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India to Supply Myanmar Army with 500 TATA Safari STORME GS 800 4X4 SUV's / General Service Vehicles


Total of 1000 TATA Xexons sold to the Myanmar military


Will be offered TATA Kestrel when it's finished development
You take the shackles off the private sector and look what they are able to do!

A more agressive defence export campaign by the GoI emcompassing all major (and non-major) premier defence players (both private and public) aimed primarily at the devloping world (but also the devloped world in a few key areas) could see a MASSIVE uptake in demand for Indian defence products. In many areas Indian defence entities are producing world class products but at a fraction of the price of similar products elsewhere.

+ The key though is to get orders from the Indian military- that is an unsatiable beast and not only will revenues from Indian military orders allow these firms' defence arms to grow but working closely with the defence professionals/users of your own country is a recipe for success that can be seen around the world. Not only that but it makes a sale much easier in many cases if you can say "look, the Indian military uses it"- this means a lot to a lot of militaries.

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