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India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

I could get what you are saying about Su-30 MKI. It is more advanced and it can do it. But what about Mig-29K. They wont have that sophisticated radar, right?

The MiG-29K features the N-010M (Zhuk-ME) radar which is inferior to the Su-30MKI's N-011 Bars.

The N-010M radar can track 10 air-targets and attack 4 of them simultaneously. And it can track objects with a RCS of 5m2 within the range of 110 to 120 kms for forward hemisphere and 45 to 50 kms for rear hemisphere.

Rosoboronexport cataloque Aircraft
this is no good, we only have 200 deployed cj-10 missiles, which are only enough to destroy 30 of your airbases (even when assuming all be used against india).
Chinese missiles and Chinese products have one common thing they are "Made in China" and this phrase reminds us of only one thing "cheap and no warranty/guarantee":tdown:
I Believe it was Nehru who was responsible of 1962 war
You kindly dont believe. I was surprised to find that most pakistanis have an illusion that they won the 1965 and the 1999 Kargil war with India. So any more wrong facts from pakistan do not surprise me. It was not Nehru but the Chinese premier Zhou Enlai responsible for the war. Even the Burmese premier Ba Swe had warned Nehru to be careful while dealing that with shrewd man bcoz he had realised what Zhou was.
The coward Chinese took advantage of the Cuban missile crisis and thus the appeal of peaceful Nehru was not heard at the UN or UN peacekeeping forces must have taught China a lesson.
India's missile fall bcoz success and failures are part of experiments.
India develops its indigeneous missile technology and does not copy the technology of others shamelessly like China or does not get technology as donation like Pakistan. Pak and Chinese missiles do not fall bcoz they must have fallen several times before in the deserts of US.
So do you expect the BSF to reply with knives. It is pakistan's army that first starts firing at Indian posts to divert hteir attention while the terrorists can get in the Indian border. With these war machines they will (or atleat you army) will think twice before doing all this.:sniper:
Bringing Mig29s closer to Pakistan Border will make MIG29s an easy target be destroyed on the ground in preemptive strikes even before a war begins.
What do you think that the Spyder anf Falken systems that we have got from Israel are for? Do you think any Tom, Dick and Harry from pakistan will just fire a missile or will do an air attack anytime and we wont come 2 know about it. We will come to know as soon as any fighter takes of from the pakistani runway.:flame:
just recently after i surfed the forums so i discovered that indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they wielded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to them, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly have the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

firstly, the aids may include the tot by another advanced country when you are still unable to probe or reverse engineering by yourself on your own brainpower and efforts. in such case , aids in form of the rewards of tech and political support is much needed.

secondly, geopolitic is a mere concept introduced by the west to create distrust between traditional neighbouring countries in asia..dont you see eu are united to play at the victims believing this? even a bigger country can have political amnesty to her weaker neighbours in need of help and development, you know only about fighting each other?

thirdly, will you believe a smaller and weaker country will become more aggressive than the bigger ones?? even if the smaller ones may have gained the support from one superpower? or the propaganda by your free media of making yourselves innocent prevailing in your minds??
"You" can't do anything as "you" have no say in "your" "own" government.

In the middle of your play you forgot that the topic is " India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border. I know you are desperate to prove Chinese as inferior nation but can you hold on to your wet dreams for some relevant thread?


When India is looking for operations against its enemies, it would place its first line of attack as close to border as possible otherwise planes coming from the deep airports will consume more time and will have lesser operational rage because of exhausted fuel.

I see India is looking to have some war within 2/3 years of time. International community is becoming more and more vocal over Kashmir and that must be pinching India somewhere deep. Since India is now comparatively more stronger than Pakistan, it might loose mind and react aggressively as an attempt to teach Pakistan a lesson, particularly in the region of Kashmir. Wonder not, Niamatuallah Shah Wali has spoke about it before.
In the middle of your play you forgot that the topic is " India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border. I know you are desperate to prove Chinese as inferior nation but can you hold on to your wet dreams for some relevant thread?


When India is looking for operations against its enemies, it would place its first line of attack as close to border as possible otherwise planes coming from the deep airports will consume more time and will have lesser operational rage because of exhausted fuel.

