history.

I am realistic in my views and a firm supporter of positive US-Pak relationship.

I am also in the position to convey insight of an average Pakistani to the Americans.

That is pleasant to hear. But, stop bringing in India and talking about chooris. Where exactly were all the terrorist caught? See? The mirror is a good place to start. You are welcome to have good relationships with all countries. But do not drag us into it by your snide remarks. We can give enough examples of the ghairat of the Pakistanis.
That is pleasant to hear. But, stop bringing in India and talking about chooris. Where exactly were all the terrorist caught? See? The mirror is a good place to start. You are welcome to have good relationships with all countries. But do not drag us into it by your snide remarks. We can give enough examples of the ghairat of the Pakistanis.
I am not fond of discussing India in every topic but this thread is India-centric so India was highlighted a bit in accordance with the flow of the discussion.

It is easy to blame Pakistan for the menace of terrorism but there is more to this story than meets the eye. Afghanistan became a safe-haven for terrorists and they managed to infiltrate Pakistan as well. Now, what would India have done in Pakistan's place if India shared a massive border with Afghanistan? Fight the menace, right? Pakistan is sincere in its efforts to curb the menace of terrorism.
I am not fond of discussing India in every topic but this thread is India-centric so India was highlighted a bit in accordance with the flow of the discussion.

It is easy to blame Pakistan for the menace of terrorism but there is more to this story than meets the eye. Afghanistan became a safe-haven for terrorists and they managed to infiltrate Pakistan as well. Now, what would India have done in Pakistan's place if India shared a massive border with Afghanistan? Fight the menace, right? Pakistan is sincere in its efforts to curb the menace of terrorism.

The 'flow of the discussion' did not need any theatricals, which can be applied better to Pakistan. Thank you. Have a nice day.
But you can stand up to them which I have....and you didn't. Not. One. Word. Perhaps I would not assume that those trollers don’t speak for the Indian majority if I ever, EVER, witnessed one, single, Indian, stand up to them or castigate them. Instead, from you and so many others, it's more about how any problems between India and the United States is of course....all the Americans fault! (Gee, what a shock!). Of course it's ridiculous, and typical "blame America" crap, so pardon me for assuming that your trolling is just a more polite version.

Sirji I already told you .
Neither we hate US nor we love them .The decisions makers in India are eminent politicians and bureaucrats not some PDF Indians .Eminent bureaucrats means creamy IFS officials .They are several time better than average PDF Indians including TTA's .
So far not a single Indian members in here bashed US .Few of them did , because you trolled them .
Americans took their decision for their own benefit or national interest .Most of them are some what anti India .That is why I said neither we hates US nor love US .

All I can say we dont cares what would be your response or opinions .Our GoI and Indians only cares about ourselves and our national interest .Sometimes it would be a good relation with US or some other times it would be with China.
In this PDF Indians and India is regularly insulted by Pak members and Chinese more severe way .But do we give a single F about that ? I dont think so .Because their opinons wont affect our nation .But there are several Pak members here ,that only interested in good debate .
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Cheers, as well! I only played at my college and some in the U.S. Air Force, where it has a following. To be honest, I was too small to be a good forward and too slow to be a good back so I pretty much got the crap kicked out of me all the time. :lol: I wouldn't trade it for the world though as the camaraderie was fantastic!

As for Cricket, as an American, that game is utterly incomprehensible to me. "Googlies" and "wickets" and what not...

Niice mate.. I started playing the in backline, As center but grew sideways to be more of a loosehead prop by the time i was 16 :(.. Rugby run in my genes, My Grand Dad and two uncles all played top grade club Rugby in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and one went on to wear the national jersey

I heard good things about US rugby, Apparently they are introducing the game to the collegiate system in a big way and a professional league coming up.. Expecting good things from there

As for cricket i'd watch the Ashes - Thats Australia vs England for you :p: and Matches that Saffa's play, As far as South Asian Cricket goes it's a pile of corrupt crap, Almost every other match been fixed.. So no not a big fan at all
Few of them did , because you trolled them .
Total bullshit. I could post links to post after post after post, thread after thread after thread after thread after thread, of the constant drumbeat of Indian posters ridiculing, insulting, and pissing on my country, all without any help from me; in any way, shape, or form, but you don't really give one damn about that, do you? You cannot possibly be so dumb as to be unaware of that fact.
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Total bullshit. I could post links to post after post after post, thread after thread after thread after thread after thread, of the constant drumbeat of Indian posters ridiculing, insulting, and pissing on my country, all without any help from me; in any way, shape, or form, but you don't really give one damn about that, do you? You cannot possibly be so dumb as to be unaware of that fact.

Well Honestly .I was talking about this thread .I didnt see those 'thread after thread', 'posts after posts' etc.
Most of those trollers would desert their motherland India at first choice if they gets a chance for a permanent visa in US except some tough guys .
That is what I said you should only concern about those Parliament, MEA ,CCS and Joint security structure under PMO &NSA.General public dont cares about our foreign policy but GoI and their one and only interest is our national security .Hate and Love dont have any place among them .Only professionalism.
Well Honestly .I was talking about this thread .I didnt see those 'thread after thread', 'posts after posts' etc.
Most of those trollers would desert their motherland India at first choice if they gets a chance for a permanent visa in US except some tough guys .
That is what I said you should only concern about those Parliament, MEA ,CCS and Joint security structure under PMO &NSA.General public dont cares about our foreign policy but GoI and their one and only interest is our national security .Hate and Love dont have any place among them .Only professionalism.

There will be people who form negative opinions and there will be people who form positive opinions. They are free to do so. No need to convince anybody of either. If 60+ years of allied work does not provide wisdom, then they are doomed to repeat them again. Let it go. Stop convincing people.

Pakistan should be having a vary eye on such "Pacts" as they dis balance power in the region. India has replaced Saudi as the largest buyer of American goodies. Even Ayub Khan signed a deal (which the Indians and Americans covertly broke) demanding America not sell weapons to India at that time. I don't know why we don't sign such a deal but it explains clearly that our government has no interests in globally promoting Pakistan's interests. Pakistan must become more aggressive in maintaining a strong foreign policy.
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