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India to use Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Pakistan


Jan 10, 2007
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India to use Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Pakistan

NEW DELHI, Jan. 24 APP: After launching an Israel spy satellite a few days ago, Israel and India are planning to launch two more spy satellites with India hoped to benefit from it with information on Pakistan.
The Indian daily “The Asian Age” reported that one of the two satellites is expected to be put in orbit within current year.

Israeli officials have informed their media that with the launching of

most sophisticated satellite, Israel will be able to get images during the night

and through inclement weather conditions.

The daily quoting sources here said “Israel wanted the satellite launched from India because of a certain position required to monitor the countries that it has targeted.”

The term used by Israeli officials to describe Iran and other countries against whom the satellites will be used was “enemy”. The primary target of the satellite will be Iran despite the close relations between New Delhi and Tehran.

The launch of the last spy satellite 300-kg TecSar (Polaris) has generated considerable enthusiasm in both India and Israel. The satellite is expected to start sending the images in early February, the daily said.

The deal with Israel to launch spy satellite took final shape during the visit of Israeli defence ministry director-general Amos Yaron to New Delhi three years ago during the beginning of tenure of present Congress-led government.

According to the newspaper, with the launch of the first satellite, the Indian government was oblivious to the adverse reaction to the launch from its traditional friends in West Asia. The first launch was kept secret and even a couple of mainstream Israeli newspapers knew it just a week before the launch.

The Israeli media has pointed out that the satellite was aimed at spying on Iran and Syria. However, the Indian government tried to give this cooperation a “commercial” colour by saying that India is renting out its launching pad for such satellites, the daily added.

Associated Press of Pakistan - India to use Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Pakistan

DO you guys think this is a nightmare situation for Pakistan with the two countries which hate Pakistan the most getting together? What do you think we can do to counter the threat? Do you think we now need a space program?
I wouldn't call this a 'nightmare situation', maybe if they decide to do something about the information, that might probably constitute a nightmare situation.
Actually this may turn out to be very beneficial. If there is ample satellite coverage on the Indo-Pak border along Kashmir, and on Kashmir itself, it may enable the Indian Army to reduce troop levels.
Right now on account of poor technology integration, it requires over 700,heavily armed soldiers to keep a presence on the ground. This massive military footprint has led to a plethora of social problems and also pretty much brought the economy to a stand still. Likewise in the event of a confrontation, the militants stage prolonged hold outs lasting for several days, spanning entire neighborhoods resulting in a lot of collateral damage and puts the lives of soldiers, officers and most of all innocent civilians at great risk. With proficient high resolution satellite coverage, precision strikes from COIN aircrafts can be implemented to minimize the trauma.

The ideal situation would be to divide the soldiers into strike forces and peace keeping forces with the former relegated to the barracks and only used for coordinated precision strike missions. Only the Peace keeping forces should be allowed into populated areas. I've been reading about the high level of success of all-female peace keeping units in Africa on UN deployments. Maybe it's time to bring them home and use them in Kashmir.

But only full satellite coverage with the help of an entire network of space assets can enable all of this. Hopefully that is where its headed.
Actually this may turn out to be very beneficial. If there is ample satellite coverage on the Indo-Pak border along Kashmir, and on Kashmir itself, it may enable the Indian Army to reduce troop levels.
Right now on account of poor technology integration, it requires over 700,heavily armed soldiers to keep a presence on the ground. This massive military footprint has led to a plethora of social problems and also pretty much brought the economy to a stand still.

The Indian Army has 700,000 troops in Kashmire while I think Pakistan has way less then that. Now I am not sure how many but Pakistan has I think 100,000 of its troops in Kashmire. This is a well know fact to everyone. The Indian Army is well aware of how many troops Pakistan has in Kashmire. In the past 60 years they have not brought down troop levels what makes you think in the future they will.
i dont think this sattelite wont be of any help.since in the past india has failed a couple of times to locate our launches when we test our weapons.
i dont think this sattelite wont be of any help.since in the past india has failed a couple of times to locate our launches when we test our weapons.