I see India is looking to have some war within 2/3 years of time. International community is becoming more and more vocal over Kashmir and that must be pinching India somewhere deep. Since India is now comparatively more stronger than Pakistan, it might loose mind and react aggressively as an attempt to teach Pakistan a lesson, particularly in the region of Kashmir. Wonder not, Niamatuallah Shah Wali has spoke about it before.
What do you mean by "comapritively stronger". Pakistan was nowhere near the India defence and everyone knows that they get their weapons as US and Chinese donations.
And forget Kashmir. Kashmir can never be yours. Its ruler signed to join the Indian Union and if you think that any Muslim populated area belongs to Pakistan, go and fight with Saudi Arabia and China( it has also muslim populated regions):rofl:
just recently after i surfed the forums so i discovered that indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they wielded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to them, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly have the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

firstly, the aids may include the tot by another advanced country when you are still unable to probe or reverse engineering by yourself on your own brainpower and efforts. in such case , aids in form of the rewards of tech and political support is much needed.

secondly, geopolitic is a mere concept introduced by the west to create distrust between traditional neighbouring countries in asia..dont you see eu are united to play at the victims believing this? even a bigger country can have political amnesty to her weaker neighbours in need of help and development, you know only about fighting each other?

thirdly, will you believe a smaller and weaker country will become more aggressive than the bigger ones?? even if the smaller ones may have gained the support from one superpower? or the propaganda by your free media of making yourselves innocent prevailing in your minds??
Firstly, do you expect pakistan to produce engineers where small children are given fanatic lessons in madarsas and your mind is always concentrated on destroying India. You'll always need someone's help in tech.
Secondly, India always gave out a friendly hand and sent buses instead of sending tanks. But the reply we got was 7/11, 26/11 from pakistan.
Thirdly, Pakistan can never compete with India and dont even think of comparing urselves with Israel. You were the first ones to befriend India's enemies like China. So do u think of cooperation.
Firstly, do you expect pakistan to produce engineers where small children are given fanatic lessons in madarsas and your mind is always concentrated on destroying India. You'll always need someone's help in tech.
Secondly, India always gave out a friendly hand and sent buses instead of sending tanks. But the reply we got was 7/11, 26/11 from pakistan.
Thirdly, Pakistan can never compete with India and dont even think of comparing urselves with Israel. You were the first ones to befriend India's enemies like China. So do u think of cooperation.

Calm down, kido; Hate to do this, but this should help to put your

India ego back to where it belong ;

India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com

First fix this damn funny problem of yours, than do your trash talking.

What do you mean by "comapritively stronger". Pakistan was nowhere near the India defence and everyone knows that they get their weapons as US and Chinese donations.
And forget Kashmir. Kashmir can never be yours. Its ruler signed to join the Indian Union and if you think that any Muslim populated area belongs to Pakistan, go and fight with Saudi Arabia and China( it has also muslim populated regions):rofl:

In haste you forgot to read properly. Sentense is "comparatively more stronger". Have some tea and say good morning to yourself.

Regarding Kashmir, More than Pakistan, its the Kashmiries who believe they dont belong to India. Pakistan should fight Saudia and China because they are Muslim countries? Well these are other nations but what a pitty that India has to fight its own Nationals in order to convince itself that Kashmir belongs to it. :wave:

If it belongs to you, you never had taken it into United Nations. India has never been able to produce evidence that ruler of Kashmir signed agreement with India. So get out of your dreamworld and see how things are on the ground.
Firstly, do you expect pakistan to produce engineers where small children are given fanatic lessons in madarsas and your mind is always concentrated on destroying India. You'll always need someone's help in tech.
Secondly, India always gave out a friendly hand and sent buses instead of sending tanks. But the reply we got was 7/11, 26/11 from pakistan.
Thirdly, Pakistan can never compete with India and dont even think of comparing urselves with Israel. You were the first ones to befriend India's enemies like China. So do u think of cooperation.

well, you have to know that malaysia is a small country whose economy based on raw material export to manufacturing industry strong country. and, it is always feasible for a smaller country to stand along with a country with respectable visions and able to give a guidance on prosperity future of the whole region..and most saliently , the credibility of such countries in doing trades and enhancing regional security of south east asia, with unscrupolous usa and now pragmatic china, perhaps fanatic india in future only if it can transform into a much more matured country, and your enemy is china is none of our business, who makes you think china is your enemy first of all, after all i dont see any chinese media getting obsessed with the hostility against india 2 years before , but now think about it who initiated the spitfire between china and india, in democratic society media fried over the controversial matter to gain popularity and better sales volume, this phenomenon in india is evev crazier than that in malaysia here when come to sensitive issues, they just make bluffing to mislead people...YOU CREATE YOUR OWN ENEMY with you infinitely magnifying the hatred and shame you bear, endless enmity via your imagination without looking forward..:bounce:

I believe that is the cockpit of MiG-27, not MiG-29.

Anyways, that cockpit looks similar to MiG-35 cockpit -

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