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India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

In haste you forgot to read properly. Sentense is "comparatively more stronger". Have some tea and say good morning to yourself.

Regarding Kashmir, More than Pakistan, its the Kashmiries who believe they dont belong to India. Pakistan should fight Saudia and China because they are Muslim countries? Well these are other nations but what a pitty that India has to fight its own Nationals in order to convince itself that Kashmir belongs to it. :wave:

If it belongs to you, you never had taken it into United Nations. India has never been able to produce evidence that ruler of Kashmir signed agreement with India. So get out of your dreamworld and see how things are on the ground.
:lol: I thimk you should search the web or encyclopedias like Wkipedia or Britanica for the real truth as I had already in another post, that pakistani text books have put you in many illusions like winning 1965 war against India.:confused:
When pakistan tried to inavde Kashmir, Mahraja Hari Singh of Kashmir, who was not certain earlier that who will take care of his state properly, immediately signed with India. The Indian forces had almost taken over Kashmir but still peaceloving Nehru went to UN, despite Sardar Patel's opposition, as he was friends with many pakistani leaders earlier inculding Jinnah.
And yes, who said that Kashmiris are not happy with India. Some pakistanis have brainwashed some Kashmiris and use the videos made on this matter for propoganda. Why is that leaders like Farooq Abdullah or Omar Abdullah are elected with tremendous majority if Kashmiris are not happy. And yes, pakistanis were also not happy with Mussharraf's rule as he was allowing US to be the master of Pak. So, should we have claimed pakistan.:P
I want to see mig29's Cockpit pic

I believe this cockpit will be upgraded next year.



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well, you have to know that malaysia is a small country whose economy based on raw material export to manufacturing industry strong country. and, it is always feasible for a smaller country to stand along with a country with respectable visions and able to give a guidance on prosperity future of the whole region..and most saliently , the credibility of such countries in doing trades and enhancing regional security of south east asia, with unscrupolous usa and now pragmatic china, perhaps fanatic india in future only if it can transform into a much more matured country, and your enemy is china is none of our business, who makes you think china is your enemy first of all, after all i dont see any chinese media getting obsessed with the hostility against india 2 years before , but now think about it who initiated the spitfire between china and india, in democratic society media fried over the controversial matter to gain popularity and better sales volume, this phenomenon in india is evev crazier than that in malaysia here when come to sensitive issues, they just make bluffing to mislead people...YOU CREATE YOUR OWN ENEMY with you infinitely magnifying the hatred and shame you bear, endless enmity via your imagination without looking forward..:bounce:
India and Fanatic!!!!:what: It is like Pakistanis calling someone a terrorist. We never created our own enemies. The series of wars was started by Pakistan's invasion of Kashmir in 1947 and is still continuing due to terrorist attack on India by Pakistan. The conflict with China started with their unjustful claims over Arunachal and Aksai Chin which was earlier accepted by China as a part of British India and later Independent India. The conflict is still continuing due to Chinese claim on Arunachal and now India has been forced to stationfighters and tanks due to breaking of ceasefire by Pakistan and China regularly.
And if China is our enemy is none of your business, then why did that Pakistan which was among the first countries to reject the existence of PR China joined hand with it in 1962. It was in a hope that China would provide direct military support in later wars with India.:sniper:
Lets stay on the topic and discuss the title in hand. We as I mean all of us start a good thread and it ends up being closed because we start attacking each other and forget about the thread and its purpose, We are all mature men and women if we cant be one lets act like one. Lots of people visit our forum ( non-members ) from all over the world for good reliable news and analysis but when they come on the forum and see that we all are fighting and a big Turkey shoot is going on it just gives as bad impression and we all end up like couple of kids fighting for a lollypop. So lets try not to derail the topic and be civil about it.
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And if China is our enemy is none of your business, then why did that Pakistan which was among the first countries to reject the existence of PR China joined hand with it in 1962. It was in a hope that China would provide direct military support in later wars with India.:sniper:
What a stupid claim.China–Pakistan relations began in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and recognise the People's Republic of China...and later other countries did the same...Indo-China in next decade.Pakistan recognized PRC in 50's.
What a stupid claim.China–Pakistan relations began in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and recognise the People's Republic of China...and later other countries did the same...Indo-China in next decade.Pakistan recognized PRC in 50's.
when was the last time Pak did something for china
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