Now correct me if I am wrong but dont we inform them in advance. If we dont then how come after these missiles tests both countries claim the other knew about it. Can some tell me what this is all about?
The Indian Army has 700,000 troops in Kashmire while I think Pakistan has way less then that. Now I am not sure how many but Pakistan has I think 100,000 of its troops in Kashmire. This is a well know fact to everyone. The Indian Army is well aware of how many troops Pakistan has in Kashmire. In the past 60 years they have not brought down troop levels what makes you think in the future they will.
The strategic equation is completely dissimilar. Pakistan was funding a mass insurgency in Kashmir via the local Muslim population. The only way India could clamp down on it was by flooding the entire area with soldiers. I don't see how one can be compared with the other.
Can Pakistan develop missiles which can shoot satellites out? Like the Chinese did?
Surely it doesnt matter if the satellite is Israeli. If its spying on Pakistan it becomes a target.

Yes, we inform them of all our launches except for the pakistani 'tomahawk' cruise missile launch( thankyou Billy ) ( please correct me if I am wrong ). When we were signing the treaty, we asked the indian to include cruise missiles as well---they never believed that we were going to get one---so they kept it off the table, because they had one and we didnot at that time.

Now let me ask some of you guys---may we ask Allah to bless Bill Clinton and send him to heavens when it is time for him, for donating us the 'tomahawk'. Allah indeed does work in mysterious way.

This satellite does give india a great edge over pakistan---they know where most of our assets are at any given time---if pakistan does not have any assistance at this time, they will definitely need one with a similiar kind of satellite. When both the nations have similiar capabilities of looking over the neighbours wall---it will lead to less confrontation and better relations POSSIBLY---but then knowing how some indian generals react---it may not be a good thing for pakistan. Now, the indian generals will have better resources and first hand information for any kind of strike---knowing very well where pakistani assets are at a given time---what is a better excuse than that.

The balance of power has again shifted towards india.

Amazing how india has dumped iran in favour of israel. But then india has developed so much influence in dubai and neighbouring states that they might not need iran anymore. Iran got tricked one more time. How long are these iranians going to be had by others. One of these days, they will realize that these poor pakistanis had always been a better choice as friends, neighbours and partners.
Can Pakistan develop missiles which can shoot satellites out? Like the Chinese did?
Surely it doesnt matter if the satellite is Israeli. If its spying on Pakistan it becomes a target.

I agree with you. We need to develop these missiles. We might not need them now but in the future we might need them.
The balance is going to shift constantly and consistently towards India. Keeping the status quo of the yesteryears requires tons of money by Pakistan.

First of all we cannot use those 'missiles'--

Strategic balance is not like a weight balance---where you need an equal amount of weight on both sides to marginalize the differnce. We have already achieved the minimum deterence level and will keep it there. Any more---and this thread will turn into a flame war.
Wel I guess its time to acquire those anti-satellite-missiles from china.
By doing so we will be able to counter those satellites..

Remember India also has aircraft cariers in it navy . on the other hand we had submarines which prooved to be a great deternce against any indian Hostilities . So they never had the courage to lower their carriers in to our waters..
Same is the case here, If india aquires spy satalites we should aquire missiles which can hit them. in this way it will be a deterance against india;s or anybody elses spy satellites.
Wel I guess its time to acquire those anti-satellite-missiles from china.
By doing so we will be able to counter those satellites..

Remember India also has aircraft cariers in it navy . on the other hand we had submarines which prooved to be a great deternce against any indian Hostilities . So they never had the courage to lower their carriers in to our waters..
Same is the case here, If india aquires spy satalites we should aquire missiles which can hit them. in this way it will be a deterance against india;s or anybody elses spy satellites.

Remember that the use of artificial spy satellites is allowed and you cannot shootdown satellites with your will. China has the capability but didn't shootdown US spy satellite!... ;)

First of all we cannot use those 'missiles'--

Strategic balance is not like a weight balance---where you need an equal amount of weight on both sides to marginalize the differnce. We have already achieved the minimum deterence level and will keep it there.
Oh i agree, excellent strategy. Make no mistake, it is an excellent method to have parity in strategic systems only thus having minimum detterence. But Pakistan has left behind that concept. It also wishes to match India conventionally, not simply rely on strategic weapons like BM's, etc. And indeed it has done so for a long time. Like i said, it was an excellent strategy.

Just that with India increasing the amount of money it pumps in defence by a good amount every year, Pakistan would be harder pressed than it has been till now.

Any more---and this thread will turn into a flame war.
I agree. Wont continue this further. In retrospect, my previous post looks inflammatory:D
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